Ignatz Mouse
I finally saw "In the Loop" and I am more excited than ever for the new Doctor.
I finally saw "In the Loop" and I am more excited than ever for the new Doctor.
This teaser was trending on Facebook... boy was I disappointed to watch it based on that. Threw my expectations way off. Really the definition of a teaser... they show next to nothing.
The teaser was better than what I was expecting this far out.
ie. It actually existed.
Has Comic-Con happened yet for Moffatt to wave that over us yet?
I finally saw "In the Loop" and I am more excited than ever for the new Doctor.
Watch Torchwood: Children of Earth too if you wanna see his versatility in action!
I really enjoyed Children of Earth, it was fantastic.
Certainly was. Hideously underrated.
You'll probably love The Thick of It if you haven't seen it already.
I don't think Children of Earth is underrated considering most people consider it the only good Torchwood.
Traveller's Tales: "We'd love to do Lego Doctor Who"
They say that there needs to be a toy series first though. C'mon Cusoo!
No one posted the Rain teaser trailer yet?
Crappy green screen effect (or whatever it is) is crappy.
No one posted the Rain teaser trailer yet?
Crappy green screen effect (or whatever it is) is crappy.
No one posted the Rain teaser trailer yet?
Crappy green screen effect (or whatever it is) is crappy.
No one posted the Rain fan-made trailer yet?
Crappy green screen effect (or whatever it is) is crappy.edit:not so much after discovering it's fan-made.
No one posted the Rain fan-made trailer yet?
Crappy green screen effect (or whatever it is) is crappy.edit:not so much after discovering it's fan-made.
Any impressions on the humble bundle with the doctor who comics? I know nothing about them, what tier should I get? Someone help please, are these trash?
Doctor Who could be played by a woman only for "aesthetic" reasons, according to Steven Moffat, who said he would resist all "political" efforts to cast a female Time Lord.
He replied: "I don't know why I'm the one who gets the grief for this. I'm the one who put the dialogue into the show to say it can happen.
"Do you know how it will happen? It will not happen that somebody sits down and says we must turn the Doctor into a woman. That is not how you cast the Doctor.
"A person will pop into the showrunner's head and they'll think. 'Oh, my God, what if it was that person?' And when that person is a woman, that's the day it will happen.
"Casting is the dark arts of television. It is everything. That decision is central and absolute to everything you do. It's the difference between a television programme and a sensation.
"So you don't mess around with that; you don't cast for any other reason than for passion and for aesthetics. It's not a political decision, it's an aesthetic decision and will always be."
I still think Joanna Lumley could have pulled it off.
Actually, since the Doctor is (now) an alien, I always wondered why they kept him as a man. He's an alien inside and his externals are always changing, so it shouldn't matter at all what he looks like.
Probably because there aren't many alien actors around.
That really just shows our own prejudice IMHO.
Yup. The BBC really need to enact an inter-species equal opportunities policy.
Actual semi-serious question. Will an alien ever play The Doctor if an extraterrestrial discovery were to be made in the future? I realise that's probably the stupidest thing anyone's ever said but it's an interesting thought to ponder!![]()
So basicaly Moffat said that they don't think women are good actress ?
IF it is just the matter of finding the right person than 4 against 0 it is a pretty bad odd against women, specialy if you consider that usualy more than one actor plays tests for the role ... and there is no sign of a woman reaching even the tests part
That's not quite right. The original scripts had the Doctor as an exile from some 50th century civilization; being an alien was retconned in later. The reason the movies made him human is because nothing in the show had been established to the contrary at that point. Having two hearts doesn't show up until "Spearhead from Space", for instance.Now? He was always an alien, right from the first episode. Only the Grand Moff Tarkin movies made him human.
So basically Moffat said that they don't think women are good actress ?
IF it is just the matter of finding the right person than 4 against 0 it is a pretty bad odd against women, specialy if you consider that usually more than one actor plays tests for the role ... and there is no sign of a woman reaching even the tests part
That's not quite right. The original scripts had the Doctor as an exile from some 50th century civilization; being an alien was retconned in later. The reason the movies made him human is because nothing in the show had been established to the contrary at that point. Having two hearts doesn't show up until "Spearhead from Space", for instance.
The Meddling Monk was one of the Doctor's own people, from the same time and civilization, but not an alien species. Otherwise, why would he have an interest in changing Earth history in particular? Or why would his secret "convenience" items include recognizable toasters and teapots?That was only the case in the unaired pilot though. The version they did broadcast removed that reference because it was too specific, and at various points during the first two Doctor's eras it was mentioned that he came from another planet (and another time). It's true that the first time the Time Lords were mentioned by name was the last story of the second Doctor, and the name 'Gallifrey' wasn't mentioned until the Third Doctor, but the idea that the Doctor wasn't a human was there from a very early point in the show. The First Doctor had the Meddling Monk as a recurring character (well, he had a little cameo in a Dalek story after his first story), and it was always stated that he and the Doctor were from the same race, different from his companions at the time. Susan also had a couple of sweet scenes where she remembered her time on her home planet. They even went so far as to base the modern version of Gallifrey, as seen in the Tennant and Smith-episodes, on Susan's description in those early scenes.
Having watched Time of the Doctor recently, here's a theory that's probably been proposed already many times, but I came up with on my own I swear:Could Tasha Lem still be in the tardis during the regeneration scene? I can imagine the first scene of the new series if it's the case, we go back to Capaldi's first scene:
Do you know how to fly this thing?
*camera looks to confused Clara*
*offscreen voice* I do
*camera looks to Tasha*
Or something along those lines.
Eh? I don't think there's anything to disprove that possibility,she isn't seen stepping out of the tardis after getting Clara to Christmas, is she?