Neko Mimi Mode

Game is stunning
I made one, yesterday:There is no thread for this. Why is there no thread for this?
I was trying to download this yesterday but it kept failing. Looks like it's working now though.
Any suggestions on a game I should buy for the xsx?
I think first thing I will try is Gears Tactics.
I am really keeping an eye on this game. I think it has potential.
Any suggestions on a game I should buy for the xsx?
I think first thing I will try is Gears Tactics.
QFTYakuza Like a Dragon, even if you're not normally a fan of the genre. Absolute quality.
Gears 5 is a very good looking game on the XSX, period. The XSX version runs at or near the PC max settings which were pushing 2080tis at 4K/60. It also runs incredible smooth. Not Doom smooth where people assume the game is running at 120fps when it's actually 60fps, but right up there. Some people were trying really, really hard to point out every graphical flaw when it launched last year (those same people ignored identical or worse flaws in more recent games on their box). It made for a good litmus test to see if their posts were worth taking the time to read going forward.
I played Tactics on PC but it was a good time. Fun game. A couple annoyances here and there toward the endgame but overall a very fun turn based squad game. Looks very good for the genre too
The devs claim they offer a legit wide variety of viable build options, including powers-only builds, which interests me quite a bit.
Girlfriend just ordered me an xsx but missed the Ps5. Not mad about it, I'll only have to buy a Ps5 now.
I can maybe give CP2077 a go now. Depends now after seeing all the outrage lol
The background in this one looks like a screenshot I took from the beginning of DQ11.
The background in this one looks like a screenshot I took from the beginning of DQ11.![]()
It‘ll either start tomorrow or Monday, going by previous years.Just one question, does anyone know when Xbox Christmas sales tend to happen?
Just curious because i plan to get some games for cheaper and sales on Christmas tend to be pretty common.
Cannot wait to play this in HDR
Wasn't it available since Series X launch?The Medium pre load is available now 38.5GB.
Nice comparison of Bright Memory here, 1440p/60fps with Ray Tracing on Series S is really impressive.
Nice comparison of Bright Memory here, 1440p/60fps with Ray Tracing on Series S is really impressive.
The game is only really a demo (~2 hours gameplay, 1000 achievement points, $8) but a much, much larger version - Bright Memory Infinite - is coming next year and will be reduced at launch if you own this.
None of the Series consoles have Raytracing for this game.
The game is nice, but reflections are only screen space there and not RT (disappear when they go off camera, look at the ceiling lights).
It's not really important whether it's RT or SSR, but thanks for the heads up.
Wasn't it available since Series X launch?
Ok, was just going by the “Nice comparison of Bright Memory here, 1440p/60fps with Ray Tracing on Series S is really impressive.” bit.
The Xmas sale, usually the biggest of the year, should be coming in a few days also.
Nice. I'm thinking it might be a wise decision to buy A Plague Tale as that game looks like it's coming off gamepass anytime soon.