Ask me about my fanboy energy!

The Falconeer gets new content and many improvements today
Bird-flying game The Falconeer welcomes a significant, free, update today in the shape of The Kraken. This not only bri…

Overwatch Is Free To Play On Xbox For The Holidays
With access to all of the maps and
Hope Microsoft buys Blizzard next. /jk
Seriously, The Xbox One Version Of Halo Infinite Hasn't Been Cancelled
343 community manager
A LOT, and long ones at that. I played through the Witcher 3 + 2 DLC with my wife on PS4 Pro before I hooked up an SSD to it - trust me, it was not a pleasant experience. You can start now for the SSD alone, and maybe leave the 2 DLCs for next gen patch?I imagine the quick loading might improve the experience quite a bit, but I can't remember how much loading was in the game initially.
I did the digital shift last gen and haven’t looked back. I also don’t buy on launch 99% of the time, and when I do it’s usually do to hype and I regret it. I wait, pick it up on sale and it has all the patches and fixes figured out.I've just splurged lots of cash in the Xbox store. Some very good deals on there. I've sold all of my physical media and my plan in 2021 is to go ALL digital. And I'll not buy games on launch anymore - I'll wait a year or so and pick them up in these sales.
I did the digital shift last gen and haven’t looked back. I also don’t buy on launch 99% of the time, and when I do it’s usually do to hype and I regret it. I wait, pick it up on sale and it has all the patches and fixes figured out.
Well that's unfortunate. This makes me sad, it will probably run like crap on the base X1 and Halo will wind up getting the same kind of hate CP2077 is currently getting. I think they should just make MP cross gen and make campaign for Series X/S only.
Did anyone notice how incredible co-pilot is for playing with your kids and SO? I’m shocked this feature is not being advertised alongside Quick Resume.
I played Battletoads all the way through with my kid and really enjoyed it. I just let myself enjoy the style and sense of humor and walked away having a lot of fun with it. Beat ‘em ups aren’t my normal game but Battletoads mixed in a ton of different level designs and mini games. It was a weird ride but one I’d recommend.Merry Christmas everyone, anyways, i liked Streets Of Rage 4 but only really beat it once, how is the newest Battletoads game, is it any good?
What is this co-pilot thing you are referring to?I've actually always said it's weird they don't advertise this. I use it to play puzzle games with friends instead of passing a controller around.
I did a youtube series as well where each person controller one side of the controller.
It's a really neat feature.
It's awesome. Two controllers to control player 1. So if you want to play with kids like my 5 year old I can do the difficult stuff but he is still in control. Example in shooters I aim and he pulls right trigger to shoot. But I do active reloads in games.What is this co-pilot thing you are referring to?
After seeing the thumbnail of John Linneman's Digital Foundry YouTube video, I realised that I haven't even taken the shrink wrap off of my copy of Streets of Rage 4. I decided that it's time to fix that.
So my Christmas Eve game is SoR4 along with a quality glass of scotch. Good times.
Happy Christmas Xbox GAF, all the best in the New Year! Hopefully we can all score an Xbox Series X at some stage in 2021
Oof the replies are full on salty. (Par for the course there though, to be fair)OMG - How much do I LOVE the Game Pass twitter account. Rivals fake Kaz as the best account on that shite hole.
Xbox Game Pass on Twitter: "Presents are just loot boxes IRL" / Twitter
WTF - why doesn't the actual tweet show up???
Damn, there were only a few replies when I first saw that tweet, I laughed my ass off and had to post it. Just looked now and I have to ask; can people not take a fucking joke without losing their minds?Oof the replies are full on salty. (Par for the course there though, to be fair)
I found it humorous and apt as well. Unfortunately even on Christmas it seems most of the internet has a collective stick up it’s ass.Damn, there were only a few replies when I first saw that tweet, I laughed my ass off and had to post it. Just looked now and I have to ask; can people not take a fucking joke without losing their minds?
0:00 - Intro
0:33 - Before Double Fine
2:38 - Psychonauts
8:25 - Brütal Legend
14:25 - Costume Quest
17:07 - Stacking
18:19 - Iron Brigade
20:27 - Once Upon a Monster
21:55 - Happy Action Theater
23:56 - Kinect Party
24:27 - The Cave
25:55 - Dropchord
27:54 - Broken Age
34:25 - Lucas Arts Remasters
40:24 - Headlander
41:38 - Rhombus of Ruin
42:42 - Rad
43:30 - Psychonauts 2
45:02 - Double Fine Presents
47:36 - Microsoft Aquistion
50:02 - Credits
Yes please, especially on the Full Throttle 2!Honestly, if i was in charge, i would absolutely get Brutal Legend 2 or a reboot to be made, also more Adventure games, finally get Full Throttle 2 to be made and released at least.
Is it possible to use the extra buttons for other features. For example. Could I bind the 2nd controller buttons for my windscreen wipers and to move my seat in Asseto Corsa as there is not enough buttons on one pad to do everything and its a case of having to pause adjust seat back and forth until its right when it would be nice to do it of the other pad.It's awesome. Two controllers to control player 1. So if you want to play with kids like my 5 year old I can do the difficult stuff but he is still in control. Example in shooters I aim and he pulls right trigger to shoot. But I do active reloads in games.
Anyone know why the cross gen version of Cold War doesn’t have the S|X enhanced logo on the game tile?
So I bought the regular version, and then later bought the £4.99 cross gen upgrade.It does, I suspect you are playing the One version, the game is not smart delivery there will be a completely separate version in your full library you need to download.
《ぎゃる☆がん りたーんず》 Xbox One版発売中止のお知らせ
本日は、Xbox One版「ぎゃる☆がん りたーんず」の発売中止をお知らせいたします。
「ぎゃる☆がん りたーんず」は「ぎゃる☆がん」(1作目)のプレイ体験を忠実に再現する事をコンセプトに開発をして参りましたが、Xbox One版のマスター審査中にMicrosoft社と実りある議論をした結果、全プラットフォームで一貫したプレイ体験を確保できないことが判明しました。
その結果、発売日までの日程を考慮し、Nintendo Switch版、及び、PC(Steam)版に注力することを決定致しました。
Xbox Oneで「ぎゃる☆がん りたーんず」をプレイする事を楽しみにしていた皆様におかれましては、落胆を禁じ得ない状況であることは承知しておりますが、何卒、ご理解頂けますと幸いです。Xbox One版を楽しみにお待ち頂いていました皆さま、及び、関係者各位に深くお詫び申し上げます。
"Gal Gun" Notice of discontinuation of Xbox One version
December 25, 2020
Today, we are announcing the discontinuation of the Xbox One version of "Gal Gun".
"Gal Gun" has been developed with the concept of faithfully reproducing the playing experience of "Gal Gun" (1st work), but the master examination of the Xbox One version After a fruitful discussion with Microsoft, it turned out that we couldn't ensure a consistent playing experience on all platforms.
As a result, we have decided to focus on the Nintendo Switch version and the PC (Steam) version in consideration of the schedule until the release date.
For those of you who were looking forward to playing "Gal Gun" on Xbox One, I know that you can't help but be discouraged. I hope you understand. We deeply apologize to everyone who has been looking forward to the Xbox One version and everyone involved.
We will continue to work with Microsoft to develop new titles. Please look forward to future announcements.