Preordering digital games months is like the most pointless thing ever.
day 1 though I'm in
Wtf lol, do you realise what you just said?
Preordering digital games months is like the most pointless thing ever.
day 1 though I'm in
Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment Europe LLC
Refreshed the thread, and reading all the "but what do you do" and "this price is heresy for an INDIE game!!" posts again.
It's definitely going to flop at $60 and perhaps get a huge jump when it's eventually at below $25I don't think it is for me, but I knew that already. I'm saying I see a good chance of it being a major flop overall.
My head hurts after reading this thread.
It's absolutely infuriating how people flat out deny NMS' value without even giving it a fair chance. Where is the outcry when publishers release garbage like Thief for 60 bucks with a straight face?
Just give them the benefit of the doubt and wait for reviewers you trust in for crying out loud.
Does this mean PS4 exclusive now?
I thought they were self-publishing?
Is this a typical thing; to announce when pre-orders go live for a digital game that cannot sell out?
You sure that's how many planets there are? That's insane. Guess y'all can wait for price drop.
How does it work though? If you don't discover a planet, I mean. I mean, I'm lost at how the fuck it works! My mind can't process this number. It's scary.
Sean Murray was on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, just like all those other $20 indie games.
You can play offline and discover all the planets in the game yourself, if you so choose.
Pretty sure Sean said you do not need PSN or PS+ to play No Man's Sky.
Unless they changed the game since then? I have no idea.
People are being unfair making the reactions to the price into something they aren't.
This isn't about indie vs. AAA games.
Does this mean PS4 exclusive now?
I thought they were self-publishing?
Does this mean PS4 exclusive now?
I thought they were self-publishing?
You sure that's how many planets there are? That's insane. Guess y'all can wait for price drop.
How does it work though? If you don't discover a planet, I mean. I mean, I'm lost at how the fuck it works! My mind can't process this number. It's scary.
Preorders for a games that we have no idea about? I am rather concerned about this game to be honest. It's been all smoke and mirrors so far with very bold claims.
I've got $60, and Hello Games has for sale the space exploration game I've dreamed about since I was a wee lad.
Does this mean PS4 exclusive now?
I thought they were self-publishing?
Sony computer entertainment actually published games on steam before, like helldivers.
They will probably self publish on PC. Or have Sony publish it on PC like Helldivers.
You are being 'unfair' in your interpretations of Hello Games' enthusiasm for their own video game.
Thanks for this.
It isn't even an indie game then!
People are being unfair making the reactions to the price into something they aren't.
This isn't about indie vs. AAA games.
You can buy and play this day 1 and still keep the money in your wallet up until release, as opposed to people who just throw it into a hole months in advance.Wtf lol, do you realise what you just said?
Doesn't marketing work the other way though?
I don't want to buy products unless the person selling the product creates a demand in me.
They have the burden of proof, so to speak.
Last I heard you could play offline but you don't get to cash in any discoveries and earn credits until you connect to the server. In other words offline mode is pretty useless sadly![]()
I thought this was going to be $40 but $60 for an indie game? steam sale for me...i can wait a year to play it..
Right, because Sony had previously boosted his games profile. Otherwise he wouldn't have been on there.
This is actually true. For some reason, every time I see/hear about No Man's Sky, I think of the excellent Spaceman Spiff.
But what makes it diferent? What's the difference between NMS and Thief?
Review thread is the next appointment, it's going to be amazing.
Didnt we literally just have this same discussion with The Witness and its $40 price? You'd think people would be acclimated by now, with all the indie games releasing in the $25-$40 range
NMS and Uncharted 4 review threads are my most anticipated GAF threads
It's in the eye of the beholder, both ways, I guess.
To some their marketing campaign has been tremendously effective, it seems.
To others it hasn't.
Fair's got nothing to do with it, but it will affect sales either way.
There's not much more to say than that.
Knew it was 59.99
This doesn't seem good without a big blowout of news.
It's just dumb that you are coming in here and saying they are bragging that the game was soooo easy to make and yet offer no proof of this. All the while moaning about it being $60 and published by Sony.
I'd note two things...
This isn't an indie game. Sony is publishing.
This doesn't cost $25-40. This costs $60.
This is incredibly ballsy. I guess marketing will drop on or before March 3rd?
NMS and Uncharted 4 review threads are my most anticipated GAF threads
Let me get this straight, if they self-publish it on PC it'll be a indie game?
So we can say that NMS is indie on PC, but mainstream on ps4?