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Doctor Who |OT| Pre-Series 8 Discussion - He's A-Coming

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Would Eccleston do Big Finish stuff if he were asked? Or is he that against the concept?* I would imagine that just a few big stories told in the style of Dark Eyes would be enough to make him beloved by all the fans that currently is mad at him for skipping 50th....

*Assuming they get the greenlight on 9th+ stories, ofc.

I said on the previous page, but, quoting directly... as cynical as it is to say, I think he would. There's no costume, there's no learning lines. You turn up, stand in a booth for six to eight hours, read off a page you only saw for the first time that morning, then leave. It's easy money. That's why Tom does it as well, I'd imagine, even though for years he couldn't be arsed to do anything associated with Doctor Who.


Aren't there points in the middle of the episode "Rose" where the Doctor leaves in the Tardis that could also serve as places for where they could squeeze in some audio adventures?
Well, Piper has said in interviews she'd love the challenge of audio work if it came up to play Rose there. There's no way Barrowman would say no. So they can insert stories anywhere into Series 1. Rose>TEOTW>TUD run in one block, as do the two parters and Dalek>TLG, but other than that, there's unspecified gaps between every single one of the adventures they take. It's deliberately set up in Boom Town, for instance, that it's been quite a while since The Doctor Dances, and that the three of them have become a team. Apart from the 8 stuff, most of the audio stuff slots into the series. The ones Tom's been doing are 4 and Leela during that period, for instance.

Cool - but I'd imagine getting both Billie AND Chris locked down sorta ups the complication level, doesn't it?

Basically - the audios would be hard to do unless it was Nine and Rose, because Nine doesn't have too many (if any) outs for him to do a solo story, or introduce a whole new companion.

I guess that'd make a Ninth Doctor appearance in a multi-doctor story on the show itself sorta hard, too.
Cool - but I'd imagine getting both Billie AND Chris locked down sorta ups the complication level, doesn't it?

Basically - the audios would be hard to do unless it was Nine and Rose, because Nine doesn't have too many (if any) outs for him to do a solo story, or introduce a whole new companion.

I guess that'd make a Ninth Doctor appearance in a multi-doctor story on the show itself sorta hard, too.

Eh. Billie's not as busy acting-wise these days now she's a mum. She probably lives within an hour in the car of BF, as I'm guessing she's in London. Maybe a bit further for Chris if he still lives in the north. Anyway, it's a lot easier to get somebody in a room for a day than it is to get them on set for two weeks, plus a week of readthroughs, costume fittings, and other bullshit. Big Finish is naturally advantaged there. 'Locked Down' is relative. Like, trying to get Cumberbatch and Freeman free for six months at the same time in order to do a series of Sherlock is hard, as the recent news about that show proves. It probably wouldn't be hard to get them in the same room for one Thursday afternoon.


I said on the previous page, but, quoting directly... as cynical as it is to say, I think he would. There's no costume, there's no learning lines. You turn up, stand in a booth for six to eight hours, read off a page you only saw for the first time that morning, then leave. It's easy money. That's why Tom does it as well, I'd imagine, even though for years he couldn't be arsed to do anything associated with Doctor Who.

This would be so amazing. Gives me hope!
Like, trying to get Cumberbatch and Freeman free for six months at the same time in order to do a series of Sherlock is hard, as the recent news about that show proves.


I'm thinking more budget than anything.

You still gotta pay the actors. :)

I have to imagine the considerable increase in sales Big Finish would get from the mere presence of Rose in new stories would go some way to cover it.

Saying that, I do think getting John Hurt in to do a Dark Eyes-esque arc is more likely. I think 9th onwards are still too much of a TV presence, associated with the new series in general. That'll definitely lessen in the next few years, but I doubt we'll see much for a good while.

I have to imagine Big Finish are at least laying plans though. I mean, their current Doctor line up has a collective age of 337. Thats not to imply they're all on deaths door (McGanns younger than Capaldi for pete's sake), but if one or more Doctors decides to retire or take a break they'll definitely need to fill the gap. Probably a good idea to lay the groundwork now while DW is still the hottest property around.


