While I enjoy the game, I can't quite put my finger on it, but something is missing. It's not as engrossing as Fallout 3.
I am only about 12 hours in but I guess I am a little disappointed. The world is damn barren compared to 3; there are stretches where I go several minutes without seeing anything to hunt or loot. Also, some urban areas are almost pointless in their existence as most of them are blocked off and can't be entered. They're the least enjoyable thing to explore because there is only a select few places to look around within and they're usually packed with enemies. It just seems unbalanced at times.
I also hate the dialogue system. It doesn't fit the game at all. It's pretty terrible.
Also, the game is noticeably unfinished. It's not broken but some serious pop in, frame drops, missing dialogue options, finicky hit detection, and shit voice acting really take away from the experience.
Still, exploring balanced areas, using sneak attacks, modifying weapons, and taking down outposts is still satisfying.
I probably just need to adapt to the changes. Fallout 3 was one of my favorite titles last gen so maybe I was expecting perfection.