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Doctor Who |OT| Pre-Series 8 Discussion - He's A-Coming

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You can't post that gif without linking to the full K9 and Company episode, including the amazing intro, which is perhaps one of the greatest creations to ever come out of the Doctor Who world:


If Sarah Jane can survive that dross and still come across as a believable and likable character then she deserves to be on top of that companion list forever more.
instead of worrying about how a bunch of fans voted overall, let's celebrate #1

Sarah's message to all other companions...

That said, Leela's one on my all time faves.

Nobody said anything about Sarah Jane because everyone knows who the queen is.
I don't even want to see debates about Sarah Jane. She is, was, and always will be the definitive companion.

She got two different spin offs, for goodness sake.


1: Sarah Jane
2: Donna
3: Rose
4: Jamie
5: Amy
6: Ace
7: Clara
8: Jo
9: Leela
10: Romana II (Mary Tamm was robbed!)
11: Ian
12: The Brig
13: Barbara
14: Rory
15: Tegan

Not the worst list. Amy and Clara massively overrated. Rory and the Brig underrated. Romana I nowhere to be seen.
wait...where's martha?


My Who hype train is gathering dust at the station. Come on BBC, four frames of a 15-second "teaser" ain't gonna stoke those fires -- let's see some real footage!


My Who hype train is gathering dust at the station. Come on BBC, four frames of a 15-second "teaser" ain't gonna stoke those fires -- let's see some real footage!

Given how stupid the BBC was with the Day of the Doctor Comic Con trailer last year I wouldn't hold my breath for a real trailer until late July/early August.
My Who hype train is gathering dust at the station. Come on BBC, four frames of a 15-second "teaser" ain't gonna stoke those fires -- let's see some real footage!

The BBC doesn't care too much about hype two and a half months out. Two and a half weeks is more likely.
I have been thinking a great deal about what a quality Doctor Who video game would be like. Maybe the player shouldn't control the Doctor at all? I have sort of convinced myself that the player should be the companion and that a created companion wouldn't be such a bad idea either. You can choose the sex and voice but you can base them on your style (or what your ideal companion would be).
Play as the Doctor- ideally point and click adventure.

or UNIT Versus Everything else as a multiplayer game a la Battlefield. Or even a card game.

But what we'll get is one of these incredibly low-budget pieces of shovel ware. again. I've deliverately avoid the games they have released because they're generally awful. I think the last Dr Who game I played was one from a magazine where you had to type out the game in Basic.

edit: found it



I have been thinking a great deal about what a quality Doctor Who video game would be like. Maybe the player shouldn't control the Doctor at all? I have sort of convinced myself that the player should be the companion and that a created companion wouldn't be such a bad idea either. You can choose the sex and voice but you can base them on your style (or what your ideal companion would be).

RPG with multiple playable characters. Character creation is regeneration. Party is made up of various companions you pick up.
I have been thinking a great deal about what a quality Doctor Who video game would be like. Maybe the player shouldn't control the Doctor at all? I have sort of convinced myself that the player should be the companion and that a created companion wouldn't be such a bad idea either. You can choose the sex and voice but you can base them on your style (or what your ideal companion would be).

The ideal Doctor Who game would be a Telltale adventure game, where you play as The Doctor.
I started reading Tom Baker's autobiography "Who is the Doctor."
I think I made it two chapters before the first WTF moment.
Wanking School
Compared to Jon Pertwee's memoir, which reads like James Bond's Diary, or Nick Courtney's, which is a giant list of parts he played, it's certainly honest.

Any other Who biographies worth reading (auto and otherwise)? I've read RTD's, Barry Letts, Jon Pertwee's Moonboots and Dinner suits, Nicholas Courtney's, Robert Holmes, Terry Nations and I have Elizabeth Sladen's to read next. Kindle preferred.
The one I want to get next is the John Nathan Turner book but Miwk Publishing (love the reason behind the name) doesn't like ebooks and it's not available from Amazon UK to ship to the US.

Oh and I do have the weird books by the guy who was the Assistant operator of K9 when he was a teenager.
If it were Telltale I'd want to play as a companion. Thing is, playing as The Doctor himself doesn't really make much sense. I was playing Eternity Clock, trying to solve a dumb fucking puzzle, and thinking "Hang on. The Doctor is a genius. This makes no sense." Playing the role of a blue-eyed, feckless companion unfamiliar to the universe and how it works makes a lot more sense.
If it were Telltale I'd want to play as a companion. Thing is, playing as The Doctor himself doesn't really make much sense. I was playing Eternity Clock, trying to solve a dumb fucking puzzle, and thinking "Hang on. The Doctor is a genius. This makes no sense." Playing the role of a blue-eyed, feckless companion unfamiliar to the universe and how it works makes a lot more sense.

Yup. In the DW games I've played I always end up feeling constricted in a given situation because I know the Doctor wouldn't have any problems with the puzzles presented in a game.