Aren't there points in the middle of the episode "Rose" where the Doctor leaves in the Tardis that could also serve as places for where they could squeeze in some audio adventures?

Yes, in fact, the Ninth Doctor's short story for the 11 Doctors, 11 Months collection last year took place during that period.
The audio stories always seemed a few steps too far down the fan hole for me but I could totally see them being used for post timewar stuff.

There are probably 10 and River stories they could tell since they probably met more then once, The random adventures of Captain Jack etc.... Plenty of little things they could do.

Might be a fun little thing to do as part of the 10 anniversary of New Who to let them do a limited number of stories but not let them have a free reign to go nuts like they have with Old Who.

Actually with the 10th coming up, Would they even bother asking Eccleston to do something or do you think he gave a polite "stop asking, I dont want to return to this show" answer when the discussions about the 50th happened? Dispute how nice Moffat is whenever the subject is brought up I have to imagine Eccleston is just kind of sick of talking about it.
The main obstacle to having anybody back for the New Who 10th, I think, is that Capaldi will have only been in the role for a year, and they won't want to do anything to potentially undermine his growth into the role. Moffat said around the 50th for instance that had Tennant done another year in 2010 as Moffat tried to tempt him to do, leading to 11 arriving in Series 6, he might not have done the 50th the way he did, for the risk of undermining an 11th Doctor earlier on.

Given that Series 8 is to air late this year, and New Who turns 10 in March, Capaldi will have had 13 episodes maximum by that point, and they may be skittish about having another Doctor back until he's more definitively established. Matt I think got lucky - reckon it might take Capaldi a bit longer to truly establish for the public.
The main obstacle to having anybody back for the New Who 10th, I think, is that Capaldi will have only been in the role for a year, and they won't want to do anything to potentially undermine his growth into the role. Moffat said around the 50th for instance that had Tennant done another year in 2010 as Moffat tried to tempt him to do, leading to 11 arriving in Series 6, he might not have done the 50th the way he did, for the risk of undermining an 11th Doctor earlier on.

Given that Series 8 is to air late this year, and New Who turns 10 in March, Capaldi will have had 13 episodes maximum by that point, and they may be skittish about having another Doctor back until he's more definitively established. Matt I think got lucky - reckon it might take Capaldi a bit longer to truly establish for the public.

I know there was massive backlash against it, but I kinda dug what Big Finish did with Zagreus for the 40th anniversary. For those that don't listen to the audios (can't blame you in this case), they essentially had all the other Big Finish Doctors and companions at that time star in an Eighth Doctor story, only they all played different roles.

I think it could work in this instance because you're not outright undermining Capaldi as the Doctor, but still paying homage to the new series. Also, if they really are going to do the whole '12th Doctor looks like other characters' storyline it could be some sort of climax to that. Could even play into the fact of having multiple Claras running around.
I sort of get the feeling New-Who-10th is a great anniversary, but more one to be celebrated with extra bits like documentaries/retrospectives rather than a big thing on the show itself.
For the 10th they could probably do something that involves returning characters but not returning doctors.

Do something with Roses alt universe or Torchwood (since that show is never coming back), or whatever else they can dig up from the last decade. But I dont think they would do another multi doc story anyway since it would only be a year removed from Day of the Doctor unless they just get Eccleston and then it would just be him and Capaldi and no Smith or David.

But call me crazy but having a new doctor interact with the stuff which happened before him is part of the fun. Its probably why I didnt like Smiths intro as much. Felt too much like a reboot and not a continuation. I guess with the same companion for the end of Matt to the start of Peter they will avoid that?


Have they finished filming yet. I wants my trailer.

I believe they've filmed 6 episodes so far. It will probably be awhile before we get a trailer, we didn't get the trailer for the 50th anniversary episode until a few weeks until it aired (unless you were at Comic-con).
Have they finished filming yet. I wants my trailer.

They're just about halfway through.

I wouldn't expect a trailer before July, honestly. In the absence of any big conventions or a Special to couple a trailer with, it'll be the normal advertising- a month before, at most.

