Zynga says:

Is Mattrick going to do a hat-trick with a third company?
"The team's hard work for our mobile players has resulted in bookings growing from 27% mobile bookings when Don joined to 60% by the end of last year. Further, to deliver unique and differentiated value to our mobile players, Don and the team acquired NaturalMotion. NaturalMotion has surprised and delighted the world with Clumsy Ninja and CSR Racing resulting in more than 160 million installs to date.
Man you guys are quick to blame Mattrick. The guy didn't exactly inherit a gold star business model, I thought we all knew that? Social gaming is probably the most volatile and fickle parts of this industry. I am not gonna completely exonerate him of blame for Zyngas current status, but it sure as hell isn't entirely his fault.
Wow, is Don Mattrick that bad?
First Microsoft, then Zynga?
So Don Mattrick is actually the Canadian Devil. It all makes sense now.I look forward to his five-year plan to add microtransactions to Canada's thousands of wishing wells.
pretty much.
I'm referring to his reign at Zynga, baby.
He fucked up so bad he ONLY walked away with $57,814,391. Poor Mattrick. this him?
CEOs: They're just like us!
Dennis Dyack and Don Mattrick the ultimate team. this him?
360 is a huge crazy success story. You are not being fair to him.
because LOLhedidathingonce remember when Don Mattrick didathingonce?????????
A lot of people blame him for "ruining the Xbox brand" or whatever that means. The culture at Microsoft has changed so much over the last few years it's completely irrelevant.
Zynga is probably in a death spiral now. If a company can't hold on to talent and are losing money then what resources can they exactly bring to bear to get back to stability? No one gives a shit about Farmville anymore so they don't even have particularly valuable IP.
Zynga bailout! Do it congress, waste more imaginary money please.
I think we put way too much stock in how much a CEO affects a company, both in a positive and negative sense.
I think it depends on the company. I imagine some companies are just sailing with the wind, and the CEO doesn't affect things much. But a CEO is sometimes required to make hard decisions on direction, which can have a huge impact on the company.
The Nobel economist points out that in a predictable world, the stronger CEO would be found to lead the more successful firm 100% of the time. In a world in which random external factors determine success, the more successful firms would be led by stronger CEOs only 50% of the time. In other words, the effect of top talent might be said to be random. In reality, stronger CEOs lead stronger companies only 60% of the time.
One of Mattrick's last moves was to shut down a game called Ayakashi which was reportedly their most profitable mobile title. Yeah, I don't get it either. I had already quit playing it more than a year ago but I was still surprised when I heard about that.
Pretty sure Zygna was on heading straight to insolvency when he took over.. he put them on a better path.
The hate he's getting for this is strange.