sting told the same thing to seth after the buckle bomb at noc 2015Stan Hansen broke Bruno Sammartino's neck with a bodyslam. Sammartino spoke to Hansen and told him not to worry, sometimes those things happen in wrestling. I think Hart has some residual jealousy for Goldberg. Goldberg never grew up in the business but he got hot quickly because of his look and gimmick. Hart was on the downside of his career at that point in WCW, he and Goldberg should bury the hatchet.
I'm all for it if so. I absolutely loved those back in the day. With rare exception, that was pretty much the only time the big names faced each other outside of PPV. And we were way too poor when I was a kid to get PPV.Wait a sec, WWE Saturday night main event is coming back? Damn
All I can add is everybody remembers the bossman hogan superplex off the cage. It was so iconic.I'm all for it if so. I absolutely loved those back in the day. With rare exception, that was pretty much the only time the big names faced each other outside of PPV. And we were way too poor when I was a kid to get PPV.
and it might be live and not a pre tape for the first time since hh and andra when hh got screwed by evil twin hebner.Wait a sec, WWE Saturday night main event is coming back? Damn
and they both come off as heals.That Cody / Roman promo was some grade A hollywood bullshit![]()
When it comes to Vince, a lot of the worst stuff gets swept under the rug and people focus on things like the Montreal Screwjob.Ok I had never heard about the ring boys and the sexual abuse of kids. Pat Patterson and others. Horrendous.
The documentary really didn't introduce much that wasn't known (IMO). Honestly I didn't see anything that could be considered offensive to Vince or family, and I have about 20 minutes left of the entire thing.When it comes to Vince, a lot of the worst stuff gets swept under the rug and people focus on things like the Montreal Screwjob.
The documentary (from what I've seen so far anyway) doesn't mention that Vince had previously hired Mel Phillips back on the condition that he stayed away from kids, which he did not.
I agree.
Not a great PPV IMO either. But I like the Rock segment. I assume he will turn on Roman at Survivor, possibly win belt from Cody after (he has that whatever it’s for belt so maybe not), and Roman will face him at WM.I feel bad that Drew/Punk, who's feud has been building to this type of match at a PPV named Bad Blood didn't get the main event treatment it deserved instead of garbage tag match just so we could get his almighty ego a minute on screen at the end only to disappear and come back in two months talking about goosebumps or some shit.
This PPV was a big miss for me other then the Drew/Punk match. Both women's matches were awful, and that ref both in the Liv/Rhea match was terrible. Stupid Saudi segment didn't help either when many including me were really hoping this was finally gonna be a women's IC title.
I can’t imagine Triple H putting the real belt on Rock, he’s got his dumb custom, and much like last year Rock/Roman does not need to be for a title. I think Cody/Orion makes for a better title match, and some of that is I truly don’t think Rock has anything left in the tank. I mean he managed to hurt himself in the tag match last year didn’t he? How can he handle a one on one with anyone other than Romans slow match style he developed.Not a great PPV IMO either. But I like the Rock segment. I assume he will turn on Roman at Survivor, possibly win belt from Cody after (he has that whatever it’s for belt so maybe not), and Roman will face him at WM.
Yeah, as I was typing that I remembered the fake title to have a title he carries. And they could fight over that red bead necklace thing for tribal chief bragging rights.I can’t imagine Triple H putting the real belt on Rock, he’s got his dumb custom, and much like last year Rock/Roman does not need to be for a title. I think Cody/Orion makes for a better title match, and some of that is I truly don’t think Rock has anything left in the tank. I mean he managed to hurt himself in the tag match last year didn’t he? How can he handle a one on one with anyone other than Romans slow match style he developed.
on the womens ic hope i was the same.I feel bad that Drew/Punk, who's feud has been building to this type of match at a PPV named Bad Blood didn't get the main event treatment it deserved instead of garbage tag match just so we could get his almighty ego a minute on screen at the end only to disappear and come back in two months talking about goosebumps or some shit.
This PPV was a big miss for me other then the Drew/Punk match. Both women's matches were awful, and that ref both in the Liv/Rhea match was terrible. Stupid Saudi segment didn't help either when many including me were really hoping this was finally gonna be a women's IC title.
"Final boss engaged" nonsense makes me cringe every time. It's terrible. I also don't want him come back, the shark jumping attention seeker didn't add anything. And that title he carries is a load of shit.
