Man, i hope casual gamers will enjoy it then Souls-like genre may become popular. I want more Souls-like games![]()
We all Do. But can you think of amother developer you trust to make one and not fuck it up? I can't.
Man, i hope casual gamers will enjoy it then Souls-like genre may become popular. I want more Souls-like games![]()
We all Do. But can you think of amother developer you trust to make one and not fuck it up? I can't.
Yeah, it might be a bit low, but the original souls was also a really good game, and exclusive.1.2 million is about what demon's souls did on PS3 back in 2009. You might want to revise that estimate upward a bit.
I bet Bloodborne is easily the top selling game in at least 250k copies to whatever second place is.
I certainly hopes this sells well, because I fell in love all over again.
Which is kind of amazing considering I went into it anti-hyped + DSII didn't impress me all that much (though DSII is still a great game).
I dunno, i've seen a lot of interest online, but there are a lot of angry people who are not willing to buy a PS4 for this game and are very bitter about that. So its kind of something i'm stuggling to see doing exceptionally well in the long run. I mean Demon's got about 1.9 million but that was when Souls was a very new thing and PS3 had a 60/70 million player base
Any reason it would be different at physical retail outlets?
Any reason it would be different at physical retail outlets?
People keep talking about BB being niche, but I'm having a hard time believing that given the sheer amount of hype online.
This isn't a Bayo 2 situation where GAF and a few other corners praised it to high heavens while no one else realized it even existed; this is a situation where every mainstream games site is focusing all their attention on Bloodborne.
Is the game popular enough to rival CoD or GTA? Of course not. But people here are acting like the mainstream has no interest in this at all, which I highly doubt.
I dunno, i've seen a lot of interest online, but there are a lot of angry people who are not willing to buy a PS4 for this game and are very bitter about that. So its kind of something i'm stuggling to see doing exceptionally well in the long run. I mean Demon's got about 1.9 million but that was when Souls was a very new thing and PS3 had a 60/70 million player base
Dudebros and kids don't have credit cards and therefore need to go to Gamestop to get their games?
I dunno, i've seen a lot of interest online, but there are a lot of angry people who are not willing to buy a PS4 for this game and are very bitter about that. So its kind of something i'm stuggling to see doing exceptionally well in the long run. I mean Demon's got about 1.9 million but that was when Souls was a very new thing and PS3 had a 60/70 million player base
I dunno, i've seen a lot of interest online, but there are a lot of angry people who are not willing to buy a PS4 for this game and are very bitter about that. So its kind of something i'm stuggling to see doing exceptionally well in the long run. I mean Demon's got about 1.9 million but that was when Souls was a very new thing and PS3 had a 60/70 million player base
I find it bizarre that Sony didn't place the Japan Studio logo beside From Software. This is still their partnership is it not? It would at least quell some of the disgruntled people out there if it is explicitly marked as such.
When i went to my local Media Markt (outskirts of Berlin/Germany) yesterday to buy the game, the clerk told me that they didn't get enough copies to meet demand and they were almost sold out. Afterwards the lady at the checkout confirmed this, according to her i was like the 20th customer to buy the game and that only includes the ones she actually saw, there are three checkouts in total. Keep in mind that this was all before official release and the game wasn't even on the shelves, so you had to ask the clerk to get it for you.
So all in all, i think this will be a pretty successful launch for the game, especially here in germany.
Finally a reasonable estimate. Closest to my predictions as well... though it will never get anywhere near 3-4MM sell through WW. That would be close to 3X Dark souls 2... and BB is only on 1 platform!!
This isn't a Bayo 2 situation where GAF and a few other corners praised it to high heavens while no one else realized it even existed; this is a situation where every mainstream games site is focusing all their attention on Bloodborne.
Bayo got as far as The Video Game Awards last year, same as Dark Souls 2.
The gap between the general public and the people that visit these sites are quite large from personal experience. Unless everyone is hiding their power levels.
That was on three systems, no? This game has cut 66% of its platform base by being an exclusive. Probably less than that, as I believe the Souls games have often sold the most on Sony's platforms, anyway.
i mean going by the uk chart on Monday FF type zero got destroyed by Battkefield. So I doubt you can use online as any measuring stick for software ( it is good for predicting which console will probably win NPD)
Any reason it would be different at physical retail outlets?
Dark Souls 2 had a pre/post-launch campaign, and was pretty hyped for the type of game that this is and was even with DS2. And that was coming off of the recent "exposure high" that DS1 was receiving from its growing popularity.
1-2 million ish at most.
It'll have the benefit of being a big game on a game starved platform, but it's an exclusive, and one that appeals to a very niche audience at that.
yeah, it's going to be interesting to see player impressions from people who haven't played a souls game before but wanted something to play on their ps4
I find it bizarre that Sony didn't place the Japan Studio logo beside From Software. This is still their partnership is it not? It would at least quell some of the disgruntled people out there if it is explicitly marked as such.
Dark Souls II sold 1.2 million copies in three weeks, and almost 1 million copies on just PC last year. I don't think we have final figures, but even before Scholar of the First Sin launches I expect it's done well over 2 million sales; probably over 2.5 million.
When I went to Gamestop to pick up my Majora's Mask 3DS the guy told me this when I asked how Bloodborne's release went.
"If they would have released it on Xbox One in addition to PS4 they would have easily sold a couple million copys, but without XB1 or a PC release I bet they'll barely hit 1 million".
To which I asked "Really? What about the large user base of Playstation 4 owners that are still looking for a killer game? Don't you think that should move at least a 10% share of the current user base? What about potential clients on the edge that are long time Souls fans, wouldn't they be more inclined to jump into a system now, especially with the current results from reviews and looking at the upcoming fiscal year don't you think the trend is going up? Surely they could manage 2 million plus sales with those figures?"
He stared at me like a deer in headlights and said "Oh man, do you like, you know, do this stuff?"
I'm a financial Risk Analyst, I love hearing other people tell me their analysis sometimes, this was not one of those times. Bloodborne: Gamestop Financial Analyst edition... Reminds me of Michael Pachter.
***EDIT*** I would say based on the consoles sold through and projections by EOM Bloodborne hits 3 million WW by August with lifetime sales of 4 million putting it at a 18.6% attach rate to user base by E3.
I know more than 15 people that bought a ps4 just for the game.
Everybody and their mother are playing this. It's gonna be big.
Dark Souls II sold 1.2 million copies in three weeks, and almost 1 million copies on just PC last year. I don't think we have final figures, but even before Scholar of the First Sin launches I expect it's done well over 2 million sales; probably over 2.5 million.