Are the maggots organic?
I'm liberal, but you're basically calling anyone who doesn't agree 100% with you a "disgusting tool" . When did Moderate become a something evil? For example, I'm all for legalizing all drugs but if there is a liberal democrat who feels maybe Heroin shouldn't be legal or even pot, i'm not going to kick them out of the party and call them a "disgusting tool"
I mean we make fun of the tea party, but do we really want the democratic party to be an all or nothing affair? Seem rather short sighted and dangerous.
Good lord... I can't at all see that working out with the state certain things are right now.
Because the things you like about a likely Sanders presidency are actually not very different from a likely Clinton presidency, whereas a Trump/Cruz presidency would actively damage/remove those things.
This is of course assuming there are specific policy issues you care about, and not just "Bernie is cool and I don't trust Hillary."
Trump would be worse than Clinton, pretty substantially. I can't tell you how to vote, but it's pretty important to keep Trump out of the White House.
Because maybe you wouldn't want to see someone like trump In power? because I assume, if you are a sanders supporter, that you wouldn't want Someone like trump to be in power? your vote matters, vote is more than just electing someone, is a a statement, and taking sidelines to see what Happens is the worst option you could have, when you could help for the greater good or the lesser evil.
Because you might have empathy for someone other than yourself who would be severely negatively impacted by a Trump presidency.
I agree, with this.
What I don't agree is the idea that Sanders supporters should just fall in line now. No, I want them to fight for what they believe all the way till the ballot box in November. If no one is pulling Hillary left she will massively swing further right.
No vote is guaranteed, every vote has to be earned.
Come November, regardless of where each candidate stands, folks have to vote for the least worst option. That is fair.
Voting is good. Vote for the least worst option, write in, third party, whatever, but vote.
dont vote for a president then but, please, vote for members of congress and on local initiatives. the worst thing you could do is simply not vote, that's weak as fuck.
we had primaries and the primaries are bearing out the public's opinion on who should be candidates or not. bernie had money and a pretty great political machine behind him and he's not going to be the candidate because the public has spoken. It is what it is.
Seems like progressives have made their choices already. Those who do not feel like the progressives are being properly represented: feel free to start an offshoot. If the Tea Party can do it for the right then why can't progressives do it for the left?
the fact is, progress is often a slow and frustrating thing to watch play out. You can vote for incremental progress or not, it's entirely your call. But not voting for incremental progress is also a sign that you're not interested in true progress at all.
Because a republican administration would make the country go backwards. Because minorities will suffer under a republican administration. Because a republican administration will put Scalia types judges onto the court causing any Bernie like candidate in the future to getting his stuff implemented for the next 40 years, plus a very big possibility the abortion would be outlawed by the court, gay marriage could be overturned, obamacare overturned, any environmental laws to be overturned, ect.
But yeah, who care about this election? If we can't get someone now, lets burn the country down.
It's very simple: when another candidate like Sanders comes along and wins in 2020 or 2024, do you want their policies to be viable? A Republican will see to it that, even if we elect another Sanders, he will be met with failure. A Hillary Presidency, while not ideal, will keep that vision alive.
Aside from shoplifter, most folks have been avoiding this question.
Because even though Hillary may not be what you want (It isnt what I want Id rather have sanders.) Its way better than Cruz or Trump.
Lots of people stand to have a lot of their rights trampled over with a republican president. Im bisexual and hispanic and it scares me what could happen to people like myself in the next few years with a republican government. Even then I hardly have it as bad as many Muslim Americans would probably have it or any other non-white immigrant cause at least I was born here.
It's fine to be upset that Sanders lost, but it isn't okay to take your ball and go home when a ton of stuff is at stake that could affect minority populations in this country for decades
One of the most important issues to you is marijuana. If you want that to keep moving forward in a positive direction (states legalizing it individually) the last thing you want are republicans in office. Which is worst in the hypothetical? Marijuana not being legalized federally tomorrow or marijuana being illegal federally and statewide tomorrow and for the next couple of decades?
It's important to consider the bigger picture with these things.
A lot of the issues Obama had with his party were because the dems had to add DINOs as a means to sway voters over to their side in the aftermath of Bush and 9/11 combining to make the nation more conservative.
Many of those Blue Dogs aren't in office any longer and most wouldn't get elected as dems in this day and age.
Context is key with these things.
Lmao, the lack of self awareness in this post is funny when you consider that Hillary literally voted for the war in Iraq. Get over yourself.These are absolutely the same losers who voted for Ralph Nader and got us Bush. Think about the 100s of thousands dead in Iraq and think your piddly 3-5% doesn't matter.
Didn't LIEberman run as a Republican soon after that, and lose?
I was following the line of conversation already established by a couple of posters. I guess it's only "embarrassing" when it's negative on Hillary.
