I've been playing with stick curves (instant? on left since that's usually movement and I want to move fast) and some random ones on the right. I'm using long stick on right stick so I rarely move outside of 75% stick movement usually. Can't really notice a difference in gameplay. Might make them more aggressive to see if I can notice a difference.
I'm pretty sure it just gets layered on top. It would probably be too complicated otherwise. You can set curves per profile though so you'd just have to fine tune your curve to specific games. I noticed last night that going to the accessory app doesn't boot me from black ops at least so I can make adjustments during lobbies which is nice.
Does this help?
See the difference in where the green dot is? With the adjusted curve, you get more turn speed from pushing the stick halfway than you do from the default settings. With the stick at full tilt, it'll be the same though.
One thing I'm not sure of and would like to know, is if this this gets layered on top of whatever curve the developer set for their game, or does this override their curve? I'm assuming it's the former, which means you more than won't be able to use the same setting s in this app for all games and have them all feel the same.
I'm pretty sure it just gets layered on top. It would probably be too complicated otherwise. You can set curves per profile though so you'd just have to fine tune your curve to specific games. I noticed last night that going to the accessory app doesn't boot me from black ops at least so I can make adjustments during lobbies which is nice.