Also, Doctor Who stories are generally told from the from the eyes of the companion and others around him. He's the lead character but he's also the biggest mystery of the series. Putting the player in his shoes loses a lot of that.

Playing as the companion retains that mystery and discovery aspect of the series. Moffat loves to talk about how excited he gets to write for a new doctor or companion. That discovery period is exciting because everything is new and shiny again. You get to play with the companions fears and learning experience.

I want that experience a lot more than I want to play as the Doctor. I want to be the new companion.
The Clara Adventures. You play as different incarnations of Clara whose goal is to save the Doctor in different standalone chapters set throughout the Doctor's life.
The Clara Adventures. You play as different incarnations of Clara whose goal is to save the Doctor in different standalone chapters set throughout the Doctor's life.

This idea actually has a lot of potential, the different chapters could be set in old stories like for the 1st Doctor it could be The Dalek Invasion of Earth
2nd Doctor: The Moonbase
3rd: The Dinosaurs would be cool
4th: The Deadly Assassin
5th: Warriors of The Deep
6th: Mark of the Rani
7th: Remembrance of The Daleks
8th: not much to choose from here, but if you were to dip into the EU, maybe Dark Eyes?
9th: Bad Wolf/Parting of Ways
10th: School Reunion
11th: The Beast Below
I started reading Tom Baker's autobiography "Who is the Doctor."
I think I made it two chapters before the first WTF moment.
Wanking School
Compared to Jon Pertwee's memoir, which reads like James Bond's Diary, or Nick Courtney's, which is a giant list of parts he played, it's certainly honest.

Any other Who biographies worth reading (auto and otherwise)? I've read RTD's, Barry Letts, Jon Pertwee's Moonboots and Dinner suits, Nicholas Courtney's, Robert Holmes, Terry Nations and I have Elizabeth Sladen's to read next. Kindle preferred.
The one I want to get next is the John Nathan Turner book but Miwk Publishing (love the reason behind the name) doesn't like ebooks and it's not available from Amazon UK to ship to the US.

Oh and I do have the weird books by the guy who was the Assistant operator of K9 when he was a teenager.

Not a book or e-book but you may be interested in Tom Baker at 80 up coming from Big Finish :-

"In January 2014, Tom Baker celebrated his 80th birthday.

On March 19th, Tom sat down with Nicholas Briggs to look back over his 80 amazing years - his youth, his early acting career, his great success with Doctor Who and beyond… and his return to his most famous role with Big Finish.

This candid and intimate interview forms two fascinating hours of engaging entertainment in the unique company of Mr Baker."
The Clara Adventures. You play as different incarnations of Clara whose goal is to save the Doctor in different standalone chapters set throughout the Doctor's life.

This is a great idea. Legitimately great. Gets all the doctors in there, flips the "rescue the princess" stereotype, could make for a really good action/adventure puzzler.
Talking about doctor who games. They are just releasing this tonight for Doctor Who Legacy:

At least they are doing fan service right. ANd yeah its a pitty a puzzle game is the "best" doctor who game of the bunch.


Tennant never got his own sonic either.

Different situation. I don't think they would have tossed out a design they only used for a year.

I also don't think Clara using the Sonic means that he doesn't get a new one. Though would he really need one? Seems a bit cliche to get a new one just because we have a new Doctor. Though I don't think his matches the 12th Doctor very well.


This idea actually has a lot of potential, the different chapters could be set in old stories like for the 1st Doctor it could be The Dalek Invasion of Earth
2nd Doctor: The Moonbase
3rd: The Dinosaurs would be cool
4th: The Deadly Assassin
5th: Warriors of The Deep
6th: Mark of the Rani
7th: Remembrance of The Daleks
8th: not much to choose from here, but if you were to dip into the EU, maybe Dark Eyes?
9th: Bad Wolf/Parting of Ways
10th: School Reunion
11th: The Beast Below

On a similar note, I'm surprised that Doctor Who has never really done an attempt at a Trials and Tribble-ations sort of episode. Certainly the Impossible Girl resolution touched on that a bit, but the universe has to be ripe to go all-in on that.


Different situation. I don't think they would have tossed out a design they only used for a year.

I also don't think Clara using the Sonic means that he doesn't get a new one. Though would he really need one? Seems a bit cliche to get a new one just because we have a new Doctor. Though I don't think his matches the 12th Doctor very well.
There was a picture a month or two ago of Capaldi using 11's sonic so I don't think they are going to change it out. i do agree Matt's sonic doesn't seem to fit Capaldi very well, I think a smaller one would probably fit him better. I guess well see later this year.
Different situation. I don't think they would have tossed out a design they only used for a year.

I also don't think Clara using the Sonic means that he doesn't get a new one. Though would he really need one? Seems a bit cliche to get a new one just because we have a new Doctor. Though I don't think his matches the 12th Doctor very well.

my personal opinion is that Capaldi is going to be more of a
hands-on kind of Doctor, so I don't think we'll see enough of the Sonic to justify a new prop/toy


Neo Member
There was a picture a month or two ago of Capaldi using 11's sonic so I don't think they are going to change it out. i do agree Matt's sonic doesn't seem to fit Capaldi very well, I think a smaller one would probably fit him better. I guess well see later this year.

