If I remember correctly, Y2,Y3,Y4 have recaps for all previous titles. And those recaps are very good and quite long.
thanks for the heads up, i hope i find 1 soon but at least that means when i find 2 i can just jump in.
If I remember correctly, Y2,Y3,Y4 have recaps for all previous titles. And those recaps are very good and quite long.
He also made a prologue movie for the original game that SEGA of Europe released subtitled on the (now defunct) micorsite.
ugh.. i really want to get into this series but i just can't find a decently priced copy of the first one.
I'm surprised, I picked mine up in computer exchange for £2, Yakuza 2 is the rare one.
Yakuza 3 Mini-game progression check-list:
Bowling - check
Pool - check
Ufo-catcher - check
Fishing - check
Boxcelios - check
Pool - check
Darts - check
Golf - check
Karaoke - check
Batting cages - straight up check!!
Batting Cages on extra hard proved to be the most challenging thus far. Ultimately, I managed to get away with 2040 pts.
Now the most tedious should be out of the way and what remains are the gambling and casino related mini-games.
I'm replaying all these amazing games. Just got done with theof Yakuza 1.funeral part
X isn't to dodge? For some reason he doesn't do it. Also, quests are failable in this game. Forgot about that as I tried to chase down that dine-and-dasher.
X isn't to dodge? For some reason he doesn't do it.
You have to be holding R1 in order to press X to dodge. I don't think you could press X alone to dodge until... 3?
龍が如く0 7,961yen
龍が如く 維新 3,981yen
龍が如く 1&2 HD 1,750yen
Well.... that escalated pretty quickly.
The remaining gambling and casino related mini-games aren't as much time consuming as the skill-based ones.
Won 18.000 pts. in 1 round of roulette and 10.200 in cee-lo.
Maybe it's my shitty controller. Made a few fights harder than they should be, but nothing item cramming couldn't fix!
Well.... that escalated pretty quickly.
The remaining gambling and casino related mini-games aren't as much time consuming as the skill-based ones.
Won 18.000 pts. in 1 round of roulette and 10.200 in cee-lo.
Hey good job on getting that trophy, most people quit trying to get that one.
Well.... that escalated pretty quickly.
The remaining gambling and casino related mini-games aren't as much time consuming as the skill-based ones.
Won 18.000 pts. in 1 round of roulette and 10.200 in cee-lo.
Finally, I can move onto Yakuza 4 with a clean conscience. After 4, long, years Yakuza 3 is 100%.
Managed to accomplish Ultimate challenger, substory completionist and testament to strength in one single day. Although getting through the game twice, once on hard followed by extra-hard, felt like a double up boss rush. The last sequence on extra-hard made me dread the thought of having to repeat it, all over again, if I failed. Thankfully, finished extra-hard in one go.
Some of the challenges on ultimate skill mode are straight up difficult BS just for the sake of it. Team challenge No 5 and ultimate round No. 5 was some of the most intense gaming I've ever done. Almost didn't think I'd manage to through. Good grief, glad that it is over.
Not gonna do any kind of intense trophy hunting for the near future. I'm spent.
Finally, I can move onto Yakuza 4 with a clean conscience. After 4, long, years Yakuza 3 is 100%.
Managed to accomplish Ultimate challenger, substory completionist and testament to strength in one single day. Although getting through the game twice, once on hard followed by extra-hard, felt like a double up boss rush. The last sequence on extra-hard made me dread the thought of having to repeat it, all over again, if I failed. Thankfully, finished extra-hard in one go.
Some of the challenges on ultimate skill mode are straight up difficult BS just for the sake of it. Team challenge No 5 and ultimate round No. 5 was some of the most intense gaming I've ever done. Almost didn't think I'd manage to through. Good grief, glad that it is over.
Not gonna do any kind of intense trophy hunting for the near future. I'm spent.
Finally, I can move onto Yakuza 4 with a clean conscience. After 4, long, years Yakuza 3 is 100%.
Managed to accomplish Ultimate challenger, substory completionist and testament to strength in one single day. Although getting through the game twice, once on hard followed by extra-hard, felt like a double up boss rush. The last sequence on extra-hard made me dread the thought of having to repeat it, all over again, if I failed. Thankfully, finished extra-hard in one go.
Some of the challenges on ultimate skill mode are straight up difficult BS just for the sake of it. Team challenge No 5 and ultimate round No. 5 was some of the most intense gaming I've ever done. Almost didn't think I'd manage to through. Good grief, glad that it is over.
Not gonna do any kind of intense trophy hunting for the near future. I'm spent.
kind of random post...but does anyone have any tips or anything for beating Kazuma in the if7 thing in Yakuza 3. I have been here trying for about 5 hours and have lost several hundred thousand dollars trying over and over again. The time runs out too quickly, I dont see how this is possible. I have even tried getting him into a loop where he gets knocked down, I pick him up from behind, knock him down again, and repeat. He cannot even hit me once, but time still runs out...even when I am hitting him almost nonstop. I dont get it.
