You really can't speak for them thoughIf this wasn't a next gen game with some of the most complex rigs in the gaming world i'd be inclined to agree with you. However, that's completely false. It IS asking for much due to the complex nature of everything involved. And it's not worth it in the end because the person wouldn't even know that they're playing as a female in the first place.
The could had made transgender charcters.... Same animations, same body and skeleton but with long hairs
If this wasn't a next gen game with some of the most complex rigs in the gaming world i'd be inclined to agree with you. However, that's completely false. It IS asking for much due to the complex nature of everything involved. And it's not worth it in the end because the person wouldn't even know that they're playing as a female in the first place.
If this wasn't a next gen game with some of the most complex rigs in the gaming world i'd be inclined to agree with you. However, that's completely false. It IS asking for much due to the complex nature of everything involved. And it's not worth it in the end because the person wouldn't even know that they're playing as a female in the first place.
And the result of that is that the animation for Aveline wasn't as fluid or natural as it should have been. It was jerky, there were clipping issues, people wouldn't be where there needed to be, Aveline sometimes displayed some very unnatural looking feats of strength. To avoid all that and get to the quality bar that they're trying to reach would take up lots of resources and development time on something that's the user would not be aware of in the first place. In fact, I bet the company would get scrutinized for reusing animations and not doing a good job of making them convincing or they would do all that extra work and other aspects of the game would remain unpolished by the time of release. Which doesn't benefit anyone in the slightest.Agreed.
This whole animation thing is flimsy.
Even though, AC:U probably has the most complex animations in the series.
The idea that it requires double the work for a female character makes little sense to me. I mean, they have had female multiplayer characters in the past for AC, Aveline used most of Connors animations for liberation, etc.
I dunno, seemed to work perfectly fine in Halo 1 and 2. Wasn't seamless, the second Spartan just disappeared, and players were fine with it. What I'm saying isn't anything radically new.
Keep in mind I'm only taking this position for co-op/multiplayer. If it's a single-player game then it's more understandable, I think.
Ubisoft can choose and not choose what ever character types they see fit and we as consumers have a choice to buy it or not. They are not beholden to us in any way to change their vision of an established franchise. No one is begging Hideo Kojima for a female version of Snake. Gamers don't want to play a female version of Snake.
I don't believe in forced political correctness in creative endeavors. If you want more female characters then be the change you want to see in the world. Go out there and make it happen.
Wasn't the entire crux of the PS4 reveal that it was "easy to develop for"
Comments like this are always silly... Nobody is forcing the developers to do anything but through our complaining we are changing it like you said we should. Didn't you see tomodachi life and the 180 on Nintendo's stance?Ubisoft can choose and not choose what ever character types they see fit and we as consumers have a choice to buy it or not. They are not beholden to us in any way to change their vision of an established franchise. No one is begging Hideo Kojima for a female version of Snake. Gamers don't want to play a female version of Snake.
I don't believe in forced political correctness in creative endeavors. If you want more female characters then be the change you want to see in the world. Go out there and make it happen.
And the result of that is that the animation for Aveline wasn't as fluid or natural as it should have been. It was jerky, there were clipping issues, people wouldn't be where there needed to be, Aveline sometimes displayed some very unnatural looking feats of strength. To avoid all that and get to the quality bar that they're trying to reach would take up lots of resources and development time on something that's the user would not be aware of in the first place. In fact, I bet the company would get scrutinized for reusing animations and not doing a good job of making them convincing or they would do all that extra work and other aspects of the game would remain unpolished by the time of release. Which doesn't benefit anyone in the slightest.
On my phone so not the best image but![]()
from this it looks like they specifically designed 3 assassins for you to be so not random NPCs. You make very good points but again from Ubisoft's standpoint why? I'm not disagreeing with you I'm just asking if you were them why would you put time into additional animations when you could easily just copy Arno's and use random male grunts.
Wasn't the entire crux of the PS4 reveal that it was "easy to develop for"
I don't believe in forced political correctness in creative endeavors. If you want more female characters then be the change you want to see in the world. Go out there and make it happen.
If you played watch dogs its just like that games hacking and tailing. Press a few buttons and bam you stay in your single player world but now another player is either after you or you're after them, but to you they look like any other NPC and vice versa. Once that is over your single player missions just pop back up on the map.
Yeah, that actually makes more sense. However, I wouldn't have had a problem with one player being the MC if it gives the other three players the means to customize their Assassins.The everyone seeing their player as the main character is a much better excuse for why they omitted female models, wonder why didn't they lead with that in their initial answer?