Lieberman was primaried in 2006. He then ran as an independent candidate and got re-elected. He still caucused with the Democrats but endorsed John McCain for president in 2008, then he retired in 2012.
Lieberman was primaried in 2006. He then ran as an independent candidate and got re-elected. He still caucused with the Democrats but endorsed John McCain for president in 2008, then he retired in 2012.
you really are embarrassing yourself
Nah, online judgement isn't a big deal. I don't like Hillary. I'll begrudgingly vote for her should it come down to it. I'm explaining why, but that's not enough for some people because they say I'm embarrassing myself.
Where you get to arbitrarily, and quite falsely, draw up the goal posts. I would personally frame the comparison as more like going to a restaurant and ordering pizza, at which point you're served a slice of cardboard with some sliced tomatoes and a little milk poured on top (Sanders) at which point your friend says 'that looks gross, I'll take a burger' at which point a quality 1/4 lb. piece of well cooked angus comes out and placed in front of them.
What with Sanders being a complete fucking sham and all while Clinton has substance, history, and credentials. But we're all entitled to make up whatever shitty analogies we feel like.
People like the idea of universal healthcare in theory - the second you staple a middle class tax increase onto that the numbers fall through the floor.
Same goes for free college education or any other progressive program. The average American is a capitalist because America is a capitalist society.
Lmao, the lack of self awareness in this post is funny when you consider that Hillary literally voted for the war in Iraq. Get over yourself.
I could imagine those peoples priority isn't socialist economics either but rather anti establishment.What are you talking about? The whole point of the post is that if you're a leftist/progressive/liberal/socialist/whathaveyou and are voting for Trump because Sanders didn't get the nom, you're being an idiot who votes against their own self-interest. That is the bigger picture. Even if social justice isn't your priority and socialist economic policies are, you're still far less likely to get that from Trump than from Clinton.
From my perspective this is what Sanders or Bust or Sanders or Trump supporters feel (not me atm!).
There is a restaurant that serves burgers for 1% of people but gives crumbs or nothing to the rest.
Wasn't that guy Gore's running mate?
e:the fuck! he was!
Gore is a fucking moron!
Could the OP be more condescending and insulting? I will not be voting for neoliberal crooks and no amount of obnoxious insults or blame is gonna convince me otherwise. Actual progressives and leftists don't vote for the least of two neoliberal evils and this isn't how democracy is supposed to function, end of story. You support a neoliberal, you're a neoliberal because that politician is your representative.
Set everything on fire to cleanse the world.
I have a lot of serious doubts that most of the people saying this kind of thing will actually do it.
See this is where you lose me. You are not being fair.
Sanders definitely has credentials, history, and substance. You can disagree with it or that he can realize it, but to say that he lacks those things is just dishonest.
1. His plan hasn't even dug itno copays, premiums, and restrictions on coverage. You really think he's going to roll out a plan that lets everyone get any care they want, any time they want, with no copays when the medical industry is overbooked and understaffed NOW?These too points also lack the nuance I would expect from a self-declared libertarian.
"tax on the middle class" completely ignores all of the healthcare costs we already have to deal with (including copays, high premiums, + tons of restrictions)
Of course there is no purity, that would defeat the entire point of a democratic society. But the vast majority of the U.S. citizenry identify with the concepts and terminology of capitalism. I'm not arguing that it isn't a broken version of capitalism, it absolutely is. But the average citizen wants to see that system fixed and made more fair, not replaced with socialism."america is a capitalist society". There is no such thing as a pure capitalist or pure socialist society. We have social security, we have minimum wages, we have regulations, we have taxes, we have public schools, etc, etc, etc. Capitalism and socialism are not these completely opposite systems. They are general philosophies that help tweek legislation to make a more fair and functional society. What he have in the US at the top is not capitalism, it is crony capitalism.
Has the litmus test for being left moved so far that you have to advocate for Socialism before you are considered "left"?
Which is utterly meaningless, and an asinine reason to vote for someone. It's the equivalent of voting for someone because of their haircut or their favourite TV show.I could imagine those peoples priority isn't socialist economics either but rather anti establishment.
Not voting for Hillary, and letting a conservative win, is the opposite of Progressive.
HylianTom, I'm not sure what question you're talking about that I avoided other than shoplifter
Say you get what you want in 2016. The shrill evil corporate moderate puppet loses.
The GOP nominee, whoever he is, wins.
He proceeds to replace Scalia with a younger version of Scalia.
The court remains tilted conservative, 5-4.
Ginsburg or Breyer are both pretty old. One of them departs. 6-3.
Kennedy, turning 80 this summer, takes his chance to be replaced. Young 6-3.
Then, in 2020, a backlash to the GOP President occurs.
