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Xbox Promotes COVID Vaccination & Dispels Vaccine Myths

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Gold Member
If they stick to social media, not problem here. This is great. Just don't put it on my dashboard. It would be like putting a BLM logo on the dashboard. GTFO.


Gold Member

This is mainly to point out a major gaming company with huge reach getting behind this. Sony should do the same.

Awkward No Way GIF


Tired of hearing about this now. My front page on Reddit was flooded with this stuff a few days ago. You want it get it. I just want to look at my porn and video games in piece.

Fare thee well

Good. We don't have time for bs anymore. And I hope that triggers every antivacc person in this thread. We just don't have time for flat earth, hollow earth, ufos, ghosts, bigfoot, and creationists. We need to stop equating nuance with equipping every moron with a megaphone, especially when it comes to matters involving the scientific method. I'm beyond being peaceful about it.


I'm kinda curious where that is? I'm only a technician but I do work in healthcare and our ICUs wouldn't be half empty even without COVID.

Did people just stop having accidents where you live?
No idea. It started last year with the pandemic, then picked back up last summer and fall, and now it's back down again.

Maybe those in poor health... died?
Good. We don't have time for bs anymore. And I hope that triggers every antivacc person in this thread. We just don't have time for flat earth, hollow earth, ufos, ghosts, bigfoot, and creationists. We need to stop equating nuance with equipping every moron with a megaphone, especially when it comes to matters involving the scientific method. I'm beyond being peaceful about it.
I have an appointment Monday to get the first shot, I've heavily debated getting it and still am. I can promise post like this have the exact opposite effect that you want them too.
I have an appointment Monday to get the first shot, I've heavily debated getting it and still am. I can promise post like this have the exact opposite effect that you want them too.

I never take vaccines willingly. Never had a flu shot in my life. Hate needles, don't even take pills. I was as hesitant as anybody else out there, but I waited it out, saw what I needed to see, read from trustworthy sources and chose to trust medical professionals who have dedicated their lives to treating and saving lives. These are people who will tell us the truth, and not just say something for political reasons. What Dr. Fauci had to endure last year, and still kept speaking his truth only made me trust him even more.

I'm fully vaccinated, so is my mother, we have been since April, never felt better. I got Moderna, she got Pfizer. Older brother, despite being high risk, gets his news from facebook so will never take the vaccine, so he's been completely banned from ever setting foot in my house again. Not taking any chances.


No idea. It started last year with the pandemic, then picked back up last summer and fall, and now it's back down again.

Maybe those in poor health... died?

Thanks for the video. I'm slightly amazed that they saw a 50% decrease in traffic accidents but it's worth noting that this video is dated in April of 2020. COVID had only started exploding in the West about a month earlier.

I can only speak for my own workplace but this isn't really the case for us right now. Our COVID deaths are still very low but that doesn't mean that people aren't being brought in ventilators.


I have an appointment Monday to get the first shot, I've heavily debated getting it and still am. I can promise post like this have the exact opposite effect that you want them too.
If you are young, healthy and not in a hotspot I can understand being hesitant. It’s a prudent thing to do if you aren’t at great risk and feel a vaccine has potential to more harm than the protection it can provide.

The thing is, you just don’t know how covid will hit you if/when you do get it. The stories of very healthy and young people being taken out by this are common enough that the vaccines should look good to just about anyone.

With hundreds of millions of doses already administered it seems the vaccine risks are worth it versus covid.


Good thing I've had it for months. Doesn't change anything I just said.
What's funny is that probably 90% of the people in here have it, but there's wildly different opinions about forcing people to do things. Who would've thought?


Good. We don't have time for bs anymore. And I hope that triggers every antivacc person in this thread. We just don't have time for flat earth, hollow earth, ufos, ghosts, bigfoot, and creationists. We need to stop equating nuance with equipping every moron with a megaphone, especially when it comes to matters involving the scientific method. I'm beyond being peaceful about it.
The people saying that this move is so suspicious make me sick. There’s nothing suspicious about civil society wanting to minimise and control a fucking pandemic. We’ve been doing it forever since we discovered fucking vaccines. Antivaxxers are absolutely insane and each one of them goes on my ignore list.


fk knows , they get deleted , just as i am reading it , or want to make a point , its gone,... hey , maybe i should just watch the main news outlets and scientists on the news and mps??
It’s like we can’t refute your position with no evidence because it’s deleted. That’s not great.
My wife became a doctor about 12 years ago and she would echo what he's saying.
Honestly if we could have a new “covid center” opened and just let volunteers take care of anti-vaccine anti-mask and social distance covid positive combos I could stop worrying about my wife in her 3rd year of residency.

I don’t want to make anyone do anything but I don’t want them draining our medical resources and physically and emotionally tiring out our professionals.


Gold Member
You think people who haven't made up their mind one way or another will be influenced by Xbox, Playstation, or Nintendo telling them to get a vax on twitter?

If such people exist, then that is one of the most abhorrent cases of consumerist tribalism.

Yes because the anti-vaxxers are at the mental level that could be easily swayed by something like this. Not all of them but some. Advertising works. People freaking buy saran wrap to put around their stomachs in hopes that they lose fat(lmao). The uneducated could be swayed and it could save a lot of lives. Maybe some are on the dence about it.

I wonder about the people who do not trust science all of a sudden when it comes to this. Do they have kids? Are they anti-vaxx when it comes to the measles, chicken pox, tetanus, etc? If not, why is this different? Do people think this is a poison that is slowly killing us over time? I was one of the first to be vaccinated as a first responder and still kicking guys. Some people....


