We should probably give credit where it's due, as much as SimCity 2013 burned the lot of us, it still laid the groundwork for Cities: Skylines in a lot of ways. The graphical style, the UI, and the agent based system, are all ripped straight from SimCity 2013. It also showed what a huge demand there was for a solid city builder, and it really crystallized what consumers want - and don't want - out of one. In the end, Cities: Skylines success couldn't have happened without SimCity 2013's failure.
I am in agreement with this.
*raises glass*
Here's to Maxis, for being the king of a great genre for many years. And although your last release was not what we wanted, it was a great lesson for all of us. And sadly, your closure today is a reminder that not all great things last forever. However, the wonderful devs at Colossal Order are making their way to pick up where you left off with SimCity 4.
And here's to Colossal Order, may your reign truly and justly for many, many years to come.