Darktide is set in the Warhammer 40K Universe. Gameplay I imagine it'll be damn near similar.For a total noob comme moi, how is Darktide different to not be Vermintide III? I’ve not played the latter yet.
What the hell happened to the XB version of Disco Elysium?
Er what? This is a moneyhat? That certainly seems to be what he's implying...
If it is, why the hell would they money hat anything from this abomination of a studio? If you're going to moneyhat something, do so with something worthwhile
If it is, why the hell would they money hat anything from this abomination of a studio? If you're going to moneyhat something, do so with something worthwhile
Wait i thought it was third person and not first person.Perfect Dark is first person , good news for those who prefer that view
Wait i thought it was third person and not first person.
Rest of the Yakuza games minus 7 coming to Game Pass. For Chads only.So I totally forgot about the game awards and I am trying to get caught up now.
Here's what I've found so far:
Apparently Neil Drunkman's SJW soap opera won most of the awards.
The Initiative is rebooting what looks and sounds like a pretty great Perfect Dark
FS2020 coming to Series X/S this summer
Sony exclusive, Returnal has an ugly non-binary lead character
Trailer for new Mass Effect that looks pretty damn good to me (will probably be crap 0 but here's hopung)
So what did I miss that's exciting?
Rest of the Yakuza games minus 7 coming to Game Pass. For Chads only.
Guess I'm not a Chadette because I simply can not get myself to even try one of the Yakuza games. I know so many people rave about them, but they are just so not appealing to me. I hate the art, the setting, the characters plus they aren't even in English, right?
I know the other thread is shitting on thegameawards but I am enjoying this event this year.
In terms of Microsoft announcements
- Flight Sim release date
- Yakuza
- fortnight/halo confirmed
- Perfect Dark
The main studio that I am missing news from is Ninja Theory.
If it is, why the hell would they money hat anything from this abomination of a studio? If you're going to moneyhat something, do so with something worthwhile
Was so close to buying Code Vein, glad I held off
Yes, i would actually say i enjoy it more than Slay The Spire, and i am not kidding about that.Dont sleep on Monster Train.
Code Vein is really really good if you don’t mind the anime aesthetics and the titties. I loved it, good to see it come to GP.
Considering going into the TGA’s that most everyone had low/no expectations for Xbox...they knocked it out of the park.
Flight Sim....I’ve been pounding the door impatiently about this for a while. Cannot wait. Sure, it’s a slower burn experience than some would prefer, but the idea of a flying from one spectacular location to another, while listening to one’s favourite podcast seems great to me. But it would sure have been nice to have this title available for us during the pandemic when the option of exploring the world has been taking away from us.
Perfect Dark...as an older gamer this one hits some nice nostalgic notes and it could be really good. You can really see the road map for Xbox stretching out before us now. This generation is going to be much different in terms of competitiveness....and, in my opinion, will end with Xbox having closed the gap with Sony in the high performance end of the console market. Nintendo is just going to continue to Nintendo.
After watching a TON of Cyberpunk coverage I’m quite content to wait for the proper next gen version for my Series X. I bought the console for the promise of PREMIUM gaming experiences. The current build for both Series X and PS5 are definitely NOT that. When I fire up the game - and I’m legit excited to play it - I want to do so playing the best version as possible on console...even if it’s not quite up to the level of the stuff I’ve seen so far on powerful PC’s. Much of what I’ve seen is jaw dropping.
Now I see that Skyrim is coming to Game Pass. So, just another title to tide me over until Cyberpunk is done proper justice on consoles.
Exciting times for Xbox fans.
Great minds... haha i was writing my post while you were posting yours. They read similar![]()