The Horror the horror
I need a guide.
WTF was I thinking
WTF was I thinking
Put your faith in the spreadsheetI need a guide.
WTF was I thinking
SPOILERS:I compromised and needed to get 14 wiakuea or something. It just makes you go collect more and i don't think you get paid.
I'm not sure about the latter option, but the former has you collecting a certain rare item from the blue drops. Thankfully, it's actually a lot easier than you think, since you can get it on the Nopon merchant camp where you initiated the quest that has about five or six on there, and you can reset them every time you fast travel to that spot. It's pretty painless, all things considered.
I settled for a compromise, but after watching my brother's playthrough, I wished I hadn't done that.The Ganglions you face there are actually weaker than the grunts surrounding the base.
Is there any point in redoing the same squad missions you've already done befote?
Should I save the reward tickets for anything?
I'm over 700 and close to my 800 limit.
Got my A90 LV60 Skell
That's an endgame only Skell right? Or can you get it without finishing the story?
So I'm on Chapter 5, and I JUST realized that I can play as the other characters.trying to destroy the 3rd turrent unsuccessfully
This is why I can't have nice things.
Got my A90 LV60 Skell tonight after a day of farming stuff.
Using it's 1500 fuel main weapon for the first time:
One shot for a lot of enemies now.
Reward tickets get you monster parts so you don't have to go farm them. I wish Monster Hunter would add a similar system so everything isn't completely left to RNG.
Use them to cheat past shitty fetch missions. What Chapter are you on? You can stock up for the eventual Skell missions.
I'm doing a quest to essentially rig an election and it's amazing
5 minutes after arriving in NLA we get a broadcast of the Mayor lying to his citizen about the number of people brought back from Elma's mission. So it's not really surprising.
He actually has nothing to do with this election
Sure, but still, it's kind of fucked up.
Coming a little short on that 70k revenue mission. Maybe finding a few sightseeing spots might do the trick. Research probes are hard to get by.
During my search I found Mia in Oblivia, she's a real piece of work haha.
I was having trouble finding a fourth for the global nemesis. Both times we tried him we timed out and on the 2nd attempt with a 3-man group from GAF we had him to || health.Tried advertising in free report but I feel like people just don't have Blade medals. At least you get something for retreating when timing out.
I was having trouble finding a fourth for the global nemesis. Both times we tried him we timed out and on the 2nd attempt with a 3-man group from GAF we had him to || health.Tried advertising in free report but I feel like people just don't have Blade medals. At least you get something for retreating when timing out.
almost lvl 30, which skell should i buy? is there a guide? ;3
Is there some sort of healer character? I have Lin in the best gear I can find and she still gets wrecked sometimes even using a fully defensive loadout.
The Psychoruptor tree has a party-wide heal + evasion aura and single target spells that give single target barrier, physical def up and a 10% heal, but I like mixing it up with the beam arts that get buffed when you've got an aura and the virus-inducing one (it's DoT, right?).
Is there some sort of healer character? I have Lin in the best gear I can find and she still gets wrecked sometimes even using a fully defensive loadout.
Google failed me.. where can I find Placid douguills?
how?- and I JUST realized that I can play as the other characters.
Hope is one of the better support characters.
Coming a little short on that 70k revenue mission. Maybe finding a few sightseeing spots might do the trick. Research probes are hard to get by.
During my search I found Mia in Oblivia, she's a real piece of work haha.
I don't think I have Hope yet. I'll keep an eye out for em. Just finished the chapter 4 story mission, about how long do I have left?
Thanks for the responses all!
That's what the one chick you meet early on is right?
She's at the church. As for length... a lot?
Anyone interested in fighting the global nemesis with me?
Wait, I meant Mastermind. I think Psychoruptor actually is the base class for that tree.
The class also has some nice skills, such as getting +500 HP whenever an aura gets applied on you or 50% secondary CD reduction.