So if the PC is untouched (thank smeg i bought it on PC) does that mean this day 1 update may actually add these censored parts? cause the game went gold a couple of weeks back
abortion is more of a red button topic in america, judging from how obsessed the media gets over it.
it got brought up maybe... once in four years here in the uk
It wasn't. Someone from Rev3Games 'heard' that it was 12 hours long. We won't know how long it is until the reviews hit.
Otherwise the PC version is uncensored in Germany.
Why single out the physical console versions, Ubisoft? What the fuck?
Ok I've seen that. That guy was acting like it's a fact. There's also been people that "heard" it was 50 hours.
Ok I've seen that. That guy was acting like it's a fact. There's also been people that "heard" it was 50 hours.
Do you have a source? I mean apart from the general statement saying the PC versions are uncensored (which is obviously not completely true).
I think I just 'forced' an answer from Ubisoft:
Don't really understand why it would censored on consoles but not on PC. Makes no fucking sense. In fact it being uncensored on PC proves that it passes the PEGI/BBFC/whatever review boards so why fucking censor the console version? I don't get pissed off about much. I dont even care too much that they've chosen to remove some content. But illogical reasoning really fucks me off big time.
You can grab a copy from Nuuvem for approximately 25.60 Britishbucks. Most of us who opted for the PC version bought it for ~$20 through traders on Steam but Ubi closed that loophole about a week ago.
This is why I'm getting a retail physical copy of the game for the PC and not letting it update.
Figured the butthurt police would be out in force for this one.
Why wouldn't the same manufacturers have any objections with the American console versions then? Especially since the abortion issue is a big thing in the US whereas in Europe hardly anyone cares.Told you my theory that the console manufacturers had objections. That's really the only other thing I can think about.
Probably has to do with retail versus digital sales. If games are unrated or put on the index in Germany, then no copies may be put in shops for children, no advertisements made etc. Effectively that means no sales. If it's censored in Germany but uncensored everywhere else that also means no sales in Germany. It's quite possible the German brick and mortar shops have banded together to put in demands at Ubisoft. Either the adjacent countries also get a censored version or we boycott your other releases like Watch dogs.Don't really understand why it would censored on consoles but not on PC. Makes no fucking sense. In fact it being uncensored on PC proves that it passes the PEGI/BBFC/whatever review boards so why fucking censor the console version? I don't get pissed off about much. I dont even care too much that they've chosen to remove some content. But illogical reasoning really fucks me off big time.
Why wouldn't the same manufacturers have any objections with the American console versions then? Especially since the abortion issue is a big thing in the US whereas in Europe hardly anyone cares.
Probably has to do with retail versus digital sales. If games are unrated or put on the index in Germany, then no copies may be put in shops for children, no advertisements made etc. Effectively that means no sales. If it's censored in Germany but uncensored everywhere else that also means no sales in Germany. It's quite possible the German brick and mortar shops have banded together to put in demands at Ubisoft. Either the adjacent countries also get a censored version or we boycott your other releases like Watch dogs.
PC at retail conversely is pretty insignificant. Maybe South Park will be solely digital in the first place.
(Presuming it's Germany that's the culprit, could also be UK or whatever)
Seriously disgusted by Germany's censorship laws, which I'm assuming are the culprit here.
German censoring usually doesn't affect UK though
If the game is censored i'll download the US version online while still purchasing a steam copy.
Probably has to do with retail versus digital sales. If games are unrated or put on the index in Germany, then no copies may be put in shops for children, no advertisements made etc. Effectively that means no sales. If it's censored in Germany but uncensored everywhere else that also means no sales in Germany. It's quite possible the German brick and mortar shops have banded together to put in demands at Ubisoft. Either the adjacent countries also get a censored version or we boycott your other releases like Watch dogs.
PC at retail conversely is pretty insignificant. Maybe South Park will be solely digital in the first place.
(Presuming it's Germany that's the culprit, could also be UK or whatever)
Decided to cancel my preorder in the end, never done that for a game before that I can recall, *banned site* lets you leave a comment as to why which is nice. Hopefully a few others do the same as me and ask *banned site* to pass on the message that Ubisoft are being idiots.
Damn, was really excited about this game and I won't buy a full game digitally so no chance of using another region. I was also planning on getting Infamous when it went down in price and was hoping this would hold me over until then. March is going to suck.
Maybe pick this up second hand down the line unless Ubisoft come to their senses.
I think they actually said market decisions. Not marketing.