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Fighting Games Weekly | Feb 23 - Mar 1 | Radio Bryheem Presents: Kosmos


I would play it and be like what are all these whack gameplay systems and why can't I DHC
Xfactor? TAC?

A fighter is a fighter. Each has its own ins and out and meta of how to move, manage meter and function defensively and offensively. ASW games are pretty good. Not every game has to function like MvC. If capcom did a single player nonteam based Marvel you'd play it too.

All I'm saying is folks just lump them all together as anime=bad and then they show up and don't even know stuff that was in them like training mode features and what sort of tools and stuff existed for cast in these anime fighters. Play them. Look over the tools. Judge the systems and resources in the game for how they function. Theres a lot other fighters could gain from studying "anime fighters".

Nothing really has been said that has convinced me yet that its the visual tropes more than the systems putting people off. There's a reason japan has pointed out that to appeal to western audiences they largely have to make characters more muscular and action hero like. Its literally all I see people get excited for most times.
Oh please...if the cast of Blaz Blue was replaced with Marvel's characters using the same stuff you guys would play it. Its not the meta of those fighters but their tropes and appearances that turns most of you off. You can't feel as badass with an anime design.
They are BAD anime designs. Straight out of tvtropes.com.


Sadly though, Fan art and Daisuke do the BlazBlue characters a lot more justice. Than a lot of the official character select art and such that is very bland in tone.
That's the point. The characters are anime tributes.

Like, you say you wont play til they add nine. But she herself is a super generic anime design.
Nine isn't a good design at all, but she would probably be a zoner that isn't a fucking 10000 year old loli or furry, so I am interested. That is a huge step up for me. I would honestly love to play Rachel if her aesthetics weren't part of a disturbing pedophilic trend in Japanese anime. Give me an adult, or even teenage, Rachel, and I am there.

Also, tributes should be good. BlazBlue as a tribute to anime is like a Bohemian Rhapsody tribute with voice synthesizers and Dubstep. They could actually make tributes that are great and kindle excitement instead of terror/apathy.

But are they bad games or movesets is the main thing? The rest shouldn't matter as much as that to serious fighting game enthusiasts is how I see it.
The one BB I played was bad, and I think Q even admits that version sucks (CS). Extremely slow and boring.

As an enthusiast, I need a character that feels FUN to play, and that also means it feels good to use that character. Part of that experience is aesthetics. There isn't a single character that gets me excited to play BlazBlue. I have a lot of other games to play that have good mechanics AND good character design. Why pick the weaker option?

X-factor is good, TAC is OK

Also this
X-Factor is okay, TAC is bad.


I don't give a damn about comic book characters and don't play marvel but the actual gameplay of bbcp bums me out. They have these super interesting unique systems but the matches feel so flowcharty...Maybe that's just an indication of my lack of skill but still it never hooked me besides the idea of "oh man I wanna know what it's like to operate Carl's puppet".the whole unending pressure into 18 second combo into a knockdown into Oki is kinda tiring in general.

Learning melty now and while it has that the neutral game is so fun and it happens so often that those other moments are still interesting. A game like vsav has very little of the above mentioned airdasher traits as well.


BB char designs are mostly garbage, but in game they tend to at least function well. Even, then. GG, P4U, UNiEL, etc. all have fairly good character designs and people still ignore them.

Tbh the biggest issue with getting people into anime ifghters isn't even aesthetic, it's the fact the player bases are small so getting into them is a bit more work and it's less likely you'll casually ease into them the same way you could with SF4 or MvC3. Those games ask way less of you at a low level, you'll probably start with a neighbor/friend/co worker whatever before you graduate to the competitive scene, and there's a lot more wiggle room to find players of your skill to work up against. In anime land the skill gaps are huge, it's harder to find people who play them beyond the lowest level, and you're not gonna find an average person to move along with. I'll concede that the people who tend to play anime games are more likely to be in a crowd that the average person wouldn't find themselves in, so there's that.

