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Zoe Quinn #meToo / Alec Holowka suicide -- Update: Article questions ZQ's account of events (link in OP)

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F this industry. F all of it. Drama queens everywhere. It's all about this social media attention whoring and politics now. Fn social media. Everyone telling off everyone and pointing fingers at each other, acting like they're all high and mighty, and flawless. Fn come back down to earth again. We're all fallible. Everyone's quick to send the other to the guillotine. So many lies. So much controversy. So much shit. I don't know who or what to believe.

Now wonder I miss the 80s and 90s. God.

Either we end social media, or it will end us. Fully agreed on your sentiment.



This is pure attention seeking bullshit "Somebody raped me....... but I'll keep it to myself until the time is right".

I knew a girl who accused every guy she dated of rape because was obsessed with attention and pitty. It's practically a mental illness.


There was a time when there was a rape accusation in the industry that I thought "wow, this is serious", but now, after all these "he raped me [x] years ago and I have no proof but I just remembered it now and must post it" of the last years, when I see one of these posts the first thing I think is, how are all these weirdos getting some and not me??
Sorry if this sounds extreme, but the media managed to completely desensitise me.


For those who don't want to check out twitter:


I'm gonna need some help with this one.

Reading that back it sounds like the Night in the Woods guy is not the one who assaulted her?

She starts off by saying she was assaulted but she doesn't name the guy because he "worked on himself" and apologized so it's all over with. No need to name that guy.

THEN she meets the Night in the Woods dude. They seem to enter a relationship but it is abusive, according to her. He blames her for the sexual assault (done by the other unnamed dude)?

She doesn't actually accuse the Night in the Woods guy of sexual assault though?

Read it back. She was assaulted THEN she met the Night in the Woods dev, then they had a relationship, the relationship was abusive and the guy kept bringing up the assault she experienced previously, then she finally got away.

Am I missing something here?
The story could work, there's potential here.
That individual might consider embracing a writing career and flesh it out some more ; with a lot of dedication and hard work, there might even be a solid foundation for a decent video game or movie here.
Has that individual ever considered that ? Video games ?

Still needs a lot of work though, the story as it stands isn't really unique. Other authors have done it before... better. I mean, come on... "I was raped by a video game developer"... yeah, no. That won't sell. It might appeal to some dysfunctional ambition-less individuals as some kind of low-tier power-fantasy... but that's no good as there's the risk to get stuck in some downwards-spiraling circle-jerk.
Have some dignity, do not go for low-hanging fruit. Don't forget : if you stare into the abyss...

I'd suggest to add a little bit of fantasy here and there to counterbalance all the boring stuff. Vampires and zombies don't work anymore, rich businessmen and pirates neither... I personally like mummies. "I was raped by a mummy" would definitely get my attention. And imagine the suspense : what's under the bandages ? Sword or sheath ? Maybe both ! Yeah, mummies would be amazing !

As it stands, the whole rape story/fantasy/pity-whoring thing could function, but too many wolves have already been cried at, and the vaste woods are probably empty now. It will need a lot of hard work to turn it into something really unique and special. And once a solid core idea has been identified, who knows... perhaps consider kickstarting it ?

I'd even recommend a twist :
It's amusing how 4chan -- a cesspool image board for weebs according to many of these intersectional ideologues -- quickly figured out the "not your personal army" thing many years before Twitter -- a multinational corporation making billions of dollars. This is negligence on Twitter's part and folks should start suing them if their "private platform" is used to "spread fake news" on their network.
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I have to try very very hard to put down a thought out post about this... the urge to say "Quinn needs a cash boost, crying wolf, etc" is overwhelming.

Reading the transcribed notes in this post, if it is a lie it a fucking huge one. It's hard to imagine someone fabricating something a lie so big and thinking "no one will be able to disprove this". It's too big and unwieldy. So I'm going to assume that, like most lies, it's partly made up of some truth. However, this is Quinn and she's a hyperbole cannon. I don't trust her as far as I could throw her.

I'm gonna need some help with this one.

Reading that back it sounds like the Night in the Woods guy is not the one who assaulted her?

She starts off by saying she was assaulted but she doesn't name the guy because he "worked on himself" and apologized so it's all over with. No need to name that guy.

THEN she meets the Night in the Woods dude. They seem to enter a relationship but it is abusive, according to her. He blames her for the sexual assault (done by the other unnamed dude)?

She doesn't actually accuse the Night in the Woods guy of sexual assault though?

Read it back. She was assaulted THEN she met the Night in the Woods dev, then they had a relationship, the relationship was abusive and the guy kept bringing up the assault she experienced previously, then she finally got away.

Am I missing something here?

I had the same impression, it's really hard to make heads-nor-tails of it.

