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Doctor Who |OT| Pre-Series 8 Discussion - He's A-Coming

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Has Comic-Con happened yet for Moffatt to wave that over us yet?

That's in July, and I suspect that any trailer there will be seen in the UK shortly after.

It's not like with DOTD, when we had half a year to stew over the footage. Series 8 starts the month after Comic-Con- the BBC's inhouse promotion will start very soon afterwards.


I just watched from Nightmare in Silver all the way through The Time of the Doctor, for the first time. I'm officially caught up. I even read the impression threads here from when the * of the Doctor episodes originally aired. Can't wait til august. At least it won't be that much of a wait for me.

Oh, the tears I've shed today. Excuse me, I must go cry some more.
Raggedy man... good night ;_;
Well, even though the trailer showed next to nothing, I'm still excited for August. Thankfully, the wait is made SIGNIFICANTLY easier due to the Humble DW Comics Bundle, and the Big Finish audios.

I do hope Series 8 is significantly less... meh than Series 6 or 7. I personally found those two series rather dull. I just don't find it as entertaining as before, save for some moments and episodes of pure magic (My favourite episodes of the Moffat series are Vincent & The Doctor, The Girl who Waited, The Eleventh Hour, and A Town Called Mercy). I mean, say what you will of some of RTD's decisions, that man could make entertaining television. Even during the Slitheen episodes, while some parts were cringe-worthy, I was never bored like I was during some recent episodes *cough*JourneyToTheCentreOfTheTARDIS*cough*. Since last season, I've been of the opinion that Big Finish makes better Doctor Who than the BBC.

I also hope the show gets a bit more darker (just a bit). Sometimes, it felt as though, even though it were dealing with dark themes, it wouldn't give them the importance they need. For example, Jenny's death in NOTD. A very dark and well done scene... until they bring her back not 5 minutes later. The show should be serious and dark when it needs to be, in my opinion. The show could still be goofy, though hopefully not the cringeworthy, when it isn't occupying itself with the darker subject matter.

Also, you can be goofy without being cringeworthy. The house tour scene in Doctor, Widow, Wardrobe made me cringe. However, one of my favourite audios, UNIT: Dominion, at one point features the Doctor saving the day while riding a giant floating head. Also, later it features soldiers fighting laser-shooting cubes while wielding flamethrowers on aforementioned giant flying heads. That is extremely stupid when you think about it, but it is incredibly awesome, and not at one point did I cringe during any of those scene. Come on, Moffat, if you need to go for goofy, that's the type of goofy you should go for.
Well, Babelcolor got a job colouring some old Doctor Who episodes for DVD on the strength of youtube stuff. At the very least, that rain trailer shows a lot of potential and would look good on a demo reel.


God bless all my old friends/And god bless me too, why pretend?
Any impressions on the humble bundle with the doctor who comics? I know nothing about them, what tier should I get? Someone help please, are these trash?


Any impressions on the humble bundle with the doctor who comics? I know nothing about them, what tier should I get? Someone help please, are these trash?

The comics are decent. Probably the best one is The Prisoners of Time, which was a 50th Anniversary comic with a mystery featuring all the Doctors.

I think if they ever do, do a female doctor they will only be able to pull the trigger because they got a bloody amazing actress to play the role. Someone a bigger and with more appeal then the BBC talent bubble they normally pull from.

It will happen eventually though and its probably better they wait for a great actress thats imposable to turn down for the role rather then just doing it to shut people up.



Man... Subtitle makes it sound like it's Moffat's decision when he's most likely leaving with if not before Capaldi.
And then there's this:
Doctor Who could be played by a woman only for "aesthetic" reasons, according to Steven Moffat, who said he would resist all "political" efforts to cast a female Time Lord.

Moffat's quote:
He replied: "I don't know why I'm the one who gets the grief for this. I'm the one who put the dialogue into the show to say it can happen.

"Do you know how it will happen? It will not happen that somebody sits down and says we must turn the Doctor into a woman. That is not how you cast the Doctor.

"A person will pop into the showrunner's head and they'll think. 'Oh, my God, what if it was that person?' And when that person is a woman, that's the day it will happen.

"Casting is the dark arts of television. It is everything. That decision is central and absolute to everything you do. It's the difference between a television programme and a sensation.

"So you don't mess around with that; you don't cast for any other reason than for passion and for aesthetics. It's not a political decision, it's an aesthetic decision and will always be."

Saying "it's not a political decision" isn't the same as saying "he'll resist all political efforts to cast a female Doctor."