Plain and simple, even your neighbor has heard of Street Fighter or a Marvel comic book or hell even Tekken, so it's more likely you'll find a "path" up through those games. It has a lot less to do with the games and a lot more to do with where and who plays them.

I don't give a damn about comic book characters and don't play marvel but the actual gameplay of bbcp bums me out. They have these super interesting unique systems but the matches feel so flowcharty...Maybe that's just an indication of my lack of skill but still it never hooked me besides the idea of "oh man I wanna know what it's like to operate Carl's puppet".the whole unending pressure into 18 second combo into a knockdown into Oki is kinda tiring in general.

Learning melty now and while it has that the neutral game is so fun and it happens so often that those other moments are still interesting. A game like vsav has very little of the above mentioned airdasher traits as well.

This is a problem too. If you wanna watch how the game is played at an upper-mid to high level you're out of luck, even watching NA streams sometimes. It's easier to turn on a stream and see max level SF4 or MvC3 and know what end game will look like. Average player isn't going to watch JP match videos or dig to see it and have it explained, they'll just go watch Infiltration and have UltraDavid explain it to them once a week.


Also I don't buy for a second that people who enjoy a game with infinites that are caused by a hitstop bug after an RPS mechanic that are a core part of the meta are getting turned off by gameplay that much. I just think they're not interested in the first place because of the reasons I already said.


Ultra, guilty and marvel tourney currently at Versus Gaming Lan center. Hunter, flash, flocker et al in attendance. I might try my hand at some guilty commentary with ryan

http://www.twitch.tv/vsgc/mobile[/u...st[/QUOTE] eeeyyy South Florida! Mah Home!


You know what would really help anime as well, if those poor fools in Japan would buy some HD capture cards.

That and if their streams and content were better advertised. Even then lack of English is a thing but eh, no biggie. I should actually work on something for this, hmmm.


Also I think a game like marvels appeal to an outsider or someone on a stream has to do with the fact that the scene and stories within that scene are happening here, in a language we understand with rivalries and upsets etc. We know the guy who invented or improved certain tech and have seen and understood the growth of the game rather than jp gods who figured everything out when the game was released there 2 years ago on who's coattails we are always riding.


Speaking of working on stuff, I'm still working on P4U content. The FT10 breakdowns ended up relatively nice, shouts to SRK putting us on the front page twice.

So question is, what kind of other content would be cool to see? I'm trying to avoi dentry level content and move more towards in depth stuff. I also wanna do stuff for other games I play too, P4U is just the one I'm most qualified in, but I can always get outside resources.

Nyoro SF

Pretty much any time you think, "wouldn't it be nice if we had [X feature]?", you should assume that there's a Poverty game that had it years ago.


Skullgirls training mode is top class but it lacks a reset to neutral that other anime games have that I love...


But are they bad games or movesets is the main thing? The rest shouldn't matter as much as that to serious fighting game enthusiasts is how I see it.

I used to hate on BlazBlue pretty hard. Maybe I thought the art and animation was lack-luster compared to Guilty Gear, Darkstalkers, Street Fighter, KOF, etc... but the real killer for me was the speed. It was slow to a fault to me compared to Guilty Gear; my adrenaline never pumped. On top of this, as much as I liked what it borrowed from GG, several poor design-decisions riddled the game and confused me to no end. Guard-primers? The mindless burst system? Super meter that did so little? 9-1 matchups? It was all painful to me because I knew just how much better it could've been.

CP turned things around for the series though IMO. The speed increase gave the game the feel I was looking for and Overdrives added a much better strategic element than the series' baffling Gold Bursts ever did. Really, there are now only 6 things that keep me from putting in the time and maining the game: 1) Guilty Gear, 2) King of Fighters, 3) Vampire Savior, 4) Virtua Fighter, 5) UNIEL, and 6) feeling the current version is irrelevant because of BBCP2. If I ever have time for a sixth game though, I have to say that BB's displaced SFIV and MK9 in my rankings.


