How would you guys rank the Xenoblade games? I think they're all good games. But if I had to make a ranking, it would look like this:
- Xenoblade Chronicles 1: DE
- Xenoblade Chronicles X
- Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (I actually disliked it at first until someone on 4chan called me retarded and suggested looking at the combat as a rhythm game. Then it clicked. Especially with the auto-cancelling)
- Xenbolade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed
- Xenoblade Chronicles: Future Connected
- Xenoblade Chronicles 3
- Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna (I hated the progress-gating behind the community levels)
They’re all good but if I had to rank them:
- Xenoblade Chronicles: the GOAT in my opinion and a near perfect game especially considering it came out in the Wii era. Legendary soundtrack, unique world, plot twists that really work even 80 hours in, a strong sense of journey, great characters.
- XC3: the best version of the combat system with a lot of depth, classes etc. Story has some highs and lows but the last third is excellent. Good cast of characters and a lot to do in the open world.
- XCX: a very experimental game in every aspect, but I find it a bit overrated and incomplete. Story takes a long time to pick up and doesn’t really end in a satisfying way. Open world is full of time wasters and they’re all required for progression. Not my cup of tea for sure.
- XC2: my least favorite in the series between the gacha system and the open world exploration restricted by this same system. Leveling blades by doing random action is an awful idea. Imo the worst overall cast of characters with a few embarrassing ones (you know who I’m talking about). Also I don’t care much for graphics but at some points the game ran so badly I couldn’t tell what was happening.