There will be a female Doctor sooner rather than later. And she'll be amazing. But it'll happen just like Moffat said, because it's true, that's the only way to cast the perfect person for any role.


Knows the Score
I still think Joanna Lumley could have pulled it off.

Arguably she already did.



The Most Dangerous Yes Man
Actually, since the Doctor is (now) an alien, I always wondered why they kept him as a man. He's an alien inside and his externals are always changing, so it shouldn't matter at all what he looks like.


Now? He was always an alien, right from the first episode. Only the Grand Moff Tarkin movies made him human.

And they don't make him something else because they can't even keep anyone for more than 3 years now anyways, putting them in a makeup chair at 4am so they can get sick from being painted every day would only make that worse.
The only physiological difference between a Time Lord and a human is the whole "two hearts" thing. Like he says in "The Beast Below", Time Lords don't look human, humans look Time Lord.


Actually, since the Doctor is (now) an alien, I always wondered why they kept him as a man. He's an alien inside and his externals are always changing, so it shouldn't matter at all what he looks like.

Probably because there aren't many alien actors around.


That really just shows our own prejudice IMHO.

Yup. The BBC really need to enact an inter-species equal opportunities policy.

Actual semi-serious question. Will an alien ever play The Doctor if an extraterrestrial discovery were to be made in the future? I realise that's probably the stupidest thing anyone's ever said but it's an interesting thought to ponder! :)


Yup. The BBC really need to enact an inter-species equal opportunities policy.

Actual semi-serious question. Will an alien ever play The Doctor if an extraterrestrial discovery were to be made in the future? I realise that's probably the stupidest thing anyone's ever said but it's an interesting thought to ponder! :)

Someone search for intelligent life on the planet Thespia!


So basicaly Moffat said that they don't think women are good actress ?

IF it is just the matter of finding the right person than 4 against 0 it is a pretty bad odd against women, specialy if you consider that usualy more than one actor plays tests for the role ... and there is no sign of a woman reaching even the tests part


So basicaly Moffat said that they don't think women are good actress ?

IF it is just the matter of finding the right person than 4 against 0 it is a pretty bad odd against women, specialy if you consider that usualy more than one actor plays tests for the role ... and there is no sign of a woman reaching even the tests part

Not at all, he just doesn't want to hire a woman because he was pressured to do it. The idea is that it would be a cloud over production from day 1 - even if they got the best female actress on the planet. That they had their options dwindled down because they had to use affirmative action.

Yeah, I want a minority or female doctor and if Gaiman is to be correct Capaldi is the gateway for this, but I agree with Moffat that you shouldn't do something because you feel pressured to do it - it could affect quality due to being pressured into doing it.


Now? He was always an alien, right from the first episode. Only the Grand Moff Tarkin movies made him human.
That's not quite right. The original scripts had the Doctor as an exile from some 50th century civilization; being an alien was retconned in later. The reason the movies made him human is because nothing in the show had been established to the contrary at that point. Having two hearts doesn't show up until "Spearhead from Space", for instance.


So basically Moffat said that they don't think women are good actress ?

IF it is just the matter of finding the right person than 4 against 0 it is a pretty bad odd against women, specialy if you consider that usually more than one actor plays tests for the role ... and there is no sign of a woman reaching even the tests part

Honestly, I don't think they ever seriously considered casting a woman, and I'm not expecting it to happen anytime soon. I don't even think it's a matter of finding an actress that's good enough - I think that in a lot of minds (mine included if I'm completely honest), the Doctor is very much a male part. Changing the age/look/ethnicity/accent of the Doctor is one thing - changing his sex would create a considerably different character. And I get that that's the point of regenerations, but even though the different actors have given wildly different interpretations to the character, it has always been recognizable as the same person. I think we'll sooner have a black Doctor than a female Doctor (still holding out hope for Mos Def). Changing the way the Doctor looks just solidifies that particular version of the Doctor - changing his gender would create - in my opinion - a completely different character.

I can't find the interview right now, but I recall Moffat, Gattis, Davies or someone else involved in the show mentioning something similar a couple of years back. They also mentioned that it is important to have strong female roles - but that those roles in recent years have been filled by characters like Amy Pond and River Song.

