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Batman v. Superman RT Thread: like standing ovations in rain

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stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
lmao nowhere near as bad as I thought it would be--it's too damn long for sure, but very solid

definitely not Amazing Spiderman 2, or Daredevil bad. I'd have it above Avengers 2, maybe above Avengers 1 because I think that film has aged like shit, but not Winter Soldier tier

but oooff....that was a really long film. but its good.

This is exactly how I feel. It's too long and def. has a few issues, but I put it above Ultron and would put it right in the middle of the MCU pack if I were to rank it along those same lines.

Genuinely baffled that its RT score is so much lower than Marvel's stuff. How so many people could love, say, Ant-Man or Thor 1, but hate on BvS is very strange to me.

My score would be 7/10.
God this movie is so good. I mean yeah, it's edited like garbage and the acting is bad and none of it makes any sense, but there was at least one explosion so really I'm set. Also one of my coworkers who no one likes reads comics and said that he recognized one of the scenes from a comic (he calls them "graphic novels" LOL) so I know it's super accurate

TLDR fuck the critics, 9/10. Only thing I didn't like was Wonder Woman, she seemed to have too much agency. But I know that Snyder will fix that with the director's cut, bring it more in line with his normal style

I think this may be a parody, I'm not too sure though

I'm convinced now, Snyder is a genious, everyone is a paid Marvel shill, Batman actually killed all the time in TDKR, Snyder is a true visionary and understands Superman better than anyone, these memes are the best


RedLetterMedia's review is absolute genius.

This and the prometheus review are hilarious. Everyone was so glad that Terrio came in to rewrite Goter's script but I'd argue that BvS has a more incoherent and nonsensical script than MoS. It was truly dreadful.
This and the prometheus review are hilarious. Everyone was so glad that Terrio came in to rewrite Goter's script but I'd argue that BvS has a more incoherent and nonsensical script than MoS. It was truly dreadful.

What if they blame Terrio for this mess and go back to a pure Goyer script for Justice League?
Yeah it's an extremely problematic movie. The myriad of problems could all be laid at snyder's feet because he can't tell a story. I think the idea behind the story and where they are willing to take the characters tho was pretty interesting. I'm not ready to throw terrio in the bushes with this one

And in the end. As badly paced as this was "The World is introduced to The Superman" is an incredible scene. One of the best of all time in this genre easily.

He basically pulled a Cloverfield on the superhero disaster genre and finally showed the mess of these third acts from a real perspective. Good introduction to Bruce Wayne too. That's the batman we wanted and all knew. But since that point he clearly got worse as Alfred mentioned.
No amount of good editing can fix shit like Eisenberg's Luthor and some other plot points (which I won't discuss here since it's the RT thread).

The Editing being fixed would have taken this movie from being terrible to mediocre at best (in line with Man of Steel, surprise surprise).

You mean from good to great.


What if they blame Terrio for this mess and go back to a pure Goyer script for Justice League?

Goyer wrote Blade and Batman Begins. I'm not a fan of MoS but I don't understand the hate he gets. I'd be fine with him writing a Justice league film. Terrio's script was trash. I'm not a big fan of Argo either.


The problem with Batman v Superman is that it's almost too good...



If you're talking specifically of Half in the Bag, unlikely. Rich only seems to appear in BIG movies, usually big blockbuster geek films. His few other appearances have been in Avengers, Jurassic World, and Star Wars. He's a regular in Best of the Worst in RLM though.

They seemed to make him one of the crew, literally, for this one. Just hoping he sticks around as I don't watch much of the other shows.
Yeah these guys are doing terrible damage control. Some critics, not all of course, will be taking this to heart and actually bringing a bias they didn't even have prior to this with the next film. These actors are straight shitting on their jobs
Yeah these guys are doing terrible damage control. Some critics, not all of course, will be taking this to heart and actually bringing a bias they didn't even have prior to this with the next film. These actors are straight shitting on their jobs

Their livelihoods are at stake, if this film doesn't do well then you can kiss Aquaman and Cyborg goodbye.


Goyer wrote Blade and Batman Begins. I'm not a fan of MoS but I don't understand the hate he gets. I'd be fine with him writing a Justice league film. Terrio's script was trash. I'm not a big fan of Argo either.

Holy shit. We've reached a new peak in this thread. People are actually defending Goyer now.
They seemed to make him one of the crew, literally, for this one. Just hoping he sticks around as I don't watch much of the other shows.

While true, the actual plot of HitB is fairly useless, he has appeared twice in two other roles before. This is probably just to keep him around as a third member of the company they meet up here and there.