Not sure what level your character is currently at/what moves you've unlocked so far but I ended up using the Komaki parry move which is incredibly powerful - to perform it (after unlocking it) is to press triangle just before the enemies attack hits you. If you time it just right you'll perform a powerful counter hit that sends the enemy flying and deals a nice chunk of damage. If the character hits a wall after this counter you can usually perform a follow up combo on the stunned opponent as they bounce off the wall. Kiryu uses your moves set (obviously) and is fairly aggressive so its not too difficult to land the counter on him.
I am really bad at countering, but I have been trying to use the other one you use by pressing O, I have heard it is easier to pull off. I might just go practice the triangle one on him for a while, then reload when I get the hang of it. Thanks!
I am really bad at countering, but I have been trying to use the other one you use by pressing O, I have heard it is easier to pull off. I might just go practice the triangle one on him for a while, then reload when I get the hang of it. Thanks!
Happy to helpI felt the counter move in Yakuza 3 especially was pretty damn powerful. It does take a while to get the timing down but you feel sort of invincible when you do master it. At least its not like the original Yakuza, where the timing felt noticeably stricter and you had to learn it perfectly to beat Komaki in the arena. That was such a nightmare...
Some additional tips for Dragon King/Kazuma:
You don't have to use R1 + circle. L1 + triangle will temporarily stun him, giving you a brief moment to input a powerful combo. It's more efficient to go for R1 + triangle imo.
Use the 2 wooden shrine lamps whenever he's down. It'll lend you some extra advantage. Also, go for the uppercut combo. It packs a fierce punch plus adds a chance of sweeping him of his feet, to give you the upper hand.
I'm looking to try this series out. I've got Yakuza 4, but haven't played it yet. Should I buy and play 3 first? Which is the best to jump into as a new player? I do not have a PS2 and don't see myself importing the first two due to the language barrier.
4 is a lot better than 3, and didn't remove the hostess content. It also recaps all three previous games, so I'd say go for 4. It was my first too.
beat the whole game on normal barely touching Money Island and Nightlife. The game isn't that hard anyway
Congrats! Now come, platinum Catherine, be in the 0.5%.![]()
does anyone have any tips at all for pool in Yakuza 3? I am going a bit crazy here. I just barely beat the easy and normal opponents. The next one is giving me a brain hemorrhage and this isnt even the last opponent. All I seemed to have learned so far is to always let them go first, and to hit the ball nice and slowly.
Also, if you're good enough, you can achieve a 'break-ace' (pocketing a 9-ball, in 9-ball, with one accurate shot at break, if I remember correctly?) by the initial break shot from the very get-go. Which by default will make you the victor of the pool match.
That was a separate trophy right? Its funny, I think I got that in my very first match of pool ever, just messing around on accident.
I got up to the expert guy, but I have been stuck on rotation. Thanks for the advice.
I came across a bunch of Yakuza 4 videos lately. Apparently you learn skills in that game by recording weird shit with your cellphone and blogging about it? I went from "ohyeah, Yakuza is a franchise I think" to "I should probably play this someday".
So, since the sequels have recaps of the previous titles, which one is generally the cheapest or 'best' one I should get first? I have a PAL PS2 and PS3 and can't read Japanese, so no fancy WiiU HD imports for me.
Alright, I managed to finish Yakuza 0. It's good. Really liked the story in this one, and the pacing's pretty spot on too especially in the second half when the game gets really going. It was nice seeing all those old Y1 guys once again (Nishiki was a real bro in this one) + we finally got to see how the Dojima family was actually like. That final boss was awesome though.KIRYU BEAT THE SHIT OUTTA THAT GUY. So now we have 3 dragons throughout the series, meaning there's one left to go right?
Combat is great. Yeah you got your 3 or so styles per character and they're all fun and distinct. Like the past characters played differently but they had to cover all the bases, here they really got to create a bunch of gimmicky styles and they're all a blast to use. Though honestly I didn't use the slugger style that much. The way it rebounds off walls Souls style made it a pain to use in a lot of situations and it felt cheap since it involves a weapon. Also Kiryu's 火爆浪子 style is broken as shit (not 100% on what it's known as in English, it's the orange one).
And it was nice to see guns be an actual problem this time, since in the past they were just annoying. Well they are still annoying but you have to at least give them the respect they deserve now.
Probably the biggest problem though is how closely character progression is tied to the Money/Nightlife Island sidequests. It does kinda suck how you're basically forced to do these long af sidequests if you wanna get those later abilities. And since they're optional it becomes a little tough to pace your leveling alongside the main story. So you could completely ignore it and blaze through the plot but you'll end up with some pretty shit characters. At the other extreme you could finish the entire thing as soon as you can and have endgame abilities by chapter 6. In any case they're worth doing, there's some good shit in there.
Overall... yeah this might be the best one to date. Everything was top notch aside from feeling kinda rushed in spots. Definitely hoping it gets localised for the west.
There's also a ton of sidequests and minigames that give a lot of money, so it's really easy to get sidetracked on those.
装甲悪鬼村正;172458886 said:There are actually very few quests that reward you with money (or anything really). It makes sense of course, random salary man or kid isn't going to reward you with a billion yen for finding his dog or buying a porn magazine. But this is another aspect of the game I didn't like, there is no reason to do sidequests beyond experiencing hilarious situations. I love Zero, but I sure as hell am glad that this money = exp thing is limited to this game because of its theme, it does only bad things to gameplay systems.