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Gaf, why is Dark Souls 2 so bad?


Neo Member
It would seem bad because every one is comparing it to DS1. DS1 is freakin' awsome, while DS2 is just simply awsome. I think this notorius comparing of games are ruining the whole expereince.


I can't remember what pushed me to the forest first, honestly, but as I was moving through the transition zone I initially had the same reaction that teiresias did: "this area seems a bit unusually treacherous."

I like how it is handled.

Forest is easier for most builds.

Heide's is easier for Sorcerer builds, or early Cleric/blunt builds, and makes it rain with early souls.


One thing that is different with how I'm playing DS2 right now is that I'm purposefully limiting shield use - mainly since I know there will be no shield when I finally get around to Bloodborne - hence, I started with a swordsman build (though I gave him a shield, I just don't use it much, it seems like dual-wielding swords doesn't by you much since you can't seem to combo between them in any meaningful way . . . at least I haven't figured out how).

In DemonS and DS1 I was definitely a slow methodical shield user, and this time I'm really trying to roll and dodge more.
One thing that is different with how I'm playing DS2 right now is that I'm purposefully limiting shield use - mainly since I know there will be no shield when I finally get around to Bloodborne - hence, I started with a swordsman build (though I gave him a shield, I just don't use it much, it seems like dual-wielding swords doesn't by you much since you can't seem to combo between them in any meaningful way . . . at least I haven't figured out how).

In DemonS and DS1 I was definitely a slow methodical shield user, and this time I'm really trying to roll and dodge more.

I just picked up Bloodborne in November (or was it December?), after clearing Demon's Souls and Dark Souls with a STR tank build... surprisingly the transition wasn't as jarring as I'd imagined it'd be. I'm actually having a harder time going back to using a shield (
Bloodborne does in fact have viable shields, at least in the DLC
) than I did moving away from using a shield.

I prefer not using a shield at this point, actually.
There are so many little things that add up to my discontent: the movement doesn't feel right, I can't riposte like I did in the first game, you have to invest tons of points into adaptability in order to dodge like the first game, etc.

You don't really need that good of a roll to survive DS2. You can roll circles around Fume Knight with 10 adaptability.


Just started DS2 for the first time. Adored DS1.

... I'm having issues. Lots of them. Mostly with trying to navigate around enemies and they just spin in place like they're spinning tops. It's extremely hard to master any sort of placement or distance when enemies can just rotate and the hitboxes, shockingly, are still really bad to the point I keep getting hit or killed by moves and attacks visibly out of range.

... I'm not having fun trying to adapt to that. DS1 wasn't perfect, but it felt so much more tight and refined than this.
To me it is bad because the movement/controls are off. It's a major step down from DeS/DS. Luckily this appears to be fixed in DS3 (thank you Myazaki). Parries take far too long. Also, the lore. There are no "moments" where you suddenly piece together a part of the mystery due to great item placement. Each item tells its own story through the environment. Dark Souls 2? Not so much. Everything is disconnected. The lore in DS2 is too 'high fantasy' oriented. It's all Kings and Lands and blah blah. DS had specific NPCs that moved around on quests that aided the despairing theme of the game.

It's quite simple, though, to answer this question. DS2 is bad because Myazaki wasn't in charge creatively.
The folks who loved the Lore, item placement, aesthetic, and gameplay of Dark Souls should be disappointed with DS2. It's factually a step down in those departments.

However, it does do some things better, mainly online summoning. That's about it though.
Dark Souls 3 is a little faster than the other Souls but I dunno, it felt close to Dark 1 to me. There wasn't much from Bloodborne in there apart from being somewhat faster.

Also, there was no equip weight so everyone had fast rolls no matter what.

Also faster recuperation time, faster enemies, less enemy stun and the bloodstain on hits


I was not a fan of DS2 when I first played it on PS3, but I am loving SOTFS on PS4. It fixed some issues I had with the game (cheap enemy placement, mostly), and it's just so big and has so much content. I do think Dark Souls 1 and Demon's Souls are better games, but DS2 is pretty great in it's own way.

As for contextual story-telling, DS2 definitely has some great moments you can piece together from items, NPC dialogue and in game actions.

One part where I gasped was when (big endgame DS2 spoiler)
You finally meet this King Vendrick everyone is talking about, and he's just a soulless hollow/zombie walking aimlessly in circles. I thought that was a neat touch and completely subverted what I thought he'd be.