There is no agenda, the world is in a shitty situation, this vaccine isn’t 100% great but it’s the only current solution, it’s free almost everywhere, yes it’s costing the government tax dollars, but not using the shots is making that money go to waste, and guess what, the government is going to buy more to replace those spoiled shots.

The time for tinfoil hats has passed.

Corona isn’t going away any time soon, the vaccine is the only mitigation tool we have, do whatever you want with that information but it’s 100% factual.
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Yes because the anti-vaxxers are at the mental level that could be easily swayed by something like this. Not all of them but some. Advertising works. People freaking buy saran wrap to put around their stomachs in hopes that they lose fat(lmao). The uneducated could be swayed and it could save a lot of lives. Maybe some are on the dence about it.

I wonder about the people who do not trust science all of a sudden when it comes to this. Do they have kids? Are they anti-vaxx when it comes to the measles, chicken pox, tetanus, etc? If not, why is this different? Do people think this is a poison that is slowly killing us over time? I was one of the first to be vaccinated as a first responder and still kicking guys. Some people....
Everyone is putting shit in their body 1000x times “worse” than the vaccine by eating almost any fast food with all the bullshit they pump it full of to keep profits sky high.


So we still haven't "confirmed" where this virus originated from.. although it's more commonly accepted now that it was modified in a Chinese lab for "gain of function" to make it more contagious human to human.

These viruses use the spike protein to adhere to your cells... and it is the prime candidate for modification to increase transmission.

The mrna vaccine teaches your body to produce this protein so your body can learn to adapt to it.

Is that correct?
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Yes because the anti-vaxxers are at the mental level that could be easily swayed by something like this. Not all of them but some. Advertising works. People freaking buy saran wrap to put around their stomachs in hopes that they lose fat(lmao). The uneducated could be swayed and it could save a lot of lives. Maybe some are on the dence about it.

I wonder about the people who do not trust science all of a sudden when it comes to this. Do they have kids? Are they anti-vaxx when it comes to the measles, chicken pox, tetanus, etc? If not, why is this different? Do people think this is a poison that is slowly killing us over time? I was one of the first to be vaccinated as a first responder and still kicking guys. Some people....
Well hopefully they'll remind people to take their booster every 8 months too.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
I just wish they'd be upfront about the fact that current vaccines aren't the sterilizing type, so its benefit is primarily for the vaccinated person and not so much for those around them. Even asymptomatic people can spread Covid, and the same applies for even fully vaccinated individuals.

Its a good idea to be vaccinated, but hardly heroic.

Its very obvious that the powers that be have made the calculation that ensuring compliance in the population is more important than informed consent. The rights and wrongs of that are a pretty slippery ethical conundrum, and to be fair I can see solid arguments to be made both ways.

That being said, I know what I'd prefer; and that involves more information and a lot less manipulation.


I can't get all the fear from getting vaccined when people are eating far more dangerous substances in a daily basis. People love to act smart until COVID-19 takes away someone close to them.

Done my part and happy to take 3rd or more shots if needed.


People love to act smart

That's what conspiracy theorists are all about. They're such fucking losers in real life they need a way to feel smarter than everyone else by having some "knowledge" that no one else knows. Everyone except for them is stupid for not seeing the "truth".

If you want to say you're scared of needles, fine, I can respect that. If you want to say you think the govt rushed this out and you want more time to see how things pan out, fine, that's completely rational. But if you bust out some grand conspiracy theory, then you're a fucking idiot and you're not as smart as you think you are.
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Would be a good time to bring back the kinect. If it senses more than one person in the room you'll have 30 seconds to scan your vaccine passports. If you fail, the console will delete your games, notify the police then brick itself.

Venom Snake

COVID-19 took the lives of two people in my family. I fell ill in November last year, it was two agonizing weeks. The only reason i missed the hospital was because i had no respiratory problems. Apart from that one detail, it was one of the worst things that ever happened to me.

As vaccinations started relatively late in my country, mainly medical personnel and the elderly were vaccinated in the first couple of months this year. There were still many infected people in the hospitals, so visits were kept to a minimum. Despite taking two doses, i still couldn't see my mother in the chemotherapy ward. I wasn't allowed to do that until three hours before she died, when she was unconscious.

I despise anyone who spreads conspiracy theories and insistently persuades others not to take the shot. The human brain has evolved to the point where it does not have to learn solely from its own mistakes. Kudos to MS for their contribution to the promotion of vaccination. (y)


Good on Microsoft. With so many people still not vaccinated all companies that have ability to do so, should promote these type of messages. I am fully vaccinated and convinced my whole family to get vaccinated as well. I also don’t believe in reptilians, nwo, qanon, and that the earth is flat or hollow. Call me crazy but but lots of these seem not very likely to be real.


You're one step away from demanding all major companies should preach all your political beliefs or they should be canceled.

I agree that getting vaccinated is the intelligent decision. I also believe it's each individual person's right to make their own decision. Further, i don't believe it is a video game's company's obligation to tell me what to do in situations like this.
Politics have nothing to do with it. And, no, when it comes to public safety people absolutely do not have an individual "right". When you're born you get multiple vaccinations, to go to school you have to have had multiple vaccinations.

The fact is if these conspiracy theory nutjobs were prevelant 50-60 years ago, and we let them turn vaccinations into political stances, we'd all be fucking dead.
I have an appointment Monday to get the first shot, I've heavily debated getting it and still am. I can promise post like this have the exact opposite effect that you want them too.
Yeah, we know. Ignorance and stubbornness go hand in hand. You're saying more about the anti-vaxx movement than the people trying to save lives.

It doesn't matter though, because whether or not you jump on board on your own is quickly becoming ima non-issue. Many places are now requiring it for employment and eventually you're going to get the shots or become an outcast.
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