Haven't they already confirmed that it's back to 3 hours when it moves to Netflix, and that SD will be 3 hours when it moves to USA?BTW for those that missed it tonight's RAW is 2 hours. (I hope this means a tighter show. RAW at 3 hours does seem like they're stretching it out for time.)
I don't think they've confirm anything but I wouldn't be surprised. (Oh and SD is already on USA but is 2 hrs. Not sure if they'll bump it to 3 when RAW leaves.)Haven't they already confirmed that it's back to 3 hours when it moves to Netflix, and that SD will be 3 hours when it moves to USA?
The extra hour really dragged it down but they were getting so much money for it that they were never going to turn it down. But like you say a 2 hour show is more appealing to more people so it always felt like it was a short-sighted move that would burn through their audience much quicker.Do we need 3 hours of Raw? Other than more advertising opportunities I don't see what the benefit is. You're burning through more ideas and inevitably have more filler. I bet 2 hours would be a lot more appealing to a lot of people.
I'm still curious as to what the Netflix set up wil be. Ads as normal? Live stream? Presumably not skippable until after the first airing.
I saw HHH talk about this. Might have been the presser. I don't think they know for sure as of last weekend at least.Haven't they already confirmed that it's back to 3 hours when it moves to Netflix, and that SD will be 3 hours when it moves to USA?
Bruno Sammartino, indy darling.
What makes you say that?Andre is the reason people went.
What makes you say that?
Bruno was pretty much the biggest draw of his era. Vince has been able to rewrite so much of wrestling history and as a result Bruno's achievements and importance have been downplayed. Whereas someone like Andre, who still played an important role in Vince's era, still got highlighted. It's also partly because Bruno was critical of Vince over the years. But there's a reason Bruno was the main event and Andre/Hogan wasn't. The Bruno/Zybysko feud was selling out everywhere they went, whereas Hogan/Andre weren't.At the time he was a huge draw. As a kid I can't think of a bigger draw than Andre and then eventually Hogan.
Well that's interesting. Corny made a crack about Oba Femi accent and got called racist which he talks about here
The weird part? Oba's accent might actually be fake.
Its funny a lot of the time. I listen to him almost exclusively and I dont recall hearing him say anything I would consider racist. That comment about the is an accent racist? If you point out someone having an accent...fake or not then how is it racist?Wrestling Reddit, which is where most of it probably stems from (also Twitter), can’t wait to call Corny everything under the sun. You can tell who actually listens to Jim and who doesn't, because I hear all these accusations and I think "We aren't listening to the same podcasts".
They refuse any context for anything and forever hold onto things to justify their group think hatred of him. Like Jim being "homophobic" about Kenny, which IIRC comes from him calling self-trained Kenny "Twinkletoes" - a name earned because of what Jim calls "Happy feet", where green wrestlers don't have the relaxed footwork of experienced guys and take lots of quick steps.
More to the point, apparently it's racist when they hear Jim criticise Oba Femi's speaking voice but they don't say anything when Ospreay is criticised for very similar things. I guess they can't get him on racism charges there. Both guys are criticised under the same lens - how the promo sounds as a finished product.
They get so conflicted when Jim does something they agree with, like recently when he tweeted about Undertaker and Kane with Trump. They throw in every qualifier under the sun because there's no grey areas with them, and when he's not actively being a racist exist transphobic homophobic bigot by criticising a wrestler they like any statement of agreement is followed by lines of qualifiers about how Jim is still the devil incarnate but he's right on that rare occasion.
I'm so used to the days when Vince would humble incoming talent.Well damn, WWE just rolled out the red carpet for the machine guns.
Ugh man this fucking sucks. Rhea just got back from an injury not too long ago and she's out again indefinitely.
Rhea Ripley Dealing With Legitimate Injury
WWE announced on Wednesday evening that due to the attack on this week’s NXT, Rhea Ripley had suffered a fractured right orbital socket. Ripley made a special appearance, giving a speech to some stars in the women’s division. Before the main event started, we saw Women’s World Champions
Why isn’t he doing a super kick or crotch chop?Some footage of a match from 1908 featuring George Hackenschmidt, the first world champion and one of the biggest stars in wrestling history, has been restored and made available online. It’s the first time people have been able to see a video of him.