
Finally got around to this. I'm only a couple of hours in, but enjoying the change of pace to turn-based JRPG. Keep in mind this is my actual first turn-based JRPG, ever. But already, this early on it seems like it's gonna be a much deeper gameplay system than the almost-blind "button mashing" of the beat-em-up Kiryu games.
(I've reduced images to fit reasonably within the post; I think if you click on them, you get the full picture. Full resolution is 3440x1440).
It's great. I get introduced to the main character:

.... wait. What!? False advertisement. Where the fuck is the HAIR!?

Ahhhhh... that's more like it. (That whole salon scene is hilarious as fuck
I already really like Ichiban. He's a fresh change of pace from Kiryu. He's introduced as kind of a noob, albeit an "endearing" noob. But -- he's loyal, he's funny, he's kind of a scrub (at first), he can be loud and embarrassing, he can be brooding, and everything else -- which is a much wider range of expression than Kiryu ever had. Speaking of which, man his Japanese voice actor, who is the same guy who voices Akira Nishikiyama ("Nishiki") in Yakuza 0 and Kiwami, is fantastic. But excellent voice acting is to be expected from the Yakuza games.
Oh, right -- there is full English voice acting. It's not bad, but I can't quite play Yakuza with English voice acting... c'mon man.
Gonna get used to the RPG and its shit ton of stats:

"Throwbacks" -- man, if the game is gonna have callbacks to previous Yakuza games like this, it's gonna be pretty fuckin' awesome. "Some moron drove a dump truck through it".... LMAO. If you played the original Yakuza 1, or Kiwami, you know who the "moron" is that Adachi is referring to. Speaking of Adachi, it's pretty obvious he's about to become the first member of my "party." Wait, JRPGs have "parties," right? Sort of like your posse or some shit?

Running on a 6900 XT, I can easily max out everything at 3440x1440. Framerate is a bit all over the place -- can of course go to the 120s/130s, but can go as low as mid-70s sometimes. But thankfully it doesn't feel too jarring, especially because I have a FreeSync monitor.
Story is pretty engrossing so far, which I expect from a Yakuza game. A bit too heavy on the cutscenes though; but this early on, it's understandable, as you have to get exposition to a lot of characters, and flesh out Ichi's backstory.
Just doing missions right now -- the game hasn't really opened up, I'm sure it will in a couple of hours. Oh yeah, I totally expect this to be a 100-ish hour game.
Turn-based system is pretty good. Actually the position of your enemies matter. If you try to attack some dude, but there's another dude directly in front of him, the dude in front of him is gonna smack you up, and you'll actually lose your turn. Also, it's nice that they give you "parrying" tools to reduce/eliminate the damage from enemy attacks during their turns.
Move aside, Kiryu. Kamurocho has a new king:

Alright, excited to get going with this! I'll post gameplay and plot updates periodically in this thread. (Major plot updates will be Spoiler-tagged of course). And I ask that you do the same -- if you are excited about this game and already played it, and want to discuss a plot point, please hide it behind Spoiler tags. Thank you