Of course, it is sort of fun to imagine what a female Doctor would be like, and it could be something very special if done correctly - but if it ever happens I have a feeling it'd be a bit of stunt casting rather than taking an opportunity to create an interesting story, sadly. And I feel like we're at least 2 or 3 Doctors removed from that scenario.
Well, we know they didn't consider a woman this time, because this time they only considered Peter Capaldi. :p

I think we'll get a non-white or non-male Doctor when Moffat packs it in (which I'm predicting will be 2016 - also predicting Capaldi leaves with him, three seasons under his belt). A new showrunner surely can't resist the temptation for such a big formula switch.

Also guessing it won't be Olivia Coleman, because that's super fucking obvious and two obvious Doctors in a row would be a bit dull. Zawe Ashton would be my choice.


That's not quite right. The original scripts had the Doctor as an exile from some 50th century civilization; being an alien was retconned in later. The reason the movies made him human is because nothing in the show had been established to the contrary at that point. Having two hearts doesn't show up until "Spearhead from Space", for instance.

That was only the case in the unaired pilot though. The version they did broadcast removed that reference because it was too specific (in the version that aired they come from "...another time, another world...."), and they hinted at that at various other points during the first years of Doctor Who. It's true that the first time the Time Lords were mentioned by name was the last story of the second Doctor, and the name 'Gallifrey' wasn't mentioned until the Third Doctor, but the idea that the Doctor wasn't a human was there from a very early point in the show. The First Doctor had the Meddling Monk as a recurring character (well, he had a little cameo in a Dalek story after his first story), and it was always stated that he and the Doctor were from the same race, different from his companions at the time. Susan also had a couple of sweet scenes where she remembered her time on her home planet. They even went so far as to base the modern version of Gallifrey, as seen in the Tennant and Smith-episodes, on Susan's description in those early scenes.

They changed a lot for those Peter Cushing movies, but mostly because the show was very new and it didn't have the cultural significance it has now. They were free to do with it what they wanted. Suddenly, Barbara and Susan were sisters, and they turned Ian from an intelligent, problem-solving schoolteacher into a bumbling Buster Keaton-ripoff. I quite like the two movies for what they are though, they have a lot of charm to them. Those first couple of shots of Skaro in the first movie still look awesome.


That was only the case in the unaired pilot though. The version they did broadcast removed that reference because it was too specific, and at various points during the first two Doctor's eras it was mentioned that he came from another planet (and another time). It's true that the first time the Time Lords were mentioned by name was the last story of the second Doctor, and the name 'Gallifrey' wasn't mentioned until the Third Doctor, but the idea that the Doctor wasn't a human was there from a very early point in the show. The First Doctor had the Meddling Monk as a recurring character (well, he had a little cameo in a Dalek story after his first story), and it was always stated that he and the Doctor were from the same race, different from his companions at the time. Susan also had a couple of sweet scenes where she remembered her time on her home planet. They even went so far as to base the modern version of Gallifrey, as seen in the Tennant and Smith-episodes, on Susan's description in those early scenes.
The Meddling Monk was one of the Doctor's own people, from the same time and civilization, but not an alien species. Otherwise, why would he have an interest in changing Earth history in particular? Or why would his secret "convenience" items include recognizable toasters and teapots?

Although they were from a yet-unnamed planet with some extraordinary abilities (like Susan's telepathic abilities in "the Sensorites"), being non-human wasn't established until later. That's why Ian only detects a single heartbeat in "the Dalek Invasion of Earth" or nothing unusual turns up in the Doctor's medical scan in "the Wheel in Space". Like a lot of the Doctor's background, being an alien was retconned in - mostly in the Terrance Dicks era.


Having watched Time of the Doctor recently, here's a theory that's probably been proposed already many times, but I came up with on my own I swear:
Could Tasha Lem still be in the tardis during the regeneration scene? I can imagine the first scene of the new series if it's the case, we go back to Capaldi's first scene:
Do you know how to fly this thing?
*camera looks to confused Clara*
*offscreen voice* I do
*camera looks to Tasha*
Or something along those lines.

Eh? I don't think there's anything to disprove that possibility,
she isn't seen stepping out of the tardis after getting Clara to Christmas, is she?
Having watched Time of the Doctor recently, here's a theory that's probably been proposed already many times, but I came up with on my own I swear:
Could Tasha Lem still be in the tardis during the regeneration scene? I can imagine the first scene of the new series if it's the case, we go back to Capaldi's first scene:
Do you know how to fly this thing?
*camera looks to confused Clara*
*offscreen voice* I do
*camera looks to Tasha*
Or something along those lines.

Eh? I don't think there's anything to disprove that possibility,
she isn't seen stepping out of the tardis after getting Clara to Christmas, is she?


As far as I can tell she isn't even in the first episode.
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