DerZuhälter;117456863 said:Enjoy watching the underdogs win while it lasts, I'll definitely skip their shitty round of 16 matches. Costa Rica vs Cote d'Ivoir/Greece will definitely be a bummer to watch.
Yeah they fight with heart and run till they fall over dead, but you see nothing great in terms of strategy/tactics with those teams.
Long balls up front and through passes to the sides followed by crosses. Even Brazil played creatively bankrupt, with Oscar whipping in cross after cross. The fuck am I watching here? Is this Brazil?! South American football used to be flamboyant, it had style, it had great dribblings and precises passes and runs. I've seen nothing of that so far.
So I say fuck this world cup so far. You fucking event mugs, who come out like rats during the WC, talking about salt and piss off again when it's over and the league starts and just have some interest for the sport when the Classico is on again can suck a big fat dick. Fucking cunts.
This is hilarious.