No, everybody is the main character and seens everybody else as random dudes.The main character is four iterations of the same dude? Story must be crazy
For better or worse, Assassin's Creed team takes their narrative really, really seriously.I dunno, seemed to work perfectly fine in Halo 1 and 2. Wasn't seamless, the second Spartan just disappeared, and players were fine with it. What I'm saying isn't anything radically new.
Keep in mind I'm only taking this position for co-op/multiplayer. If it's a single-player game then it's more understandable, I think.
Wait going off this thread, women climb and sprint differently?
Of course all of this is arbitrary and they can choose to change the way everything work and allow anything.What I'm trying to say is, the things the Animus can do are so arbitrary because it's fantasy space science magic. For some reason the Animus can do all sorts of shit but it can't let you see yourself as a woman. You can relive your ancestor's memories through your DNA (although you don't even need that anymore) and 4 people can relive the same person at the same time without causing any inconsistencies. But playing as a woman is where they draw the line. Playing as, I don't know, Annette instead of Arno is where the science magic stops.
Ermm...but you still wouldn';t be able to play as female character. If you want non playable female characters then there are plenty on the streets of Paris.I mean literally just putting a different skin on a character during co-op missions isn't really asking for much. Not that I'm asking for that, but the idea that it's similar to having a male version of Lara Croft is absurd.
The situation is getting ridicolous once more.
I don't know it the ubisoft claims are true, they said they have redone the animation system completely, at the same time these opinion by industry professionals are worth considering.
The fact is that this is the nth "non issue" : developers are not obliged to use female characters in their games.
They are not using a male character in a context where a female one was obviously the best fit.
It's their choice, we should respect it. There are 4 playable assassins in the game, 4 is not statistically relevant!
If anybody has serious problems playing a character of one specific gender he/she should ask himself some questions.
Those ridicolous complains are getting out of hand. Focus on real equality problems folks!
Equality is not imposed equal(by counting them) representations in games or other media.
Poor ubisoft, after giving us a game and a DLC centered on a female assassin, a strong femal character in ACIV and a game with a supposed gay antagonist, it has to deal with this.
Looking at a sample of 669 games that had protagonists with discernible genders, only 24 had exclusively female protagonists.
Action had the most female protagonists, shooters had even less, and role-playing games had exactly one game with a female only hero.
“Games with a female only protagonist, got half the spending of female optional, and only 40 percent of the marketing budget of male-led games. Less than that, actually,” Zatkin said.
in all three genres, a little under 300 games gave the option of a female lead.
MMOs prove this is not true at all. Tons of teenage males play as women in those games.
I haven't played Watch Dogs so I really can't speak to that. I'm mostly saying that, for multiplayer and co-op modes, story reasons aren't necessarily these impossible obstacles that can't be overcome.
Ubisoft can choose and not choose what ever character types they see fit and we as consumers have a choice to buy it or not. They are not beholden to us in any way to change their vision of an established franchise. No one is begging Hideo Kojima for a female version of Snake. Gamers don't want to play a female version of Snake.
I don't believe in forced political correctness in creative endeavors. If you want more female characters then be the change you want to see in the world. Go out there and make it happen.
Ubisoft can choose and not choose what ever character types they see fit and we as consumers have a choice to buy it or not. They are not beholden to us in any way to change their vision of an established franchise. No one is begging Hideo Kojima for a female version of Snake. Gamers don't want to play a female version of Snake.
I don't believe in forced political correctness in creative endeavors. If you want more female characters then be the change you want to see in the world. Go out there and make it happen.
You kinda can, if you're informed about what the game is like so far thanks to actually listening /reading interviews instead of feeding into headlines from journalists who were purposefully decided to ignore parts of their own interview.You really can't speak for them though
Comparative to other games it would be asking for a lot. The end result is that you get a very unconvincing female doing very unconvincing things or you get an game that has less quality because they focused on an arbitrary aspect of development.I'm not denying that, I just meant comparatively.
"Easy to develop for" doesn't mean that the character rigs get simpler. Higher fidelity graphics=higher fidelity models=more work and time dedicated to making them look and feel natural and convincing. Also Ubisoft has had female leads before in their games. Two years ago they released AC:L, last year they did a re-release of it in HD. And this year they released Child of Light. Ubisoft is not afraid to make a lead character that is not dissimilar to other leads in gaming. The AC series is a perfect example of that. Considering they've had a female main character already.Wasn't the entire crux of the PS4 reveal that it was "easy to develop for"
Probably after BGAE ubi felt female leads didn't sell well. Same with Mirrors Edge.
It is really nonsensical that a studio as huge as Ubisoft with hundreds upon hundreds of people working on Assassin's Creed can't hire a voice actress to redub all of the protagonist's lines and create a female model for players to choose from.