  • The first paragraph is just a preface.
  • The second paragraph she mentions being assaulted then in the fourth paragraph, one month after that event, "Enter Alec Holowka".
  • Alec chats and flirts with her over skype. He invites her over to Winnipeg on a two week trail, with the end goal to "create an indie house with 3 other friends". She would buy her ticket there, and Alec would by the return ticket back.
  • The two weeks end up being a month: "I wouldn't get back for a month". And she didn't return via a ticket bought by Alec, she would return via air miles by a friend.
  • What happens during that month? Well, Alec isolated her and degraded her. He "convinced her to convince the 3 other friends not to get the shared indie house". This point I don't understand, but we'll move on. Other abusive actions taken, etc etc.
  • She stayed with him because she was "recovering from sexual assault" and, therefore I suppose, mentally vulnerable. Yet more abusive actions happen.
  • Now she mentions: "My Roommate started to get scared and asked me if I needed help getting out" This is probably where the air miles come in. Who is this room mate? Was she living with someone else in Winnipeg and going to see Alec? Or is this her roommate in the place she lived in in the US? Probably the latter. Anyway, moving on.
  • Quinn makes it home and emails Alec a break up email. Alec bans her from some community, bans himself (??), then "went to industry legends and asked them to help him kill himself. That's where it falls down big for me.
  • The night GG started (how does she quantify that?) other girls ask her if Alec was a problem, thereby insinuating Alex as being a serial abuser.
I think that is the run down. At least as far as I can work out.

Here's something to consider. He looks like this.............


Even if I somehow wanted to, I couldn't believe this individual in anyway. Some of her other deeds have been listed in this thread already, but let's not forget about that gamejam she took money for into her personal paypal account that NEVER happened, never got a date or a place but was "Totally happening guys!" for like 2 years before going silent. This is the one person who if they told me the sky was blue I'd still not believe them.

Now she will say, game is cancelled due to depression and shock resulting from rape and the backers will donate twice


Heed well this man's image...


His case should be the inspiration to those who are falsely accused by an outrage mob. Don't let them force you into hiding.


If this developer is smart, he should grow some balls like Vic and dare Zoe to prove her accusations in a court of law. After which he can sue for all she's worth.


I have to try very very hard to put down a thought out post about this... the urge to say "Quinn needs a cash boost, crying wolf, etc" is overwhelming.

Reading the transcribed notes in this post, if it is a lie it a fucking huge one. It's hard to imagine someone fabricating something a lie so big and thinking "no one will be able to disprove this". It's too big and unwieldy. So I'm going to assume that, like most lies, it's partly made up of some truth. However, this is Quinn and she's a hyperbole cannon. I don't trust her as far as I could throw her.
It's easy to assume that even at the bare minimum of her credibility at least some portion of the story has to be true. I wouldn't expect something entirely made up out of thin air, not even from a bonafide narcissistic sociopath like Zoe Quinn.
What people should worry about, with some of these... questionable characters, is the not-negligible risk of having them retroactively turning an unpleasant past dating experience into a rape.

Take the Jeremy Soule story as well: it's not hard to believe that these guys may have actually been slimy, manipulative bastards with some inclination toward being emotionally abusive. The scenery painted there is really credible. Hell, it even fits their public personas, once you start to recognize the trend.
And yet the parts of the story that should point down the specifics about the main point, the allegations of rape, are incredibly vague in the way it happened.
What kind of rape was it? Forceful physical assault or some sort of statutory rape? They don't even detail as much.
Or MAYBE it was just an overall unpleasant abusive relationship that left an awful taste in their mouths?
There are people who think that even regretting having drunk sex should count as rape. I find it a fairly alarming notion.


It's amusing how 4chan -- a cesspool image board for weebs according to many of these intersectional ideologues -- quickly figured out the "not your personal army" thing many years before Twitter -- a multinational corporation making billions of dollars. This is negligence on Twitter's part and folks should start suing them if their "private platform" is used to "spread fake news" on their network.
Only rarely, if false accuser goes too far and mentions details that can be called out, could such accusations be repelled.
Else, how does one prove what did or did not happen when two were alone years ago?
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How seriously do you expect me to take your accusation? Because your response to being raped and the way you communicate your truth is exactly the same as someone who experienced poor customer service at Cracker Barrel.

Go to the police, not Twitter. What do you want @LovesToSkeet69 to do about this?

Twitter is for telling Cracker Barrel their service sucked. They will probably respond and give you a discount your next visit.

Twitter is not the place to report major crimes you've been a victim of.

People who go to Twitter and people on Twitter treat rapists like Dora treats Swiper.


Rapist no Raping.


I have to try very very hard to put down a thought out post about this... the urge to say "Quinn needs a cash boost, crying wolf, etc" is overwhelming.