I used to hate on BlazBlue pretty hard. Maybe I thought the art and animation was lack-luster compared to Guilty Gear, Darkstalkers, Street Fighter, KOF, etc... but the real killer for me was the speed. It was slow to a fault to me compared to Guilty Gear; my adrenaline never pumped. On top of this, as much as I liked what it borrowed from GG, several poor design-decisions riddled the game and confused me to no end. Guard-primers? The mindless burst system? Super meter that did so little? 9-1 matchups? It was all painful to me because I knew just how much better it could've been.

CP turned things around for the series though IMO. The speed increase gave the game the feel I was looking for and Overdrives added a much better strategic element than the series' baffling Gold Bursts ever did. Really, there are now only 6 things that keep me from putting in the time and maining the game: 1) Guilty Gear, 2) King of Fighters, 3) Vampire Savior, 4) Virtua Fighter, 5) UNIEL, and 6) feeling the current version is irrelevant because of BBCP2. If I ever have time for a sixth game though, I have to say that BB's displaced SFIV and MK9 in my rankings.

Last night we actually watched a bunch of old JP CSI-CSEX videos. That game was not good lol CP is better in almost every way, except the music. CS music was godlike, CP is forgettable orz.
Also I think a game like marvels appeal to an outsider or someone on a stream has to do with the fact that the scene and stories within that scene are happening here, in a language we understand with rivalries and upsets etc. We know the guy who invented or improved certain tech and have seen and understood the growth of the game rather than jp gods who figured everything out when the game was released there 2 years ago on who's coattails we are always riding.

You're giving it too much thought. It has spider man and flashy lights.


A few notes w/ my extremely short time with Xrd:

- Everything is so wacky, I can't even tell what an attack is sometimes. Ky or Sol are fairly straightforward but then you have characters like Faust who I can hardly tell what he's doing because of the crazy animations. Something like this obviously isn't a big deal after playing it heaps but as a beginner it can be frustrating to get hit by stuff and not having a clue what it was / what the hitbox might've been / when it was active because the character transformed into some weird shit for their attack/move.

- Manual flip-outs seem lame to me. GG attacks have seemingly arbitrary properties to the point where I find myself attempting to flip out at every point during a long combo because I don't know any better. This is super tedious. Are there situations where you are better off not flipping out of a combo or should you be flipping out the first chance you get? Because if it's the latter, you might as well make the flip out automatic right? I don't know.

- Coming from Capcom games, IAD is tough and is something I'd have to sit and grind out to get used to.

- Some characters seem super sick at high level, really interesting designs like Venom, Ramlethal, and Eddie.

Cool game but I'm having a hard time getting into it!

Question: Have there been any first-time GG players doing well in Xrd tournaments? I hear the players dominating Xrd are mostly old-school players who have been playing GG forever. Does anyone stand a chance against Japanese old-school GG players?


A few notes w/ my extremely short time with Xrd:

- Manual flip-outs seem lame to me. GG attacks have seemingly arbitrary properties to the point where I find myself attempting to flip out at every point during a long combo because I don't know any better. This is super tedious. Are there situations where you are better off not flipping out of a combo or should you be flipping out the first chance you get? Because if it's the latter, you might as well make the flip out automatic right? I don't know.

Question: Have there been any first-time GG players doing well in Xrd tournaments? I hear the players dominating Xrd are mostly old-school players who have been playing GG forever. Does anyone stand a chance against Japanese old-school GG players?

There are situations where it's better to not tech, due to resets/weird situations/positioning/avoiding set ups. There's actually a lot of interesting things happening in the tech game. The only thing dumb about GG's is it's push to tech, so you have to constantly piano if you want to tech. In other current ASW(hell UNiEL is by FB and they do this too) games, they have it so you can just hold a button if you decide to tech.

Also Bananaken has been killing people in GG and he's new, and other newer players are popping up and doing well. It's extremely possible.
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