One part where I gasped was when (big endgame DS2 spoiler)
You finally meet this King Vendrick everyone is talking about, and he's just a soulless hollow/zombie walking aimlessly in circles. I thought that was a neat touch and completely subverted what I thought he'd be.

This moment is a high watermark of the series.


I haven't yet played them. I picked up dark souls 2 cos it was cheap on PS4, and cos I enjoyed bloodborne so much.
Then i understand :)

Except it isn't. It's very similar, of course, but it just doesn't feel as good. I've just started playing DkS2, so I haven't deeply analyzed why this is, but I could instantly feel the difference.
Its been a while since i played Demon's Souls (platinumed it) and Dark Souls (beat it once), but i cant recall any major differences. I played Dark Souls 2 about 400 hours.


Gold Member
So is the real starting area where you go down the side of the cliff and open the door with the lever? I went there, but the darkness just past the for made it feel like it would be a later area compared to the bright and airy tower area so that's why I went to the tower.

Yes, the forest is the starting area. The woman standing by the sea (who levels you up - don't remember her name right now, as I just started playing this game the other day) outright tells you that's where you should go first. And actually, that seems to be a theme in this game. NPCs tell you WAY more about what you should be doing and how things work than they ever did in DeS or DkS. But I guess not everyone takes the time to actually go through all their dialogue.


Yes, the forest is the starting area. The woman standing by the sea (who levels you up - don't remember her name right now, as I just started playing this game the other day) outright tells you that's where you should go first. And actually, that seems to be a theme in this game. NPCs tell you WAY more about what you should be doing and how things work than they ever did in DeS or DkS. But I guess not everyone takes the time to actually go through all their dialogue.

Majula is much of a town than the other starting points. Emerald, the guy near the monument, and the cat all give some good info. The cat in particular hints at one of my favorite progression moments in the series.
I just got past the Looking Glass Knight in Scholars and am really enjoying the game so far. Other than the interconnected world being rather lacking I'm not really missing much more from the past Souls games, I'm not noticing many hitbox issues but that might be because I upped my adaptability early. On top of that I'm really enjoying the build/weapon variety in the game; I'm currently dual wielding spears and it's dope.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Dark Souls 3 is a little faster than the other Souls but I dunno, it felt close to Dark 1 to me. There wasn't much from Bloodborne in there apart from being somewhat faster.

Also, there was no equip weight so everyone had fast rolls no matter what.

Is that just for the beta?


Dark Souls 3 is a little faster than the other Souls but I dunno, it felt close to Dark 1 to me. There wasn't much from Bloodborne in there apart from being somewhat faster.

Also, there was no equip weight so everyone had fast rolls no matter what.

It's really not Bloodborne speed. It's faster for sure, but it's not that fast.


The sweetspot lies in letting the player take at least one or two hits before having to dodge or block rather than having to trade hits because enemies 3 and 4 are landing their attacks as your attack animation ends. I'd rather fight blue spear knights/Cthulu warriors (Bloodborne DLC)/Silver Spear Knights steadily chip away at my health in groups of two max than fight five nerdy enemies (each needing about four hits to die, so I need to land twenty hits while meticulously doing hit and run tactics). The latter is doable but a slog. Best example I can think of is the area in the Harvest Valley with the 5+ enemies (both the big guys with the spears and the undead soldiers) where you end up going up the ramp, taking a left, chipping away at their health, dropping down the ledge once you've been backed into a corner, and looping this for five minutes.

Eh, all that stuff is great. I am not even that good at Souls, and I'd rather be overwhelmed constantly and having to do my best than having "fair" fights. Sure, sometimes it is a slog, but that is better than the game being "fair". The player just has too many advantages with magic, items, health, better armor, better weapons, ranged weapons, the limited ai of the enemy, etc. The balance has to be on the side of the enemies or it becomes boring.

Bloodborne is good at this at times too, particularly obvs the initial area with all the people hunting in big groups, but bloodborne too many times just prefers to throw enemies who can kill you in one or two of your mistakes. One of the best npc fights in BB is just before Mergo's, where there are five shadows of yharnam in one spot, just walkign around. Just running there and trying to hit one before they all attack you it's just great. That fight is much better than the big pigs who can just ran over you and ohko you that are just before them.
Bloodborne is good at this at times too, particularly obvs the initial area with all the people hunting in big groups, but bloodborne too many times just prefers to throw enemies who can kill you in one or two of your mistakes. One of the best npc fights in BB is just before Mergo's, where there are five shadows of yharnam in one spot, just walkign around. Just running there and trying to hit one before they all attack you it's just great. That fight is much better than the big pigs who can just ran over you and ohko you that are just before them...

i suppose fighting those shadows might be fun. but simply luring the 2 pigs into attacking them, & then just sitting back watching it all is still, for me, even more fun :) ...