Bernie 2.0 - just like the 2016 guy you adore - is swept into office!
Not only is he elected - he brings great coattails: House & Senate! Woo!
The dream can finally be realized!
Bernie 2.0 and his Congress set out to work immediately.
First up: campaign finance reform!
But it's challenged, arrives to SCOTUS, and falls, 6-3.
Next: the best healthcare system in the world!
But.. challenged again. SCOTUS rules, essentially saying, "nope, lol."
This is repeated on anything remotely controversial that Bernie 2.0 signs.
And keep in mind: that shiny new conservative majority is now pretty damn young.
We elect Bernie 3.0 in 2028, and the same fate befalls his agenda in court.
On top of this, remember all of those horrible decisions we've seen over the past generation?
They're now all baked-in. They aren't going anywhere.
This includes Citizen's United, corporate personhood, etc - it's all here to stay.
You love to talk about your feelings, your conscience.
How do you feel about this? Or are you going to ignore it yet again?
Not voting for Hillary, and letting a conservative win, is the opposite of Progressive.
1. The lot of you are crying about how you can't vote for a politician who doesn't truly represent you. Boo fucking hoo, minorities, LGBT, and women have had to deal with that for decades. There is a political party that is actively trying to fuck their lives up in so many ways. They never get a politician who that truly represents them but you don't see them saying "Fuck the system lololol, I'll vote republican for the lulz!" They still vote for the closest politican they can find.
You don't worry about that because you're a white male, and because of such the policies the right will enact will affect you much less than the non white groups of America. It's white privilege to be able to vote for a repressive party because you didn't get your way. The rest of us don't have such a luxury. We have to vote for whoever is trying to fuck us over the least. Many upon many Americans stand to loss much with Trump/Cruz in office. They stand to lose insurance via ACA, which probably doesn't affect you because you have a decent paying job that provides adequate insurance. LGBT stand to lose the right to get married, again this doesn't bother/concern you because you're a straight white male, you've been able to get married since this country's inception.
2. With number one stated, it's clear that none of you actually ever gave a fuck about Bernie's platform and what he stands for because if you did then you'd have long realized how selfish and arrogant to vote against what he stands for. Hillary is corporate yes but even Bernie himself has acknowledged on more than one occasion that they both have the same goals in mind in regards to making America a place more tolerable for those who didn't hit the genetic lottery to be born middle class, white, and male. Bernie Sanders himself will vote this election and I can promise you he'll vote for Hillary.
Bernie's policies and platform were never the reason you people were voting for him. You were voting for him because most of you are to put it bluntly...fucking hipsters and Bernie Sanders/Feel the Bernie was the newest fad that you jumped on to show all your twitter/Facebook friends that you're "socially woke" and to pretend that you give a damn about the country or the people. It was an shallow act, and now that Bernie has lost you've dropped the fad and are on to the next one. You people heard the buzzword "anti-establishment" and jumped on the hype train, went to your social networks and blogs and posted links and articles about the sad state of America telling your friends to "wake up" like you were this social justice warrior but the entire thing was a damn act. You never gave a damn about the state of America or how it's people are being treated, and I mean ha why should you? It would barely affect you in the end. You're not poor, you're not LGBT, you're not a minority. At most you'll lose a dollar or two because of tax but hey life is still good.
Then when Trump/Cruz is elected and the put some ridiculously conservative judges on the SCOTUS and rollback all the progress America made, you'll sit in your ivory tower of white privilege and go "If only you people voted for Bernie! we could have avoided this!" Not once realizing that you directly contributed to the shit state of affairs when you decided to pout that your politician didn't get elected.
It's like you people don't understand a thing about politics, politics is all about compromising, even voters have to compromise. I personally would like the next 5 Presidents to be socially progressive minorities but I can't get that, but I am presented a politician who while I don't agree with all of her stances on things, she's the closest thing I've got to my ideal politician, and she's also the one who will fuck over us non white males the least and at the very least protect some of the laws that keep us safe and rollback others that hurt us. And that's the crux, you weren't "added" as a clause to be considered equal or worth protecting. We were and we'd like to see the clauses stay as they are and not eroded or removed completely because a segment of America deems us to be lessers.
But hey, take your ball and pout. That's the privilege granted to you. It must be nice.
The question:
I began at the start of the thread by asking how Bernie's causes (or just progressivism in general) would be served well by allowing the GOP to tilt the court in a conservative direction for a generation.
My thinking is this:
it's not sufficient to control the Congress and Presidency anymore if we want to dictate policy. Anything remotely contentious in this political era - a new law, an executive order, etc - is challenged in court as soon as it goes into effect. As a result of this, the judicial branch often has the final word on whether a policy is adopted, or whether it gets killed. Once the Supreme Court rules, there is no appeal. That's pretty much it, until the court composition changes and a chance to appeal arises - usually years or decades later.