Oh, and a San Diego Comic-Con exclusive trailer, too, but we won't be seeing that.
I think the only thing I'd accept is a Capaldi/Eccleston duet episode. Smith and Tennant have JUST done the 50th, it'd take less focus off the new Doctor, and put more focus on the reluctant to come back Eccleston. Not to mention, Eccles IS a big part of why the reboot got off the ground so successfully. If they are celebrating the reboot, it seems only appropriate.

But, won't happen :(
I think the only thing I'd accept is a Capaldi/Eccleston duet episode. Smith and Tennant have JUST done the 50th, it'd take less focus off the new Doctor, and put more focus on the reluctant to come back Eccleston. Not to mention, Eccles IS a big part of why the reboot got off the ground so successfully. If they are celebrating the reboot, it seems only appropriate.

But, won't happen :(

This is my dream as well. Capaldi/McGann would be a fine consolation prize for a random Two Doctors-esque romp.


If they do another multi-Doctor episode I'm sure it will either be Tennant or Smith (or both). After the success of the Day of the Doctor I'm sure BBC will want to make any multi-doctor episode be a big event. Having just a regular episode with 2 Doctors would be great, but it's never going to happen like that.

Hardcore Doctor Who fans would love to see McGann come back, but I don't think he would draw in the casual viewers/fans like Tennant or Smith would. Hardcore Doctor Who fans are going to watch any episode of Doctor Who, so when making a big multi-Doctor event episode you want to bring in the big guns to get the casuals to watch.
Has that ever happened in nuWho?

I'm pretty sure it happened for series 2- they were still filming The Satan Pit after New Earth had been on TV. They filmed The Next Doctor at the end of series 4's filming block, so technically that was being filmed while the show was on TV as well.

And, yes, it happened with series 7.
If they do another multi-Doctor episode I'm sure it will either be Tennant or Smith (or both). After the success of the Day of the Doctor I'm sure BBC will want to make any multi-doctor episode be a big event. Having just a regular episode with 2 Doctors would be great, but it's never going to happen like that.

Hardcore Doctor Who fans would love to see McGann come back, but I don't think he would draw in the casual viewers/fans like Tennant or Smith would. Hardcore Doctor Who fans are going to watch any episode of Doctor Who, so when making a big multi-Doctor event episode you want to bring in the big guns to get the casuals to watch.

Who says, exactly? Outside of Tennant and Smith saying they'd like to do their own series together... no proof. Moffatt says there won't be another multi-Doc story for a while anyway. He doesn't want it to become a crux, which is right and proper really.
Eccleston was grand. If anything I would put down the weirdness in that run purely down to it being the first series when everyone was still trying to find the shows place and keep the train from catching fire before it left the station.

Looking at it now i didn't no he announced he was leaving basically right as the 1th episode aired. I wonder how that effect fan response to the show back then

Oh and I finally got to the River Song reveal stuff in mid series 6. I suddenly feel like I understand why people turned on that character.


If they do another multi-Doctor episode I'm sure it will either be Tennant or Smith (or both). After the success of the Day of the Doctor I'm sure BBC will want to make any multi-doctor episode be a big event. Having just a regular episode with 2 Doctors would be great, but it's never going to happen like that.

I feel like the BBC is better about NOT doing this kind of stuff than your average American network. It would be very easy to try and cash in on the 50th or Night of the Doctor and immediately crank out Tennant/Smith/McGann-centric stories to take advantage of their popularity. Instead, things are full speed ahead on Capaldi with seemingly little (public) thought being given to any more older Doctor reprisals or multi-Doctor episodes in the near future.

Granted, this may be born out of budgetary limitations more than creative respect, but either way, I kind of appreciate how the BBC doesn't (usually) take the more fan-centric approach on running this show and is a little more forward-thinking about it. Then again, I have almost zero knowledge about how this show's (or any BBC's show) production works, so what do I know!
I'm pretty sure it happened for series 2- they were still filming The Satan Pit after New Earth had been on TV. They filmed The Next Doctor at the end of series 4's filming block, so technically that was being filmed while the show was on TV as well.

And, yes, it happened with series 7.

I think it's happened almost every year, in fact. They were definitely still filming when 'Rose' went out, as when the news got out that Eccleston was leaving, they were still in the process of filming BW/POTW. Series 2, as well..