The sweetspot lies in letting the player take at least one or two hits before having to dodge or block rather than having to trade hits because enemies 3 and 4 are landing their attacks as your attack animation ends. I'd rather fight blue spear knights/Cthulu warriors (Bloodborne DLC)/Silver Spear Knights steadily chip away at my health in groups of two max than fight five nerdy enemies (each needing about four hits to die, so I need to land twenty hits while meticulously doing hit and run tactics). The latter is doable but a slog. Best example I can think of is the area in the Harvest Valley with the 5+ enemies (both the big guys with the spears and the undead soldiers) where you end up going up the ramp, taking a left, chipping away at their health, dropping down the ledge once you've been backed into a corner, and looping this for five minutes.

I think it'd be a boring game if all encounters adhered to hitting that 'sweetspot.' It's good to switch things up, and this includes tossing everything at the player with the kind of aggression they don't expect (Iron Keep in Scholar is a great example of this), or setting up encounters where the best option is to run, rather than take everything on.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I really think gender representation in Dark Souls 2 is pretty bad, a big step back from the other games. Nashandra, Najka, Mytha... all travel in negative fantasy tropes about women; any one of them would be fine in a game but it piles up by the end.
What on Earth...

This thread, man.

god, I hate what they did to backstabbing and parrying in ds2
Yeah no. The impaling animations for the spears and lance was awesome.
I really think gender representation in Dark Souls 2 is pretty bad, a big step back from the other games. Nashandra, Najka, Mytha... all travel in negative fantasy tropes about women; any one of them would be fine in a game but it piles up by the end. The DLC eventually goes some way to improve the overall role of women in the game but it was def something I noticed on my first playthrough and have seen others pick up on; the Bonfireside Chat podcast also talked about it for example.

When you love someone so much......


The main things for me were the level design, bosses and art which all contributed to it feeling like a less engaging world than the first game.

The combat also felt a bit on the slow side but I adjusted to that after a while. The i frames were dodgy as well with agility being added, ughhh. They also fucked up healing by introducing life gems; Dark Souls 1 handled healing perfectly so I have no idea how they messed this aspect up in both DS2 and BB.

Overall it was just a massive step down from DS1.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
Drive-by opinions are the worst.

Not so different with many people refuting the criticism by "Yeah No" or "Lol lol lol!" replies.

If you can't handle your favorite game being criticized by others, or if you can't handle other people have strong opinions about your favorite game that are not painting it in a favorable manner, then I am not sure GAF is the right place for you to hang around in.


What on Earth...

This thread, man.

What do you mean what on earth? All three of those boss fights are predicated around classic negative fantasy tropes about women. One about vanity, one about "my ex is so crazy, please help me kill her" and the whole game is predicated on
an evil woman corrupting her formerly honorable man and tricking him into stealing something from the giants
. I'm definitely not the only person to have noticed this.

I'm on the generally pro-Dark Souls 2 side, btw, this isn't something i'm mentioning as a "and that's why you shouldn't play it!" kind of hyperbole. The Bonfireside Chat folks are actually teased by their listeners about being Dark Souls 2 stans because they looooove Dark Souls 2. (more than I do, for sure.) But that doesn't mean there aren't some aspects that rub me the wrong way... part of what I loved about Dark Souls was how good it was on gender representation, the excesses of Gwyneivere's character model aside (and arguably Quelaag's design as well, but that's more grotesque than sexy imho.)

oh right, and the dress up doll lady. WTF is up with that shit? Creepy. And the Desert Sorcerers.

Not a dealbreaker, not something to make a huge deal out of, but it's there in the game and I'm not going to pretend it isn't.


never left the stone age
Not sure if you're agreeing with me or "calling out" my post.

Hah no, I'm 100% agreeing with you. I meant that people who just post the video and go "ya theres my say on the matter" are the worst.

Not so different with many people refuting the criticism by "Yeah No" or "Lol lol lol!" replies.

If you can't handle your favorite game being criticized by others, or if you can't handle other people have strong opinions about your favorite game that are not painting it in a favorable manner, then I am not sure GAF is the right place for you to hang around in.