Hillary is by no means perfect. She's rather flawed. But pretty much any mainstream Democrat is going to appoint sufficiently left-leaning judges. While the Bernie Wing of the Democratic would not get their nominee this time around, it's pretty clear that they are the future of the party; millennials are a huge generation, and they're going to vote at a higher rate as time goes by. They will get their guy in a future cycle. But if there's a conservative court in place due to 2016's result, anything controversial that this next Bernie-like President signs into law is as risk of being challenged and knocked-down.
Hillary is not ideal. At all. But to allow the GOP a win is to basically close the door for future progressive policy. It's knowingly allowing the movement to die. This does not strike me as the actions of someone who's serious about these issues.
There were no real responses to this. It was overwhelmingly ignored.
I also reframed it in another post that layed-out the legal landscape - the likely consequences of a GOP win in 2016.
The most substantial response was that Hillary couldn't be trusted to appoint liberal justices. Other than that, most folks have avoided answering this point. They have no problem telling us about they feel on other things, how they don't like her, etc.. but this topic is like hot lava to them; they won't touch it. They'll scroll right on by, with no answer.
Since 1992, the Dems have agreed with my primary pick precisely one time; my fellow Dems usually go for the safer, more conventional, more moderate choice. But I've never been willing to say, "oh well. Fuck the movement." And I've never understood it. And I'm asking folks to explain logically - not emotionally - how they justify being okay with fucking over the movement they claim to care so deeply about.
Wasn't that guy Gore's running mate?
e:the fuck! he was!
Gore is a fucking moron!
Everything was better in the olden days.
I have a lot of serious doubts that most of the people saying this kind of thing will actually do it.
/sMyself said:Simply because you don't have enough people. Far too many are content to decorate their cages with the trappings of 'freedom' and 'happiness' and 'materialism,' blind to the truth -- that they are still ensconced within cages. Free only of the ability to find their own limitations, instead of the ones arbitrarily set for them.
For too long have we squandered our lives away on fools' errands, working to survive, only to fall further behind with every passing day. For too long have the people been oppressed by a society that deems the productivity you bring to be the only value of your life. A society that gleefully claims that our lives are worth more than 'the other.'
We must be freed from the yoke!
We use excuses like God always has a plan, or At least it's not as bad as Africa! We use them as a means to stave off the realization that our illusory lives are only that. Faced with the reality of the situation, we vote for the status quo. After all, we're safe here. We're happy here.
But soon, the door to the new world will be opened. We must only seek to cross the threshold. So cast free the yoke you pull in vain, cast free the illusions you work incessantly for, never realized, only glimpsed, and join us!
Join us in the new world.
It's crazy how the "lesser of two evil" is so anathema to people. How idealistic can one be?But she doesn't match most of my morals, so I'll give a chance to someone who is the antithesis of all of my morals. Also email something something
The argument is basically: I want progressive change now, but am willing to throw away the Supreme Court that will block any substantial progressive change for a generation. It's quite embarrassing really
It's crazy how the "lesser of two evil" is so anathema to people. How idealistic can one be?
I know it sucks that the system is like that, but come on, I understood the need to vote for the lesser of two evils before I was even old enough to vote. Actually, yeah, I think it was around the first Bush election season, and people were concerned about... the Democrat VP, Joe Liberman, being too conservative. As if voting for Bush would have helped with that! >_<
I'm tired of voting that way. Honestly, I hope the Republicans find a way to screw Trump over (because, for better or for worse... no, its for worse, definitely), he "deserves" their nomination. Screw him over, cause him to run independent, and have Bernie run independent. THEN we'll have an election.
I'm tired of voting that way. Honestly, I hope the Republicans find a way to screw Trump over (because, for better or for worse... no, its for worse, definitely), he "deserves" their nomination. Screw him over, cause him to run independent, and have Bernie run independent. THEN we'll have an election.
Yeah.And people who will actually be affected by the disastrous policies of the Republicans are "tired" of people like you being so god damned selfish with the way you vote.
I'm tired of voting that way. Honestly, I hope the Republicans find a way to screw Drumpf over (because, for better or for worse... no, its for worse, definitely), he "deserves" their nomination. Screw him over, cause him to run independent, and have Bernie run independent. THEN we'll have an election.
I'm tired of voting that way. Honestly, I hope the Republicans find a way to screw Trump over (because, for better or for worse... no, its for worse, definitely), he's "deserves" their nomination. Screw him over, cause him to run independent, and have Bernie run independent. THEN we'll have an election.
And people who will actually be affected by the disastrous policies of the Republicans are "tired" of people like you being so god damned selfish with the way you vote.
I'm tired of voting that way.