Looks like Konnan was right all along about Dominic. I'm still hoping they do something with this to help get Santos overDominic wins.
Would be nice if it'd be Rey's last match.
Looks like Konnan was right all along about Dominic. I'm still hoping they do something with this to help get Santos overDominic wins.
Would be nice if it'd be Rey's last match.
What's everyone's guesses on Rey and Dominic?
A) Rey wins
B) Dom cheats to win
C) Dom wins clean.
I'm torn on this one. Dom cheating to win would extend the feud. But we are talking a father vs son match at Wrestlemania. I'm going on a limb and saying Dom wins clean somehow, at Rey's urging behind the scenes.
Dynamite was pretty good last night. The opening segment was kind of refreshing / well done. I don't think any of them are on MJF's level, but having 3 homegrown guys coming at the homegrown champ was great and gives them a chance to do / say something to move them up a level. The PH and Wardlow feud seems, dare I say, meaningful all of a sudden. And credit where its due. The trios belt started off really bad IMO. Obviously pre-ordained champs getting immediately stripped made it feel like a joke to me. But hot damn, they have turned it around and I am in. The factions work and work well. Heelish BCC is fire. House of Black is legit. And the Elite coming to Page's rescue was well done for wrestling storylines. Even JAS matters a little more with trios belts being there to chase.
Did Miz refuse to fuck Cornette's wife while he was in OVW or something?I'm waiting for Cornette this week. I mean he should flip out on Jarrett losing to Pockets, you know given he actually though Jarrett wouldn't embarrass himself by losing to the company mascot. (I guess Jim forgot about Jeff losing that good housekeeping match. I think Brian was saying he wouldn't be surprised if Jeff lost.) Of course I'd expect he won't cover this but given how much he loves Rhea Ripley he probably wouldn't react well to her saying a big inspiration for her is the Miz. (For those that don't know Jim hates the Miz. Why I don't know, Miz is a classic chickenshit heel. He's very good at what he does and is pretty much the best good will ambassador the WWE has now. )
So I’m not the only one to think thatDid Miz refuse to fuck Cornette's wife while he was in OVW or something?
Going by Maryse, Miz could clearly do better than Stacey.So I’m not the only one to think that![]()
Anyone watched this.
Yup, Jim's disappointed
Rey v. Dominik is the only match I'm really looking forward to watching. Just can't get excited. Really feels like the biggest payoff is getting the last year finally over with so we can jump start a new year without loose ends from the Vince era. Gut check thoughts for each match:So... aside from the women stuff... what do we got.. Reigns vs Cooooody. That build-up has been okay. I like Cody still but something's not entirely clicking here. Too much time off, kind of a lame Rumble win... I enjoyed all of his Seth Rollins stuff. I go back and forth on all the Dusty Daddy Issues... but I fondly remember Dusty from the WCW days, and his atrocious commentating. So it still sort of lands with me.
Rey vs Dominik... So you guys tend to think Rey is going to put him over clean? I don't know... the character is fun right now but I just don't see it. By the natural laws of wrestling as I see them, Rey can win clean, or Dominik can cheat to win. Maybe the family factor really does make it something different but I just don't get it.
We got Usos versus Sami and KO finally scheduled now? That was obviously always coming.
Cena vs Theory -- Cena has shown up on TV like 2 or 3 times, and took part in a tag match in the entire time I've been watching. Not that excited about the part timers.
Lesnar vs Omos - Lesnar, another guy who just occasionally shows up... I assume he's going to obliterate Omos because what does Omos bring? He's big, and lumbering... and he's something for a guy like Lesnar to do
Seth Rollins vs Logan Paul -- well... I love Seth... and Logan Paul is somehow the best of the part timers as I see it. I'm going into this match expecting to be entertained.
I suppose Seth's wife is doing something with those 'legends' who I've never heard of against.. Damage Control. That seems like a feud I've been fast forwarding. That's all I got.
Oh wait there's theEuropeanIntercontinental Championship.
Is Lantern Man and Howdy Doodie doing something? I recall seeing them on TV but can't recall who they were harassing after poor LA Knight had to be a jobber in the Mountain Dew Glow-in-the-Dark shitshow match. I'm guessing Jim Cornette doesn't like Mountain Dew branded glow-in-the-dark matches either. Maybe he and I can finally bond over that one of these days.
Finally, did WWE not see the reactions LA Knight is capable of getting from crowd? Was the cheering just canned crowd noise that duped me? I know he isn't a spring chicken, but get this man something meaningful. He's got plenty of years left, is jacked, and is one of best talkers on roster. I'm sure I'll smile if the glass breaks and he gets stunned, but its gonna feel like a more feel good version of Goldberg beating Fiend to me. That said, I could see a plan where he finally has enough because of it and builds a program from there.
Very predictable results.....
.........But my god was it an amazing show.
I think it'd be better to say I'm surprised they didn't f**k this up. Then again, there's always Bron Breakker.(I figure he's moving up to the main roster now. Wonder if he'll be yet another "can't miss" they'll manage to screw up.)Glad they didn't fuck this up.
I don't remember the last time WWE has been this good consistently. Last nights show was fantastic!
Stole the show:
Charlotte v Ripley -> Can't say enough about both of them. Charlotte truly is the female incarnation of her father in the ring. She is the measuring stick and king maker.
The ending:
This generations Eddie and Benoit moment in a sense. It gave me that vibe when both KO and Sami were sitting there looking at each other after they won.
My only complaint of the Show is the start. Theory has a good look, and great skills in the ring.. But his presentation, music and over all character simply isn't clicking. I would argue that the company feels the same way. Which is why they didn't give him the "good rub" to elevate him further. Needs a big time repackage if they want to take him to the next level.
Great night and great moments through out.
I agree with you to an extent on the sort of "spot fest" at the end..(it was on my mind as it was happening) But in this case at least it was serving as a plot device. It wasn't a spot fest for the sake of a spot fest. They were trying to convey a story, and they succeeded.Agree with most, but if history has taught us anything it's that Cena is beyond protective of his spot and character. He phoned in this match for the most part, and had he wanted to easily could have agreed to give AT the rub without the low blow. Theory is missing something, but I think that something is legitimacy which he would have gained by not being killed on the mic before mania, and a 100% clean win over Cena here without being beat down most of the match.
Overall I enjoyed Mania far more then I thought I would, my only complaints would be the Miz/Pat stuff (I don't get the McAfee obsession they have) and honestly as good as the ending was in the main event, it levels of Young Bucks nonsense at the end with a million superkicks and false finishes that likely should have put the match away sooner.
I mean when I saw McAfee do a promo on Cole I thought he did a good job. The thing is that these days with him bouncing around with more energy than a weasel on a meth/crack cocktail I just want him to go the hell away. I guess he works best in very small doses and Vince never figured that out.Overall I enjoyed Mania far more then I thought I would, my only complaints would be the Miz/Pat stuff (I don't get the McAfee obsession they have) and honestly as good as the ending was in the main event, it levels of Young Bucks nonsense at the end with a million superkicks and false finishes that likely should have put the match away sooner.
Wonder if Shane is turning into Kevin Nash, except instead of blowing out his quad every couple of matches Shane blows out his knee.Shane just blew out his knee in his big come back. Snoop for the win![]()
Also, Lashley got robbed of a wrestlemania pay day, should have had him beat up the Miz instead of the terrible Shane angle they tried to pull.