I'm legit shaking with rage over my #1 game of all time being criticised. But seriously, who has a favourite game? They all have something unique to offer.
I want to talk about something that annoyed me about this game: the bosses. They went for quantity rather than quality and it shows. Many of them look like they were made in a "Dark Souls Boss Generator". We have:

*Dude in armor;
*Dude in armor with FIRE buff;
*Dude in armor with DARK buff;
*Dude in armor that floats;
*Lion dude in armor
*Three tall skinny dudes in armor;
*Female torso attached to a scorpion;
*Female torso attached to a serpent;
*A bunch of mice;
*A bunch of skeletons;
*Two sorcerers and a bunch of zombie dudes;
*A good old-fashioned dragon;
*Jabba the Hutt

And these are the ones I can remember.

Sure you can say Bloodborne had some of those bosses, but they are made more interesting by the character design and/or by how they attack. The fight against the Shadows of Yharnam, for example, is much more memorable than the one against the "Three Armored Amigos" in DS2.


I just fired it up to give it another shot. I was so good at riposte in DS1, and I can't do it for the life of me in this game. Whatever they changed, I don't like it. It just doesn't feel like DS1. I'm out.


I just fired it up to give it another shot. I was so good at riposte in DS1, and I can't do it for the life of me in this game. Whatever they changed, I don't like it. It just doesn't feel like DS1. I'm out.

Dark 2 has it's own rhythm, but I got wicked good at parrying in it using the rapier R2. Easier than parrying in Demon's, I think.


I've played all the Souls games, but DS2 is the only one I've returned to. 4 times in fact. It's just amazingly replayable.


Gold Member
Yeah no. The impaling animations for the spears and lance was awesome.

Yet the animations for all of the swords are terrible, and much more importantly, they screwed up the parry timing/windows. Adding the ability to parry while two-handing a weapon was great, but it didn't much matter when the system at its core was borked.


I just fired it up to give it another shot. I was so good at riposte in DS1, and I can't do it for the life of me in this game. Whatever they changed, I don't like it. It just doesn't feel like DS1. I'm out.

There is a delay in parrying. Its almost like DS1 pvp were you usually have to parry a second before you normally would in the base game. I agree its worse in DS2 but you can do it, you just need to practice a little.
Hordes of enemies can suck my dick, to be honest. Being mobbed in this drives me insane, specially when you get backed into a corner and cant escape, and are being repeatedly slashed so you can't counter attack or even defend.


he fight against the Shadows of Yharnam, for example, is much more memorable than the one against the "Three Armored Amigos" in DS2.

Yeah, no. The Shadows of Yharnam was one of Bloodbornes many boring and terrible bosses. At least the amigos put up a fight.
There are 2 opinions in gaming that stand out to me as being so far removed from my own. One is the hate DS2 gets, the other is the praise for Undertale. I feel like I played different games to everyone else for both of these. I don't even understand what the hell people are talking about when they complain of large mobs in DS2. Nothing in that regard stands out over say, Bloodborne.
Well as some one who has played bloodborne through 4 times, darksouls 1 all the way through once and upto and including O&S 3 times (once last week) and dark souls 2 plus DLC once (couple of months ago).

I would say dark souls 1 is excellent (but maybe a little too obtuse) upto and including O&S but takes a nose dive after that. I just don't really enjoy the rest of the games areas or bosses much.

Bloodborne is consistently amazing throughout with the only bit I find bad being the chalice dungeons but they are optional.

Dark souls two is just mediocre throughout. It has some nice improvements over DS1 but its worse in many many areas. However it stayed consistently at the same level during the play through.

The DLC in all three is very good though. The only issues in DS2s DLC is the stuff is can't fix like floaty movement and terrible dead zones on ps4.

Dark souls 2 is still overall a good game. It just kinda pales in comparison to DS1 and BB.


Yet the animations for all of the swords are terrible, and much more importantly, they screwed up the parry timing/windows. Adding the ability to parry while two-handing a weapon was great, but it didn't much matter when the system at its core was borked.

I also hate the parry system in Dark II, but I believe it was a necessary compromise because of the first actually good netcode in the series.

Monastery Scimitar was completely broken in PVP because you could easily parry on reaction. The lag makes it so parries have to be a read, but with Dark II's netcode, instant parries are also instant online. You can wait until the attack is almost hitting you to hit parry, like you would in PVE.

I hope they work on maybe changing the parry time when fighting another player or something like that, so that PVE doesn't have to suffer because of PVP balance, because the Dark II netcode should definitely stay.
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