And, just generally - if you look at the 'coming soon' trailers that are at the end of Episode 1 of each Series, you'll notice - the Series 2 one has no clips from Impossible Planet, or Doomsday, the Series 5 one has nothing from the last 3 episodes of the series or so, etc. The Series 3 one ended with teases about Evolution of the Daleks and The Lazarus Experiment, because I think at that point they'd barely started the Master episodes. (EG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGoNQLeaSwI)

The other ones, the first trailers, are usually even more vague... the Series 2 one only has clips of episodes from the first block (which was New Earth/Tooth & Claw spliced with original footage for the ad: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4uUbQNntAYg

I think Series 4 was the one time everything was in the can by the time they began airing, and that was because they had strict constraints on when Tennant could film due to his theater commitments. Depressing side note: That Series 3 trailer - "Uploaded 7 years ago". God.

I feel like the BBC is better about NOT doing this kind of stuff than your average American network. It would be very easy to try and cash in on the 50th or Night of the Doctor and immediately crank out Tennant/Smith/McGann-centric stories to take advantage of their popularity. Instead, things are full speed ahead on Capaldi with seemingly little (public) thought being given to any more older Doctor reprisals or multi-Doctor episodes in the near future.

Granted, this may be born out of budgetary limitations more than creative respect, but either way, I kind of appreciate how the BBC doesn't (usually) take the more fan-centric approach on running this show and is a little more forward-thinking about it. Then again, I have almost zero knowledge about how this show's (or any BBC's show) production works, so what do I know!

It's dangerous, too. Sure, Tennant probably would do a special or two if asked, because he's missed it, and he loved it, but there's also a great sense of danger about having more than one Doctor Who 'franchise' going at once. You risk torpedoing Capaldi if you do that. If Tennant had done some special episodes in 2011, Matt might not have been nearly as successful as he was, even off the back of Series 5. The primary objective has to be to secure the main show, anything else is an afterthought. This is the same reason they're skittish about giving BF the license to do audio stories with 9/10/11, their companions, or the things surrounding their eras (Torchwood is ideal Big Finish spin-off series fodder, for instance).
Right, digging through my DWM specials...

Series 1 finished filming on 23rd March, 2005- 3 days before Rose aired. However, Tennant didn't film his part of the regeneration until a month later- 23rd April, 2005.

Series 2 finished on 31st March 2006, and the first episode aired on April 15th. Actually a reasonable gap- the thing was that The Impossible Planet and The Satan Pit were the last episodes filmed, and were amongst the most CGI-heavy. Because they weren't all that late in the series, it was down to the wire- the final CGI shots of the Beast were concluded two or three days before The Satan Pit was broadcast.

The Sound of Drums/The Last of the Timelords concluded its shoot on April 2nd, 2007. That was two days after the series started, and they don't typically shoot weekends if it can at all be helped. There was probably only one day of filming after the start.

Series 4 finished shooting on 29th March 2008, with the series starting broadcast on 5th April. However, filming didn't stop after Journey's End wrapped- due to Tennant's theatre commitments, it was necessary to film The Next Doctor immediately after the series 4 filming. This wrapped on May 3rd, and properly represents the end of series 4's filming schedule.

Annoyingly, I can't find my Series 5 special, so I can't work out exactly when it finished filming. The Eleventh Hour aired on April 3rd, and all I can find about the last filming block is that it started at the beginning of March- seems reasonable to suggest that filming finished before it aired, but I can't say for certain.

Series 6 finished filming on April 29th, with the exception of the cornfield scene from Let's Kill Hitler, which was obviously dependent on the seasons for the location. This was filmed on July 11th, 2011. Even with this discarded, however, the series still finished filming before the first episode was broadcast- The Impossible Astronaut aired on April 23rd, nearly a week before filming on The Wedding of River Song finished up.

Series 7 finished properly on 1st December, with John Hurt's material for The Name of the Doctor being filmed at the same time as The Day of the Doctor. Asylum of the Daleks aired on September 1st. Not even close.

