Kevin Nash coming in real hot:
"To go back, can we say something first that hasn't been addressed? How about fu**ing a round of applause for fu**ing AEW and Tony for fu**ing putting 80,000 seats in Wembley, for the fu**ing crew that went out there, including Punk and Joe, went out there and fu**ing had a hell of a fucking show top to bottom. My biggest fu**ing thing is instead of that fu**ing being a monumental fu**ing moment for that company, I mean, what comes out on Monday is the CM Punk story. That's sh*ts on top of that whole, I mean, Jericho did a job for Ospreay. I mean like, come on, man. Like, all the sh*t that happened that night and all the work that was put into it and no one is talking about the card. Then you ask me fu**ing if they should bring Punk in? Oh yeah, that's exactly what I want is to put fu**ing 90,000 people in the SoCal Arena over two nights at WrestleMania and then fu**ing come Monday morning, have the fu**ing talk be about some co**sucker who's probably got one of the seven worst bodies ever to fu**ing hold the belt, if not the worst body, ever to hold the belt. and I don't give a fu** if you're straight edge or whatever the fu** you are, there's some fu**ing natural guys in this fu**ing world that actually have fu**ing some muscle."
Nash is spot on though. No matter how many excuses people make for Punk, somehow this guy's backstage drama overshadowed a monumental event in the industry.