Explosive Zombie
So, there might be too many games for this decade, so each post I make will be for a year...
1. Fallout: New Vegas
My favorite RPG ever and possibly my favorite game ever.
2. Just Cause 2
Pretty much as fun as open world games get.
3. Lost Planet 2
One of the most underrated and overlooked games ever made. Not a long campaign but incredibly replayable.
4. Metro 2033
I really love this game and this franchise. Dealing with humans is fun, dealing with monsters is fun, the graphics are awesome and the pacing is spot on.
5. Starcraft II
One of the only RTS games I still spend time playing, really fun stuff.
6. Alan Wake
This game needs a real sequel, such a great horror game with simple but satisfying combat mechanics.
7. Mass Effect 2
Best entry in this franchise.
8. Red Dead Redemption
I can't know what it'd be like to re-play this after having the sequel exist but the story is one of my favorites in all of gaming.
9. Battlefield: Bad Company 2
While the campaign kinda sucked the multiplayer was a slight evolution over the amazing Bad Company 1 with better destruction. To this day this would not be usurped by further franchise installments.
10. Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days
Underrated and depraved shooter experience.
Other games I enjoyed from 2010 not in order...
Medal of Honor - This wasn't too much above average but it was fun, it's funny how many identity crises these games went through
Army of Two: 40th Day - Really stupid game but it had co-op, and holy shit those moral choices
Aliens vs Predator - Not everything I could hope for but fun all the same, sorta like the movies
Crackdown 2 - They just re-did the first game with stupid zombies... still fun
Transformers: War for Cybertron - If I had had this game as a kid I would have freaked out
Dante's Inferno - Poor man's God of War, still fun, neat concept to wrap it around
Singularity - I like time travel
Darksiders - Fun game!
Split/Second - Pretty neat racing game, too bad it never got a sequal
Splinter Cell: Conviction - My favorite entry
Dead Rising 2 - At the time I thought it wasn't as good as the first, now I cling to it as the last time the franchise was great
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit - Just a really well done racing game
Call of Duty: Black Ops - One of the better entries
Heavy Rain - I enjoyed this despite how stupid it is
Mafia II - Good sequel
Alpha Protocol - One of the best choice RPGs ever made, doesn't quite hold up gameplay-wise, though
Mega Man 10 - Fun throwback but a bit easy
BioShock 2 - A bit of a retread but well done
Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock - Great list of songs
God of War III - Epic fun
Vanquish - Pretty neat game
Halo Reach - The last time Bungie made a Halo game, the last time a Halo game was truly good.
Deadly Premonition - I think I'd have a higher opinion of this weird-ass game if not for it killing my hands during its ridiculous QTE segments.
Rock Band 3 - The last hurrah for me in this genre, not as good as 2 but then you could import 2 into it so... you know...
1. Fallout: New Vegas

My favorite RPG ever and possibly my favorite game ever.
2. Just Cause 2

Pretty much as fun as open world games get.
3. Lost Planet 2

One of the most underrated and overlooked games ever made. Not a long campaign but incredibly replayable.
4. Metro 2033

I really love this game and this franchise. Dealing with humans is fun, dealing with monsters is fun, the graphics are awesome and the pacing is spot on.
5. Starcraft II

One of the only RTS games I still spend time playing, really fun stuff.
6. Alan Wake

This game needs a real sequel, such a great horror game with simple but satisfying combat mechanics.
7. Mass Effect 2

Best entry in this franchise.
8. Red Dead Redemption

I can't know what it'd be like to re-play this after having the sequel exist but the story is one of my favorites in all of gaming.
9. Battlefield: Bad Company 2

While the campaign kinda sucked the multiplayer was a slight evolution over the amazing Bad Company 1 with better destruction. To this day this would not be usurped by further franchise installments.
10. Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days

Underrated and depraved shooter experience.
Other games I enjoyed from 2010 not in order...
Medal of Honor - This wasn't too much above average but it was fun, it's funny how many identity crises these games went through
Army of Two: 40th Day - Really stupid game but it had co-op, and holy shit those moral choices
Aliens vs Predator - Not everything I could hope for but fun all the same, sorta like the movies
Crackdown 2 - They just re-did the first game with stupid zombies... still fun
Transformers: War for Cybertron - If I had had this game as a kid I would have freaked out
Dante's Inferno - Poor man's God of War, still fun, neat concept to wrap it around
Singularity - I like time travel
Darksiders - Fun game!
Split/Second - Pretty neat racing game, too bad it never got a sequal
Splinter Cell: Conviction - My favorite entry
Dead Rising 2 - At the time I thought it wasn't as good as the first, now I cling to it as the last time the franchise was great
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit - Just a really well done racing game
Call of Duty: Black Ops - One of the better entries
Heavy Rain - I enjoyed this despite how stupid it is
Mafia II - Good sequel
Alpha Protocol - One of the best choice RPGs ever made, doesn't quite hold up gameplay-wise, though
Mega Man 10 - Fun throwback but a bit easy
BioShock 2 - A bit of a retread but well done
Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock - Great list of songs
God of War III - Epic fun
Vanquish - Pretty neat game
Halo Reach - The last time Bungie made a Halo game, the last time a Halo game was truly good.
Deadly Premonition - I think I'd have a higher opinion of this weird-ass game if not for it killing my hands during its ridiculous QTE segments.
Rock Band 3 - The last hurrah for me in this genre, not as good as 2 but then you could import 2 into it so... you know...