Southern Bastards #5
First, I need to post this:

HERE WASN'T A MAN. You fucker. Don't even.
We shift the focus from Earl to Coach Boss in this issue. Latour's art and the colors in this issue are fantastic. Boss' depiction is so creepily onpoint. He looks like his face and body is held together be sheer rage alone. This issue splits between flashbacks showing Boss in his teen years and Boss now, and you can see how the man today could have been made that way.
And wow, this issue... how do I go about talking about it...
Coach Boss goes to Earl's funeral after executing him and then places the murder stick in a place where everyone can see it at the end of the issue.
It's fascinating to see Boss in the aftermath of Issue 4. I absolutely love how
even though he murdered Earl, he despises the town people for just letting it happen and not owning up to their cowardice because of their shame. He puts that stick up there to remind them.
Jesus. How is this not a television show on HBO that would win millions of Emmys?
Another bit of interest: There's a quick montage of different groups of people. I'm sure that eventually we will meet all of these nuts... including the
freaks in masks.
Can't wait for
Earl's daughter to come to Craw County.
Deathlok #1
Great opener. So, everyone knows I'm a fan of Edmondson's Punisher, and while I like Black Widow, it's so depressing to read...
Anyway, Deatlok! If The Punisher is an action movie, and Black Widow is a dark espionage thriller, than Deathlok seems to be set up as a Manchurian Candidate-esque sci-fi conspiracy thriller. The art is fantastic! It's so detailed and the action scenes are just superb. Deathlok's combat design is odd, but it works. Deathlok/Henry himself seems to be a good protagonist so far, but still feels like he's a sketch and not a full character yet.
Superior Foes of Spider-Man #16
The penultimate issue. The end is upon us. I am sad even though I laugh so heartily. Everything's come to a head and the next issue is gonna be balls-out nuts. It's so bizarre but perfectly in character that
Fred's machinations throughout the series are basically so he gets a chance to play baseball again.
Now we have the survivors of the Sinister Six, Chameleon, Owl, and The Punisher all about to blow each other away.
Man, comedy continues to remain on point. So funny.
Arkham Manor #1
Okay, so I guess this spins out of Batman: Eternal, which I have not read, so I'm confused as to why Bruce Wayne is now poor and why Arkham Asylum's apparently been destroyed and they're holding the supervillains in a sports stadium.
That said, damned interesting setup! The art is so weird, but it's all scratchy and odd and works for the concept. Batman's home is now a prison for his enemies.
And now Batman is going undercover as a patient.
There's not much horror here to speak of, but Dugan's issue of Batman 35 has convinced me that he's got the chops to go full-on into the psychological horror soon enough. Really hope they go into a horror direction with Batman's villains, similar to A Serious House.