It just baffles me that people think that AMD is some kind of underdog video card Jesus that is coming to bring open source and free everything because they think it's them being super generous.
They do it because it's good and free PR. NVIDIA doesn't need to do it because they know their cards are better than the competitions (at least until we see Fury benchmarks).
They are the underdog and not because of their hardware. It's because:
1) They can't afford to pay for support of games (you admitted that)
2) Their software team isn't nearly as robust as Nvidia's. You *might* see some driver updates 2-3 weeks after this game hits tomorrow. The latest drivers for OpenGL *might* work in the latest Maya 2016, etc.. etc..
Some people can't afford the software hit/miss cycles of AMD and would rather just pay more for the tried-n-true Nvidia driver/software support. Nvidia is hardly ever late on releasing drivers for most AAA games, have great drivers for other O/S like Linux, and usually works with multiple vendors (i..e Autodesk, etc..) to make sure their cards work with mainstream applications.