Xenoblade Chronicles, in my opinion is one of the greatest jrpgs ever made (Controversial opinion right here) and was released in an era one could consider jrpgs to be on the decline. I must admit when I first booted it up on the Wii I thought it was ugly as sin and the combat system was ass so I immediately dropped it, but the second time around I gave it a chance and stuck with it and I am glad I did, for me it became my most favorite jrpg of all time. The world is just breath taking it shouldn't look that good for the hardware it ran on, the characters are some of the best written I have seen for the genre and the story is at the top of it's class. Shulk is best main protag, he beats fate, he beats god, he beats hardware limitations cause we all know that game shouldn't have been able to run on the Wii AND he gets the girl (implied but i'll take it). You could say i'm really feeling it.
I was planning to do a countdown thread to the release day and post media and images till launch like my kh3 countdown thread and so I shall:
Day 28
Share your love for the game or series as a whole, who's your favorite character and why is it reyn?
I was planning to do a countdown thread to the release day and post media and images till launch like my kh3 countdown thread and so I shall:
Day 28

Share your love for the game or series as a whole, who's your favorite character and why is it reyn?