Wait, he should only have one of them! It is the same one from The Satan Pit, no? MOFFAAAAAAT
He has AT LEAST two- he stole one from the Pentallian in 42 as well.
I wasn't expectingEllis George to be that tall. Thought she'd be a little kid, but she looks like a teenager which, if she's mature enough, could actually be pretty neat.
I'm finally watching through series 7, after accepting the fact it wouldn't come to Netflix anytime soon, and despite what I've read about it, I'm really enjoying it! Dinosaurs on a Spaceship wasn't nearly as cringeworthy as I expected it to be, Rory and Amy's sendoff was pretty great, it has a cool earth invasion episode that reminded me of some of Tennant's and even Eccleston's episodes, Clara's introduction in the Snowmen is great (although it's a shame that version dies, I feel like modern Clara is somewhat toned down in the things that made Victorian Clara a great character), and I think the Doctor's being a lot more reflective, no doubt in preparation of what's to come and as a result of losing Amy and Rory. I kind of feel bad for Brian though, I hope there was a huge time gap between The Power of Three and Angels Take Manhattan so it isn't obvious that he pretty much convinced them of going to their somewhat gloomy destiny like the day after.
Good stuff.
This got bad reviews at Cannes.
I hadn't clocked that that was Ellis George.
More of a Susan vibe than an Angie and Artie one, if I had to speculate from her age. More than happy with that.
If you want to finish off Brian's story, watch this. Also bring tissues.
Welp, I'm 3 episodes from the end of Season 3, and I wanted to start posting my thoughts before I start forgetting them. I'm going to be very blunt and honest, and don't mean to come off harsh if I do. And if I need to spoiler things, let me know.
(comments snipped)
I'm finally watching through series 7, after accepting the fact it wouldn't come to Netflix anytime soon, and despite what I've read about it, I'm really enjoying it! Dinosaurs on a Spaceship wasn't nearly as cringeworthy as I expected it to be, Rory and Amy's sendoff was pretty great, it has a cool earth invasion episode that reminded me of some of Tennant's and even Eccleston's episodes, Clara's introduction in the Snowmen is great (although it's a shame that version dies, I feel like modern Clara is somewhat toned down in the things that made Victorian Clara a great character), and I think the Doctor's being a lot more reflective, no doubt in preparation of what's to come and as a result of losing Amy and Rory. I kind of feel bad for Brian though, I hope there was a huge time gap between The Power of Three and Angels Take Manhattan so it isn't obvious that he pretty much convinced them of going to their somewhat gloomy destiny like the day after.
Good stuff.
Oooo new teaser just came on BBC1 out of nowhere!
Returning in August apparently. Hopefully it'll be online soon.
Oh, that's only 4 months away.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH give it to me now
pretty sure if you squint and tilt your head to one side, you can see the rani and Paul Mcgann standing behind him.
pretty sure if you squint and tilt your head to one side, you can see the rani and Paul Mcgann standing behind him.
pretty sure if you squint and tilt your head to one side, you can see the rani and Paul Mcgann standing behind him.
3 monthsIf it makes you feel any better...
Also can't wait for their promotial tour to start,is happening soon!CapaldixCraig Ferguson
I'm not teased, just fucking pissed.
So ... 80 issues for 15 bucks .... are the Dr WHo comics any good ?
I watched the entirety of New Who on Netflix a few years ago, and stayed up to date until the end of Series 7.
I saw the 50th anniversary, but did not stick around to watch the Christmas special.
I feel weird for disliking Clara as much as I do. I dislike her to the point where I can hardly bare watching the show anymore.
Maybe this says something about 11, though. I loved 11's episodes with Amy and Rory because I found them really well written.
Am I crazy or is Clara like nothing? If Capaldi is good enough, I might start watching again.
That depends though, Ferguson isn't going to do the Late Late Show for much longer. When is he quitting exactly?
Looking forward to this. I think I'll go in blind this time again. Doctor Who is just more fun when you have no idea what's coming.