A thirteen episode season and a Christmas special usually takes about 9 months to film. Considering that filming didn't start until January, it's going to be pretty damned tight to get the last few episodes off for broadcast in November. This may well be why we're only getting 12 episodes this season- they physically haven't got time to make a full series, thanks to Capaldi's schedule.
This is my dream as well. Capaldi/McGann would be a fine consolation prize for a random Two Doctors-esque romp.

I'm still shooting for the moon and hoping for all three. Gives McGann & Eccleston a chance to be more happy-go-lucky and Capaldi gets to grump on 'em.

(Also wouldn't mind if McGann shows up with Sheridan Smith as Lucie Miller)

Speaking of McGann, did the rumors of a webseries starring McGann end up being just so much empty dreaming?
I really hope we will see more of McGann in the future. Also, I hope we, in Series 8, get a season long villain that is menacing... and STAYS menacing (looking at you, Silence). I feel the plot for next season, should have constant reminders that the villain is still there, as well as gradually spacing out plot revelations (Series 6's problem, IMO, was that it hoisted it's plot points on the viewer in quick succession with several filler episodes in between).

I also wish we could get some Colin Baker and McCoy cameos in the new series. Sylvester can still probably pull off the roll convincingly, even though he is a little older. If Capaldi's Doctor is darker, it would be nice to see two dark doctors meeting up.

As for Colin Baker, I don't think we'll be seeing him again as the Doctor. He has changed far too much to pull off the role convincingly. However, there is always Baker's original role in the show.

If they bring the Time Lords back soon, I would hope to see Maxil (played by Baker) as well as Romana (played by Ward, and if Big Finish hasn't done it yet, regenerating into Juliet Landau). One of my biggest disappointments with the 50th Anniversary was how many close chances they had of referencing the Classic Series but missed. I wanted to see William Russell as Ian, as the first human companion ever (along with Barbera), I would have liked to see Ian somewhere in the 50th, since they do reference him. Also, the general could have been easily retooled into GENERAL Maxil, played by an older Baker, fixing the age problem.
I really hope we will see more of McGann in the future. Also, I hope we, in Series 8, get a season long villain that is menacing... and STAYS menacing (looking at you, Silence). I feel the plot for next season, should have constant reminders that the villain is still there, as well as gradually spacing out plot revelations (Series 6's problem, IMO, was that it hoisted it's plot points on the viewer in quick succession with several filler episodes in between).

I also wish we could get some Colin Baker and McCoy cameos in the new series. Sylvester can still probably pull off the roll convincingly, even though he is a little older. If Capaldi's Doctor is darker, it would be nice to see two dark doctors meeting up.

As for Colin Baker, I don't think we'll be seeing him again as the Doctor. He has changed far too much to pull off the role convincingly. However, there is always Baker's original role in the show.

If they bring the Time Lords back soon, I would hope to see Maxil (played by Baker) as well as Romana (played by Ward, and if Big Finish hasn't done it yet, regenerating into Juliet Landau). One of my biggest disappointments with the 50th Anniversary was how many close chances they had of referencing the Classic Series but missed. I wanted to see William Russell as Ian, as the first human companion ever (along with Barbera), I would have liked to see Ian somewhere in the 50th, since they do reference him. Also, the general could have been easily retooled into GENERAL Maxil, played by an older Baker, fixing the age problem.

Ian'll never reappear, I don't imagine. I mean, do you have him without Barbara? And Jacqueline Hill isn't with us any more, sadly. Also, RTD did make them immortal ("never aged a day in 40 years") in the canon (and Moffat confirmed he's going with this), so if they were going to appear it'd have to be a recast... though they could bring in the folks from An Adventure in Space & Time.

It's funny, I really liked how in the 50th they didn't feel the need to go too hard on classic or New Who, really. Like, it doesn't really reference that much from New-Who either, just the war... which technically isn't part of the show. Or wasn't up until that point.

In a sense, I feel like the trinity of Hurt, Tennant and Smith ended up representing the present, the Classic, RTD and Moffat eras perfectly. It would've been a different story had Eccleston said yes, obviously.


Was it ever explained why they're immortal? I didn't watch much of classic Who.
Wait, what? They just took a Dalek TARDIS to get home at the end of "the Chase", had a happy montage of ordinary Earth life and that was it. There was nothing onscreen to imbue them with any special powers.
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