what a bs! any modern GPU can process that much data limiting factor is not GPU but SSD speed because it has lower BW.
you as dev should know that but clearly you're one of these pseudo devs pretending to know shit
Next post, I added "in a meaningful way"

Yes, the GPU could brute force through the data but textures etc must be processed, applied to polygons, shaded, .....
It just seems that some in this forum think that the data must just be loaded and is ready to display. Games are not movies where this is possible. Here we have just raw data that must be processed.
The other thing is really memory contention. The good old jaguar cores did less than 20GB/s in normal cases but stole much more bandwidth the GPU could need. The HDD in the old systems was not capable enough to really make a bandwidth difference. But now the SSD is one of the "big players" that can get bandwidth hungry quite fast. But therefore you save much memory space. Always depends on what you want to do. 10GB/s Bandwidth can do a lot of stuff. A few gigs of saved texture buffer also.
Don't get me wrong, this topic is ... well not really the best, as it is clear that PS5 has the edge in theory. But in real life applications it won't make that much of a difference. That is my whole point. And I only answered here, because someone wanted to make a really unrealistic special case claim. That is just not how the whole thing works. Console games won't be IO limited anymore and that is what all current-gen machines deliver.
Btw, we should also not forget, the diminishing returns you get from even higher asset quality. At some point it doesn't really matter how much higher res some textures are, because of diminishing returns. We already saw that with the last 2 generations. Games looked better, for sure, but the steps get smaller and smaller.