Reading the transcribed notes in this post, if it is a lie it a fucking huge one. It's hard to imagine someone fabricating something a lie so big and thinking "no one will be able to disprove this". It's too big and unwieldy. So I'm going to assume that, like most lies, it's partly made up of some truth. However, this is Quinn and she's a hyperbole cannon. I don't trust her as far as I could throw her.

I had the same impression, it's really hard to make heads-nor-tails of it.

  • The first paragraph is just a preface.
  • The second paragraph she mentions being assaulted then in the fourth paragraph, one month after that event, "Enter Alec Holowka".
  • Alec chats and flirts with her over skype. He invites her over to Winnipeg on a two week trail, with the end goal to "create an indie house with 3 other friends". She would buy her ticket there, and Alec would by the return ticket back.
  • The two weeks end up being a month: "I wouldn't get back for a month". And she didn't return via a ticket bought by Alec, she would return via air miles by a friend.
  • What happens during that month? Well, Alec isolated her and degraded her. He "convinced her to convince the 3 other friends not to get the shared indie house". This point I don't understand, but we'll move on. Other abusive actions taken, etc etc.
  • She stayed with him because she was "recovering from sexual assault" and, therefore I suppose, mentally vulnerable. Yet more abusive actions happen.
  • Now she mentions: "My Roommate started to get scared and asked me if I needed help getting out" This is probably where the air miles come in. Who is this room mate? Was she living with someone else in Winnipeg and going to see Alec? Or is this her roommate in the place she lived in in the US? Probably the latter. Anyway, moving on.
  • Quinn makes it home and emails Alec a break up email. Alec bans her from some community, bans himself (??), then "went to industry legends and asked them to help him kill himself. That's where it falls down big for me.
  • The night GG started (how does she quantify that?) other girls ask her if Alec was a problem, thereby insinuating Alex as being a serial abuser.
I think that is the run down. At least as far as I can work out.

Here's something to consider. He looks like this.............

Yeah it feels like she is trying to tie him to a sexual assault that he never committed.

She won't name the guy who actually assaulted her BUT she will name and accuse this other guy who allegedly treated her horribly after she was assaulted.

Both here and the other place have threads stating he was accused of rape/sexual assault but from reading her statement actually she is accusing him of being abusive emotionally and verbally, it seems.

I'd wait to hear his side of the story but I would not be surprised if a large chunk of what she is saying is true and this was a completely toxic relationship.
Based on "The Zoe Post" that kicked off GG though I think there is already enough out there to assume that if this was a bad relationship then maybe it wouldn't be all one way traffic.

There are a lot of weird points that would need clarification in this to be honest.


Well, not saying that this didn't happen but she isn't the most trustworthy person. Also, if those allegations are really true, the internet (and Twitter specifically) is not the fucking place to go to. Where I come from, you go to a police station and/or a lawyer. And obviously to a psychologist who is specialised in dealing with stuff like this.
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Neo Member
Never heard of this geezer or this chick.

But if genuine, surely go to the police and report rather than spread it first on social media. If the bloke's guilty and there is evidence, he'll go down! I don't understand the world sometimes.


I read her story, she sounds like an idiot. She accepted an offer from someone to live in their apartment but she had to buy the plane ticket there and he would buy the one home? How gullible do you have to be?

Then she just lives there for a month and relies on his roommates to fly her home? Why was she unable to buy a ticket home? Why would you move to a house w people you don’t know without the ability to pay your way home? How old is this woman? 32 years old and still dependent on others. What was she doing all day, does she not have a job? Why rely on strangers for your safety? She can’t even take care of herself apparently.
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To think that a Law & Order SVU episode has aired because of her in the past. Let's see how that episode will age and what other sequels could come after that.


No bigger a hate speech than targeting an individual with aim to destroy them. Weaponising people as such is a very serious matter. Free speech for all, but defaming someone with no proof does not sit well with me. There is no recourse, true or not - the damage is instant and ever lasting.

Not sure what measures need to put in place to balance the equation.
Wait a minute - so she's been raped twice by two different men on two different occasions?

EDIT: Sorry confused this 'case' with the other.
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Her popularity was in the toilet so she needed to be in the spotlight again? Lmao.

Joke aside, if true it‘s horrible that this stuff happens, if not eff her.


Gold Member
One of the most important rules in life every teenager needs to learn: Never, under any circumstances, no matter how horny you are, no matter how long of a dry spell, never, ever, ever fuck crazy.

I feel like this belongs as part of the rules to the Mogwai in Gremlins. Inserted just before the 'feeding after midnight'.
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She's actually not going to press charges or even bother to inform the police, is she?

Just another day, another allegation and riling up the twitter brigade.
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