Scrapping TxSF might be a really smart move. Throw it all in T7 so you're not competing against your own game.
Can we stop spreading this lie please thanks
Akuma is playable here likely to generate hype for TxSF
Scrapping TxSF might be a really smart move. Throw it all in T7 so you're not competing against your own game.
Is it just me or is the game's contrast level way too high?
Can we stop spreading this lie please thanks
Akuma is playable here likely to generate hype for TxSF
I love street fighter and I love tekken but I feel weird about Akuma being tekken cannon. It's like learning that mega man's father is mario...
lol he's not even in v
Being honest, I don't know if even Jin can take Akuma if he was going full out. Dude is mad OP story wise.
It wouldn't be selling 2 million if it wasn't relevant anymore.
And that 2 million figure is for a spin off series that released at the very end of a console generation in the same year as Dead or Alive 5, Virtua Fighter 5: FS, new Blazblue, Skullgirls, SoulCalibur V, Street Fighter X Tekken, and Persona 4 Arena. 2012 was jam packed with fighters so 2 million is pretty good considering the competition.
I'm kinda amazed people pay attention to tekkens story and canon at all.
I've spent more time playing Tekken than most other games. Its all local vs tho. Don't think I've ever loaded the story mode before
TTT2 is on Wii U really cheap. Plus, that version has Tekken volleyball.This thread really makes me wish there was a Tekken game on one of newish consoles. Or PC, but lol. I got the urge to Jin it up some.
Yeah hasn't he canonically one every single Iron Fist Tournament since his introduction (not counting the last since probably lost that one being the main antagonist and all).Story wise, Jin is also OP. I've heard Akuma destroyed a part of an island at one point, which is cool, but Jin has destroyed an entire forest area many miles around and several mountains, an entire castle and can basically fly from the ground to above the atmosphere into the vastness of space in like 10 seconds.
It would be truly quite a fitting battle to see the two of them go head to head considering base Jin is stronger than Heihachi and base Kazuya combined, and Devil Jin is even stronger than that.
Yeah, i was one of those Tekken crazies who basically knew everything about the franchise backstory back in the day, it was interesting to see the characters motivations and goals
Yeah hasn't he canonically one every single Iron Fist Tournament since his introduction (not counting the last since probably lost that one being the main antagonist and all).
Story wise, Jin is also OP. I've heard Akuma destroyed a part of an island at one point, which is cool, but Jin has destroyed an entire forest area many miles around and several mountains, an entire castle and can basically fly from the ground to above the atmosphere into the vastness of space in like 10 seconds.
It would be truly quite a fitting battle to see the two of them go head to head considering base Jin is stronger than Heihachi and base Kazuya combined, and Devil Jin is even stronger than that.
Yeah, i was one of those Tekken crazies who basically knew everything about the franchise backstory back in the day, it was interesting to see the characters motivations and goals
Can we stop spreading this lie please thanks
Akuma is playable here likely to generate hype for TxSF
Quoted for truthIndeed. Akuma was teased in the first trailer for T7, before Harada reiterated that TxSF was still a thing. Just stop
Yeah hasn't he canonically one every single Iron Fist Tournament since his introduction (not counting the last since probably lost that one being the main antagonist and all).
Can I just point out that I hate that? I've always looked at him as the protagonist of the series since his introduction, but now he's just like his father & grandfather, doing a ton of reckless shit which I feel as though has no justification. Isn't the canonical ending of Tekken 4 him not killing Heihachi due to the vision of his mother? What happened to that guy?
So was I, and normal, non-Shin or Oni Akuma can karate chop a mountain in two if he feels like it. XD
I'm well aware of what Devil Jin's capable of and I still don't think he wants it.
Can I just point out that I hate that? I've always looked at him as the protagonist of the series since his introduction, but now he's just like his father & grandfather, doing a ton of reckless shit which I feel as though has no justification. Isn't the canonical ending of Tekken 4 him not killing Heihachi due to the vision of his mother? What happened to that guy?
No he's not, he's worse and stupid actually.
Kazuya is actually while an apethtic asshole, ended up a way better character and person than jin did. Though arguably 2 people. Tekken 4's story is weird.
He's the same guy who tries to start a world war so that another more powerful entity doesn't destroy the entire planet, while attempting to end himself and his entire bloodline. That hasn't changed.
Of course, if your running the Zaibatsu, you HAVE to be considered portrayed as the antagonist(unless your Jinpachi) cause that's just how it is. If your running the conglomerate, your the final boss most of the time.
It's funny how no one is ever willing to use this reasoning with SFxT, even though it was also a spin-off, also almost sold 2 million, and was also released during the same year as Dead or Alive 5, Virtua Fighter 5: FS, new Blazblue, Skullgirls, SoulCalibur V, TTT2, and Persona 4 Arena...
I guess SFxT wasn't the failure everyone thought it was.
People are getting just a tad too hung up on the story here.
That's what I'm getting at. Jin takes over the Mishima Zaibatsu & then recklessly attacks everything. There is no purpose for what he does. It's stupid & I hate what he became.
Is that why he does all of that? I have to brush up on my Tekken lore.
Yeah, you can tell those who say that kind of thing didn't actually play the campaign of T6.
