Back at it:
Why is Pentagon wasting his time on CD? Why is somebody as good as him not being used even remotely in a good way?
Either make the Dark Order something to fear, or drop them completely for a long while. This whole going after jobbers to join them is beyond dumb. I would have preferred something where they actually had a bigger power/leader, a main event level talent to legitimize them.
Sings: Lucha Bros, Mexicans, I hate this intro, make it go away.
I don't care how many more people and gimmicks get added to Cody, he's still midcard trash. I love Arn as much as the next guy, but this whole thing is DUMB. If a guy needs to have his wife, his dog, DDP, MJF, Dustin, and now Arn to come out with him, maybe he should ask why he can't be more interesting on his own. Fucking Create a Wrestler trash that gets cheers from the mark fans who love AEW and since he's the boss he gets the pops. No different then HHH with NXT
Fucking Rhodes beating the Lucha Bros? Must be nice to run the company Jeff Jarrett....That stupid springboard stunner is one of the worst looking moves and I can't recall anybody that has done one that isn't awful. Lucha Bros are right up there with Kenny for people being completely mis-used in AEW. I could be seeing Pentagon/Fenix going at it with the Undisputed Era, but instead I get to see them job here in AEW....
2020 we've got Tony interviewing Arn Anderson...TNA TNA TNA!!! Leave it to Cody and AEW to push me back to the awful world of the WWE....
DDP? 2020? Ugh. I like his yoga, but can somebody please feed the DDP? He looks like a walking skeloton in the face. So I have to ask, why does DDP get more mic time then Kenny and half the roster combined? The best thing happening this segment is Allie

She's gorgeous. Well, I suppose that's one way to get Butcher and Blade over...have them made look dumb to a 60 year old man.
Continuing on...why? I don't know anymore. Marko Stunt is beyond dumb and needs to go away. Maybe at least I can have a little fun with Best Friends and OC in action. There's the weekly JR saying he loves the Chuck Taylor shoes, and calling Jungle Boy Jungle Jack Perry, don't know why but that bugs me. NM, less then a minute in and I've got that stupid Stunt kid trying to fight a real man. This indy shit needed to stay in the fucking indies....these dudes really need to refuse to sell for this guy. I can't take Trent seriously after solid singles action and then selling for a 70 pound nothing. Wrong team wins of course, this is TNA after all.
10 minutes left in the 10 minutes of Jericho talking...yeah that's what people want for their main event. Ending was beyond predictable, would have liked to see him side with them for a week or two before rushing this.
For somebody who considers themselves an AEW fan, this was 2 of the worst hours of wrestling I've watched in a while...and I watched fucking Raw this week.