I agree. Matt's sonic screwdriver fit his personality to me. Capaldi needs a new one.
The game where the Doctor and his pals fucking smoke everything in sight? :p

Sad, innit?

In fairness, Legacy is really well thought out, and I particularly admire the way that the makers interact with the community. It's a shame that no one else is willing to do anything that showcases the history of the show, if nothing else.
Sad, innit?

In fairness, Legacy is really well thought out, and I particularly admire the way that the makers interact with the community. It's a shame that no one else is willing to do anything that showcases the history of the show, if nothing else.

They should just take the obvious next step and do a Simpsons Tapped Out knock off.

Building rooms in the TARDIS or planets across the universe. Gaining new companions who you send on appropriate quests (Rose - 12 hrs - Try and break down the wall between universes again). Different costumes from different stories. Maybe even 'events' like Tapped Out has - a Dalek invasion or the cubes from Power Of Three.

It would no doubt be terrible and a total money drain but I would play it endlessly and begrudgingly love it.
This is a great idea. Legitimately great. Gets all the doctors in there, flips the "rescue the princess" stereotype, could make for a really good action/adventure puzzler.

If you are going Telltale/Episodic, this works perfectly. The start of the game could be that scene in NoTD where Clara jumps into the Doctor's timestream. Then you go from there, working to help/save all of the Doctors.
Tennant never got his own sonic either.

While he has the same overall shape and everything, Tennant actually got two recasts, technically.

He uses Eccleston's in The Christmas Invasion, but the one he uses in New Earth onwards is significantly bigger than Eccleston's - probably about a quarter bigger. Tennant saw the toy and the prop side by side before he started. He preferred the toy, which was significantly bigger to make room for the sound chip - as the prop doesn't produce sound - so they made him one in-line with that in size. They also adjusted the colouring and detail on the handle.

The grip that makes the screwdriver extend was changed in Series 3, and was even written into the story in a sense - he uses the S2 one until it gets blown up in the hospital on the moon, and then when he rebuilds it, there's the new grip. Which is only subtly different, but you can see it if you look close. They've got the different versions on display in the Experience.

Mega nerd facts there.

RE Games, I'd rather they didn't use any show companion. Make the companion the player character, and make them all-original.


Man, I'm doing a rewatch of DW now that Netflix got the second half of Series 7. I just can't wait until the Series 8 trailer appears, Capaldi must intensify faster! :p I've also got no problem with his
11th Doctor Sonic Screwdriver sticking around, maybe he'll get a new one next series.

Also, I agree that the player should be able to play as a companion to the Doctor in a DW game (unless it's LEGO). I just wonder if they would go for a customization system, since that would possibly mean no voiced dialogue for the player (unless they go with a default voice for male and female).
Following on from last year's global smash-hit 50th anniversary, BBC Worldwide announce a major global publicity tour to launch the new series of Doctor Who and introduce Peter Capaldi as the new Doctor. Doctor Who: The World Tour will begin in the UK on August 7 and finish in Brazil on August 19.

The trip will see Twelfth Doctor Peter Capaldi, on-screen companion Jenna Coleman, and the show’s lead writer and executive producer Steven Moffat*, visit seven cities across five continents in 12 days, where they will attend fan events and media interviews, publicising Series 8 to a global audience.

The tour marks the largest ever promotional undertaking in Doctor Who’s 50-year history and will kick off in Welsh capital and home of the series' production, Cardiff, before taking in London (UK), Seoul (South Korea), Sydney (Australia), New York (US), Mexico City (Mexico) and Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). More details of the itinerary will be available from doctorwho.tv soon, as well as reports from the tour as it happens, which fans everywhere will be able to enjoy across social and digital platforms.

Peter Capaldi has commented on his excitement ahead of the tour: “It’s fantastic that so many people across the world love Doctor Who. After 8 months solid filming deep in the world of monsters, Jenna and I are thrilled to be heading for the Planet of Fans”.

Executive producer and lead writer Steven Moffat adds: “I've always thought we'd all be a lot safer if the Doctor conquered the world, instead of the Daleks. Now with Jenna and Peter leading the charge, it looks like it's going to happen. I'll be bringing up the rear to handle the exposition scenes, and maybe carry some bags.”

Doctor Who Series 8 is due to premiere in the UK in August. US broadcaster BBC America will transmit on the same day. Doctor Who is distributed by BBC Worldwide to over 200 territories.

*Due to production commitments, Steven Moffat will be unable to attend to the entire tour. The cities he will join the tour for will be announced soon


so filming done by early August then?
Capaldi gives the most ridiculous quotes. It's like he has his own PR department in his brain cooking up that shit. I think it's rather hilarious, actually.
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