The entire reason he started the war was to lure out Azazel and kill it for good. Because there was a prophecy that if Jin and Kazuya's Devil genes clashed in battle, Azazel would awaken and herald the true end of the world as the God of Destruction.
Of course at the same time, he was trying to paint himself as the bad guy to lure Kazuya and Heihachi out of hiding as well, so he could end them too. He was planning to kill himself after all of this. That is why he didn't want Xiaoyu to follow after him or get involved.
Yeah, he's beaten every single one. He killed true ogre, he beat both Heihachi and Kazuya one after another and actually spared them on his own whim, just because he saw his mom for a second. He destroyed Resurrected Evil Spirit controlled Jinpachi, and even took out Golden God Azazel by himself, and survived that too.
Also, there's the feats of Blood Vengance to consider
Its still stupid, like the logical leaps that he made to think that was a smart plan is completely insane. Because he didn't wanna ask his dad or his grandpa for help, he didn't have to do that either. There's non world war starting ways he could have done the thing he wanted.
And did literally the worst stupidest thing that one could think of.
Jin is a dumbass , and the shit he does in t6 is unjustifiable.
He didn't win 4
Heihachi had him taken out of the tournament and strung up in his temple.
The finals were Heihachi vs. Kazuya with Heihachi winning the Tekken 4 tournament.
After the tournament was where he beat both Kazuya and Heihachi.
How would you feel if Akuma had high damage/low HP like in Street Fighter?
Tekken Tag 2 deserves so much more success. What an incredible game. Netcode was damn near perfect too. Me and my boys have spent too many hours playing 4 player matches with beers.
BC that bitch asap!
People are getting just a tad too hung up on the story here.
He didn't win 4
Heihachi had him taken out of the tournament and strung up in his temple.
The finals were Heihachi vs. Kazuya with Heihachi winning the Tekken 4 tournament.
After the tournament was where he beat both Kazuya and Heihachi.
EDIT - He didn't win 3 either. Heihachi won that also. When Jin defeated True Ogre, that's when Heihachi shot him and declared himself the winner.
And of course Kazuya won 6,
Only win Jin has recorded in his book was Tekken 5.
This is kinda endearing really. I don't know whether to hug them or slug them.
It's still heart warming to see people treasure what story is there. These same people should give Namco shit about not getting it's story content and quality up to par with the rest of the industry. The same can be said for Eastern games as a whole.
You could say that for a lot of these characters. Kazuya especially just because he took control of the Zaibatsu much the same way, but wasn't even doing his corrupt activities for a better purpose. He just turned on a dime, and became his own dad .
Heihachi, sure, I get it. Heihachi, is a skumbag. Sure. But kazuya? Kazuya proves at the end of tekken 6 that's he's beyond this. He's all like " yeah this demon thing is pretty bad, maybe we should deal with that." and actively tells lars to not get involved because he know's his dad and his son are shits. And maybe, I dunno kazuya's desires for the devil gene... weren't really all that bad. At the end of tekken 6, not counting his " oh i'm actually the bad guy" fanservice non canon ending. Its clear... that he seems to be concerned about his son doing horrible shit with devil gene rather than ultimate power.Also, why would he ask the people who basically tried to kill him and steal his power as well as the ones who started the whole issue in the first place for help?
Swallow your pride, your pride isn't worth lives. Swallow your pride, ask your dad.He had control of the zaibatsu, was suffering from lack of control of the Demonic Gene, and this was a last ditch effort for him to try and end things for good.
Kazuya creeping around is a good thing, he has become through neutrality, the good guy. HAve you seen kazuya? dude wears dragon skin suits with a glowing eye, and spikey hair and scars. And I dunno if this is confirmed, though some concept art for sfxt kind of confirms it. The devil gene is slowling taking over his normal body. So is growing to look more and more like satan.In the end, he only managed to get rid of Azazel, but has lost control of the Zaibatsu and Heihachi and Kazuya are still creeping around. So he's basically gone back to how he was pre T6, except a lot of people probably in universe probably hate him for those choices.
Hah, i had actually forgot about that. Kazuya was left standing there waiting for him to show up at the final round. But Heihachi had to be a bitch and try and get the Devil gene.
Kazuya fought Heihachi instead, and then lost, Heihachi lead him to Honmaru, Devil took over and Heihachi got blown away. Then Kazuya fought Jin and Jin won, then Heihachi came back and beat him then left, and that's when the Jack 5's came through the roof
Can I just point out that I hate that? I've always looked at him as the protagonist of the series since his introduction, but now he's just like his father & grandfather, doing a ton of reckless shit which I feel as though has no justification. Isn't the canonical ending of Tekken 4 him not killing Heihachi due to the vision of his mother? What happened to that guy?
Check the edit, Heihachi canonically won Tekken 3 also via gunshot and betrayal. Though most casual fans would assume Jin won which I don't blame them.
Though how they did my man Paul Phoenix was dirty. He was supposed to win Tekken 3 but his ass forgot to stick around for the True Ogre transformation.
Guys, guys, guys, we need to settle this story shit. Is there a video or something out that definitively explains Tekken canon from the beginning to Tekken 6? And just so we're clear, the Tag Tournament games aren't canon, right?
Uh i hope this doesn't turn into an "western games do stories better than eastern" cause we could debate that for a while.