But it sounds amazing... yes it is Kobayashi. Anyways, THIS IS THE DAY WE'VE BEEN WAAAAITING FOOOR!?!
I've been using a longsword and sniper combo, with a focus on the longsword arts.
-True Rising Blade to build TP (the gains are ridiculous at times)
-Shrapnel and Afterburner as ultra burst damage
-Offensive stance along with Breaking Slash to get bigger melee numbers
-Ultraslash followed by Incendiary Edge for even more burst damage
-Eagle Eye to boost ranged
I haven't maxed the sniper class out yet so Eagle Eye will eventually be replaced with Hawkeye for the extra crit and maybe Ghost Sniper for Offensive Stance to help with the TP building. The latter will depend on if the Ghost Sniper aura works on melee attacks.
The burst damage for this build is bonkers and body parts just explode. It's all about positioning though, gotta be behind the enemy. The big money combo is Shrapnel into Afterburner (with Eagle Eye up) into Ultraslash into Incendiary Edge (with Breaking Slash and Offensive Stance up). It takes a lot of set-up to get it optimal but even if you don't or aren't able to, shit just melts.
From what I can tell the sniper rifle arts are really good for bursting down individual parts and boosting damage for your melee arts.
Sorry as I'm sure this has been asked a lot, but which Division is most fun? I think I'm going to start with Pathfinder.
That build sounds amazing for farming mats from monsters.
Where I'm at now with Partisan Eagle, Shrapnel is the only Art I really like. Eagle Eye is pretty good right now, too, but only Elma makes much use of it.
Sounds like it could compliment the knives pretty well, too.
I'll keep levelling it, and see what I have to work with.
Even if it's item from monsters? Because those are easy. You buy themEvery time a mission turns into a gathering mission I die a little more inside
What a coincidence I just looked up where to find beagflea sashes and the wiki said the highest spawn rate is in lake basil, I literally had all of everything else for that quest except none of thoseIf you're looking for collectibles in Oblivia (such as: for the quest to get skell), I found a godsend of a video:
Location is site 317. (far SE. Or as I think of it, the Florida of Oblivia)
Well it was first hinted in like first 5 minutes of prologue and then throughout the game. I would say it's not really a twist
Bait is sour
Thank you!It's REALLY inconsequential, unfortunately. I know the game makes a big deal out of this at the beginning of the game... but yeah, it doesn't matter. If you choose the team that's winning right now, Prospectors, you'll get the best reward every day.
But even if you don't - the outcome of your choice only affects the others who find your NPC in their game and choose to have your team's "support".
Thank you!
Last question: I just fought a big monster, and kept failing to topple it. But I couldn't get my guy to stop targeting his back left leg. If I'm attacking this leg, let's say, and I try to topple from behind....does it count me being behind the monster as being behind, or do I have to be behind the back of the leg itself?
I've found an HB heart to heart, so yeah I guess.
They have Heart-to-Hearts (ie. I met HB down in the water purification plant talking with someone during the daytime. May have to be early morning, morning or afternoon but you can just cycle the times till he appears there)
I've been meaning to bring this up but my god I have found the aerial cam so useful, I didn't think it would be and would just be a fun little thing to play around with, but so far like 98% of the time I've used it it's to legit help me scan the area to find somethingGotta say, Aerial Cam is actually pretty useful (R+Up) when you need to scope out mining probes. It is one of my favorite features that will probably go unnoticed in this game.
Well damn. That's nifty. Thank youThere's a small window above the arts pallet that tells you your position relative to the monster.
Which Skell weapon do you guys think is better from LV 30-50? The G-Buster or Scythe?
I tried out that G-Buster because of that "holy crap 20k+ force!?" But it seems to only do a quarter of enemy's health in one shot against +10x leveled enemies.
But then I used the Sycthe and that behind damage is INSANE with Background Noise and kills those enemies in either one shot or almost.
Is the G-Buster really that good or am I just using it wrong?
Where can I grind to level 30 fast so I can use the level 30 Skells?
I asked this before but never got a answer. Is there a bonus in wearing Skell Armor while piloting a Skell?
So does anyone have a good guide or location where I can chain together my research probes for a lot of cash? I'm on chapter 9 but still only getting like 28k every 30 mins and I've seen people in much earlier chapters getting over 100k. I just need to know a good location to start and chain them together. If someone has a nice area, could you post a screenshot of the gamepad showing it? Please![]()
"It's not over until the fat baby sings!"
-L, 2015.
So does anyone have a good guide or location where I can chain together my research probes for a lot of cash? I'm on chapter 9 but still only getting like 28k every 30 mins and I've seen people in much earlier chapters getting over 100k. I just need to know a good location to start and chain them together. If someone has a nice area, could you post a screenshot of the gamepad showing it? Please![]()
Question to those of yall who have finished the game:
NOBODY could have predicted that wild ending to the end of Xenoblade Chronicles when you were only half way through that story. That's what I love about that game - shit got REAL crazy and the game doesn't nothing to telegraph it.
... Does the same thing happen in X? Are you unable to predict where this thing ends up after halfway through the game? Please spoiler tag your answer for those who simply don't want to know the answer to that question.
No specifics please, obviously.
Beast cave in primordia has lvl 40 grexes just aggro one at a time.
post chapter 5: how do i get to thema-non ship?
how do i get ...............?
This is how I have mine set out. I have one or two other probes in other places that have 2/2 sight seeing places unlocked (in the picture, where there is a node with sight seeing spots I have them all unlocked).
EDIT: Bonus Noctilum pic
And there is a rank 2 probe in a 2/2 sight seeing spot in Cauldros.
I make more than 200K right now,so take a look on this:
When you're basically done with chains in Oblivia, start finding places with good revenue and many sightseeing spots and add Research Probes there.
Hmm, not sure what I could answer. It's not reaaally hard to guess the ending but there quite many twists that essentially make some aspects of it unpredictable. Still, the "core" of it, isn't that unexpected after like Chapter 8.
It's official. Xenoblade chronicles x is my game of the year.
How long did it take for you guys to get to Chapter 6? I'm playing for aound 17h and I'm still on the 5th main mission. Only discovered skills around two hours ago. So much stuff, it is kind of overwhelming. But at least I'm getting a better grip of combat.
Man, this game has so many missed opportunities, if it would be a little bit more like the original Xenoblade which means:
- clear focus on story
- more and deeper story
- no need for character creation
- affinity and normal missions as part of the main story without heavy restrictions
- quick and easy character switching
- freedom in choosing party members without restrictions or mandatory main character
- more freedom in character selection
- meaningful side characters
- realistic fall damage
- fast travel without the need to use a tablet controller
- unlimited amount of quests to accept
- easy target selection
- better music
- better character design
- better voice acting
it could be the best game ever made. But it is not. They tried to create freedom but achieved the opposite instead.
It's official. Xenoblade chronicles x is my game of the year.
I'm 33 hours in at this point, and i'm just straight fucking bored. It's like a stripped down MMO that doesn't really excel in anything other than being pretty with good voice actors.