Bioware does it and they are a relatively small studio, divided into thirds mind you, that build huge and expansive worlds. Hell even the voice actress for FemShep stated she would love to play a female lead assassin for Ubisoft.
I believe that every game that stars a new protagonist each iteration, like Assassin's Creed or Far Cry should let you choose between a set male character and a set female character. Otherwise you alienate half of your install base and insult them with petty excuses. Shame on you Ubisoft.
Ermm...but you still wouldn';t be able to play as female character. If you want non playable female characters then there are plenty on the streets of Paris.
Comparative to other games it would be asking for a lot. The end result is that you get a very unconvincing female doing very unconvincing things or you get an game that has less quality because they focused on an arbitrary aspect of development.
But not fitting the animation in the limited RAM is not the same as claiming they have to redo all the animations.Didn't Naughty Dog explain the lack of female human enemies in TLOU by saying they couldn't fit the animations in the limited RAM? If other developers and posters here are claiming you can justs use the same animations for males and females why didn't they call out ND too? Brushing it off as "a day or twos work" kind of ignores the money involved as well.
If not including gender options for a protagonist in a story based game is "alienating and insulting half your userbase", where are the people asking for a male version of the protagonist in Rise of the Tomb Raider?Yes, I know mine is a dumb argument but I'm using it to highlight the absurdity of the quoted post
"Market studies" is often talked about in these threads, but rarely qualified. It's entirely possible for market research to be done poorly, and with lower quality standards, since market research is usually kept secret and is not peer reviewed or anything like that. So I'm always wondering if it's not a loop feeding back into itself- the product is made for males, the research says males play it more, so let's continue to make it for males.
MMOs prove this is not true at all. Tons of teenage males play as women in those games.
You can bash them (and Sony) for that decision that they should have done it and delayed it or that they are dumb for managing stuff badly but it is not the same, even though both things have to do with animation.
So of that group, 3.5% had an explicit female lead. Now, imagine for a moment how those numbers look for minorities.
Go team.
But of course, that's totally not a problem.
. Also Ubisoft has had female leads before in their games. Two years ago they released AC:L, last year they did a re-release of it in HD. And this year they released Child of Light. Ubisoft is not afraid to make a lead character that is not dissimilar to other leads in gaming. The AC series is a perfect example of that. Considering they've had a female main character already.
So you're saying that you want to look at another player who's avatar is a female who's using animations that motion captured from a man and are made specifically to play as a man while wearing outfits specifically designed with a male character in mind? And let's not forget the clipping issues.I already said I wasn't asking for it. And I'd hope there's at least one notable female character in the game that isn't just in the crowd.
No comparative to having a completely different character to play as for the entire game. With her own animations, voice acting etc. Comparative to that it's not asking for much.
I already said I wasn't asking for it. .
And yes let's completely ignore Child of Light and BeyondGE while we're at it for the sake of making a sarcastic post. Should we also forget the loads of female MP characters in the series with their own backstories too?Yeah! See, ubi did a female lead once. And then they made a HD remake of it! That's TWO bones thrown your way, female gamers. What more could you possible want...
I wonder if we'll see female enemies in uncharted 4. I get the ram issue but female enemies have been avoided in the uncharted games as well. (Heck, most games avoid them)Didn't Naughty Dog explain the lack of female human enemies in TLOU by saying they couldn't fit the animations in the limited RAM? If other developers and posters here are claiming you can justs use the same animations for males and females why didn't they call out ND too? Brushing it off as "a day or twos work" kind of ignores the money involved as well.
But not fitting the animation in the limited RAM is not the same as claiming they have to redo all the animations.
Naughty Dog said to have human female enemies would have meant they had to re-rig the animations for all the enemies, which would have allowed to have human males and human females but they said there just wasn't enough time.
You can bash them (and Sony) for that decision that they should have done it and delayed it or that they are dumb for managing stuff badly but it is not the same, even though both things have to do with animation.
Obviously they did it on purpose to promote the patriarchy
They planned on it, but cut it because they felt it was too hard.
There have been women assassins in previous games, so obviously they exist, but none of them were in France in that time period apparently. They had a great way to show a diverse number of assassins while still having a guy main character.
I haven't played Watch Dogs so I really can't speak to that. I'm mostly saying that, for multiplayer and co-op modes, story reasons aren't necessarily these impossible obstacles that can't be overcome.
I wonder if we'll see female enemies in uncharted 4. I get the ram issue but female enemies have been avoided in the uncharted games as well. (Heck, most games avoid them)
If not including gender options for a protagonist in a story based game is "alienating and insulting half your userbase", where are the people asking for a male version of the protagonist in Rise of the Tomb Raider?Yes, I know mine is a dumb argument but I'm using it to highlight the absurdity of the quoted post