You can turn one video game female into a real person and be with for the rest of your life. Who is it?

Lt Stone is eccentric as fuck but I'm playing through this atm.

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do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
Hmmm. Will they get old and saggy or stay how they are?
Dead or Alive girls titties would be round their ankles by 80 you see…

Ironically alot of the DoA girls wouldnt even count as being particularly busty in the west.
Most of them are really short so their tits look big, but IRL they are like busty for their size but probably wouldnt turn heads in the west.


Helena who had the biggest tits in DoA before Honoka would look almost exactly like this IRL:

NSFW Obviously:



^Now said girl is built like a tank, but I wouldnt be too worried about her tits sagging heavily considering the real monsters ive seen IRL.
With a simple sweater I wouldnt even consider her busty.

Dont ask me how I found a model with Helenas exact proportions.

She would be the second tallest girl in DoA by quite a gap at 1.7m tall.
Christie is the tallest girl at 1.77m tall.

Honoka who currently has the biggest tits is a literal dwarf at a height of 1.5m.

Bro consider that she;d be asking you to open the door for her but not to be a gentleman, but because she cant reach the handle.

Shes shorter than the shortest girl in this picture.
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Lot of great female characters, but it's usually not like "wife thing" etc, but if can chose one it would be Katarina and become my wife. Tekken devs opened my eyes and made me realize that there's nothing like a badass Latina woman

I watched Michiko anime the character ressemble a bit Katarina, and I can say this is exactly my type. You all can keep your 2B Tifa Eve etc for yourself, Katarina is the one I want.
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The thread derailed for a while with pictures of cosplayers using all available Photoshop filters, but thankfully it's back on track now.


Absolutely Cozy
I'd go with Bastila Shan from KotOR. She was such a great character, man I love that game.


Especially if she looked like this AI art:


Or Satele from The Old Republic. It would have been cool to have seen her in a live-action movie played by a younger Olivia Wilde.


Or Second Sister from Jedi: Fallen Order. Her eyes, man...her eyes!


She'd ditch you and just become a streamer and start streaming with Asmongold.
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This kind of waist line would only be possible if someone surgically removes all their ribs, damn.
Or photoshop, happens all the time

I was actually disappointed that the image creator didn’t add visual artifacts from the image editor
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