Are you serious
Connors comm device is next to a pack of lvl 36 grexes?
Fuck you connor
If you can't get in from one side, try other sides. It's a snatch and jump off a cliff case.
Are you serious
Connors comm device is next to a pack of lvl 36 grexes?
Fuck you connor
Are you serious
Connors comm device is next to a pack of lvl 36 grexes?
Fuck you connor
this is the level 5 south beam I am standing on
the one north west of that is the north peak of the summit cannot find the beam
Are you serious
Connors comm device is next to a pack of lvl 36 grexes?
Fuck you connor
I just took a random quest which has a first objective of, "Survey 30% of Oblivia"
Oh, is that all? lol
I am probably the only onewho woke up that thing and not got myself killed lol.
Hah, my sentiments exactly. If you're very slow you can sneak up to it without aggroing the Grexes and get it. I just climbed up towards it and slowly inched forward until I got it and booked it outta there.
If you can't get in from one side, try other sides. It's a snatch and jump off a cliff case.
Are you serious
Connors comm device is next to a pack of lvl 36 grexes?
Fuck you connor
The central pylon of Sylvalum should be crammed full of mechanoids >60, unless my memory is failing.
chances are it's in a place above you if you aren't seeing it.
There are only like 4-5 probes that are hidden inside of caves/mountains or similar weird locations that I can think of. That isn't one of them.
edit: that's one of the two I don't have. It's in a high above place. It's a level 5 one, so unless you have a level 5 yet, don't bother.
been searching this area for 3 days now have mercy on me dude
it is the garden green plant area on top of the mountain
I have a flying skell I went to max height you can reach in the sky still not seeing a beam
EDIT: I said am on the level 5 beam I want the top north one they can't both be 5
Ugh, this game is so atmospheric and HUGE. I decided to take on a mission requiring me to go to Sylvalum, a region I've yet to even see, and little did I know, it's separated from the first three regions by water. A lot of water. I don't care if there's actually some super easy method of getting there, just swimming (and occasionally sprinting) there has been just awe-inspiring. The music, the atmosphere. Aghhh. It's been a while since I've played something so immersive.
What's the timer on Miranium and Credits being handed out? Also, how do you take screenshots?
Are you serious
Connors comm device is next to a pack of lvl 36 grexes?
Fuck you connor
What's the timer on Miranium and Credits being handed out? Also, how do you take screenshots?
Just grab and bolt off the cliff. It's what I did haha.
sneak behind the two and run towards the cliff and the yellow gem if that is the one I am thinking of
I did so many times to those until I got the path right they did not even wake up
Pick up a cardboard box and slowly inch your way to the comm device.
But seriously, just try not get within their range of sensing you and you're good to go.
I think Grexes sleep at night? Some types do, anyway.
lol dude I just double checked for you. To the south of that spot there's a hexagon that you unlock the fast travel in the ground level. You rise all the way up that tall us mountain, and reach a grassy flat area. The level 5 probe is there.
Yes there are two level 5 probes in Sylvallum.
you totally missed the map I posted but I got the node I wanted 2 level 5 that close together was not going to work for me![]()
I asked this earlier but didn't get an answer
The prerequisites for the story missions are starting to irritate a bit, do they stop doing that as you progress through the game?
I asked this earlier but didn't get an answer
The prerequisites for the story missions are starting to irritate a bit, do they stop doing that as you progress through the game?
I asked this earlier but didn't get an answer
The prerequisites for the story missions are starting to irritate a bit, do they stop doing that as you progress through the game?
Stop doing what? Prerequisites? I'm pretty sure they are always there.
Around which chapter do you visit Sylvalum? Because its theme song is freakin excellent.
Around which chapter do you visit Sylvalum? Because its theme song is freakin excellent.
Are you serious
Connors comm device is next to a pack of lvl 36 grexes?
Fuck you connor
Around which chapter do you visit Sylvalum? Because its theme song is freakin excellent.
even till the end?
I do plenty of exploring, but just wish that wasn't the case. I switch back and forth depending on my mood, whether to just explore or do a story mission. But the prerequisites come in the way and I have to go fulfill something just to be able to progress
edit: ah ok thanks for the answers. If it becomes easier going ahead then that's a bit better. I just finished chapter 4 trying to go to 5, and then it tells me to go finish an affinity mission first. Just don't like that all
Around which chapter do you visit Sylvalum? Because its theme song is freakin excellent.
Around which chapter do you visit Sylvalum? Because its theme song is freakin excellent.
Arriving at Sylvalum by foot for the first time was the most magical moment I experienced in the game. Like everybody else said, after chapter 3 you can go there via swimming. It's worth the exhaustive travel.
I waited until nighttime and then just ran, jumped over them, grabbed the comm, and leaped over the edge to safety. Worked like a charm. A panicked and screaming charm.
I know what quest your talking about, I already have to do 25% for story mision and I have a skell now, so it's no problem, gonna do it later thoI just took a random quest which has a first objective of, "Survey 30% of Oblivia"
Oh, is that all? lol
There are plenty of probes you can install in sylvalum, in fact the game kind treats your arrival under the assumption that your still new so alot of the first enemies you see are like level 11 and suchAh got it. I guess I'll wait a bit for Sylvalum then. Still just a lowly lvl. 13. Not trying to swim forever / getting clowned easily.
So are all areas accessible at this point, or do some require you to fly with a Skell to reach?
Ohhh if you put it like that, hmmm. Are there any probes I can install when I arrive? Or do those require a higher Mechanical skill lvl? Would be nice to just swim, probe, and then come back easily whenever I feel like it.
Oh damn haha, I wish I thought of that. I just have the most hilarious imagery in my head right now.
Ohhh if you put it like that, hmmm. Are there any probes I can install when I arrive? Or do those require a higher Mechanical skill lvl? Would be nice to just swim, probe, and then come back easily whenever I feel like it.
Finally beat the main story. Other people have laid out their thoughts and I would agree with the majority that X is a big downgrade from Xenoblade. Cons would be unrelatable and annoying characters, silent protagonist is a massive downgrade from shulk, idiotic QoL choices like party members not leveling with you, nonsensical main story, strange music issues, and less fluid combat overall.
The things it does better are obviously the addition of skells, the otherworld design and exploration which I thoroughly enjoyed.
It's a mixed bag and a 7/10 game imo. Just an average experience.
So, I just about always hate comic relief characters in RPGs....
But fuck me if Tatsu ain't awesome and fun. Someone give that potato a gun and let him join the squad!