I wouldn't be against Rich joining them, but Mike and Jay watch basically 1-2 movies on theaters every week, this is their main thing. Rich and Jack do their video game review show and do nightly streaming of them playing. And then they all have Best of the Worst as a chance to get together.

I can't recommend watching Best of the Worst enough though. It's usually Mike, Jay, Rich and Jack (bald guy with glasses) watching really bad movies, seeing their reactions as they watch it in clips, and then a sit down at the end where they discuss the movies and their opinions exactly ala Half in the Bag.

You can go through the catalog and see if any of them interests you. The most obvious choice is the Star Wars Christmas special, that's one of the more well known movies they've seen in that show.
I know the Transformers, Pirates of the Carribean, and Twilight films made a lot of money, but will this be the lowest rated movie to make the most money disproportionate to its score?

I still can't believe how close this is to Green Lantern's RT score...

No, I don't think so. Transformers 3 and 4 both cracked $1.1bil. This won't almost certainly won't.

It might be very comparable to On Stranger Tides, which grossed $1045mil with 32% RT. $1bil isn't yet a lock for BvS though.

God this movie is so good. I mean yeah, it's edited like garbage and the acting is bad and none of it makes any sense, but there was at least one explosion so really I'm set. Also one of my coworkers who no one likes reads comics and said that he recognized one of the scenes from a comic (he calls them "graphic novels" LOL) so I know it's super accurate

TLDR fuck the critics, 9/10. Only thing I didn't like was Wonder Woman, she seemed to have too much agency. But I know that Snyder will fix that with the director's cut, bring it more in line with his normal style

If Zack Snyder read this, he would turn it into a movie adaptation that missed the point of the source material.
Yeah these guys are doing terrible damage control. Some critics, not all of course, will be taking this to heart and actually bringing a bias they didn't even have prior to this with the next film. These actors are straight shitting on their jobs
It's like a weird bug! Not calling this thing "perfect" is some sort of assault on your family alla Superman. The thing has a bunch of potential, but is a mess (IMO), and depending on how you felt about MoS, you might not be too thrilled that certain themes seem like they're here to stay.

Still finding it funny that folks are mainly rating it a point above the actual RT score, but are stuck on the FCK D H8TRS loop lol..


Genuinely baffled that its RT score is so much lower than Marvel's stuff. How so many people could love, say, Ant-Man or Thor 1, but hate on BvS is very strange to me.

My score would be 7/10.

RT score is never about that though, it might indicate how likely any given person may like a movie, but it doesn't say how strong they feel about it. The RT score is understandable considering you have batman and superman together finally on the big screen and the potential that is there. Anything short of great is a disappointment given what Snyder had to work with.

With a lot of Marvel stiff the bar is lower. Everyone understands how it works now, if this movie isn't good, there is always the next one. It feels that there is only really one short to tell this particular DC story and it missed the mark.
I just got back from watching BvS.
If there's just one word I could use to describe this movie, it would be: frustrating.

Apologies for the messy review. I'm still trying to sort it all out in my head.


The whole opening sequence with Bruce's parents getting shot just didn't work. I felt it was included simply because the visuals are interesting. Interesting visuals are a common theme in this movie. The reason it doesn't work is because late in the movie, bits and pieces of the opening are used. Why not just cut out that opening?

The entire sequence with Bruce seeing the destruction caused by the alien ship, Superman, etc was great. It should have been the opening. It would have set the tone a helluva lot better. The whole thing with young Bruce being this messianic figure carried by bats was nonsense.

18 months later

Let's cut out the part about the kids finding kryptonite in the Indian Ocean. There's even a scene later in the movie where Lex says that they found this big chunk of kryponite in the bottom of the Indian Ocean. This is one of those times where telling and not showing would have been just fine.

So next scene is the terrorist set-up, where Lois is used to bait out Superman. When Supes first appears, I hear a kid in the audience yell "Superman! It's Superman!". At this point I just started feeling bad, because this kid probably expects Superman to do really heroic things..but no..he just stops the terrorist with the gun to Lois's head. Scene ends. Really, the whole scene is just bizarrely handled. I get that it's a set-up, but it wasn't really established. The tone at this point is just dark and confusing. By the way. Why wasn't Superman called out for the shit that went down in Metropolis? Oh wait. He got a statue and whatnot.

So the party, the one where Bruce tries to get intel on Lex's plans. Bruce for whatever reason has zero understanding of subterfuge. Not only does Clark know he's up to something, but also Diana, Lex's associate, some drunk, and a dozen other people. In no way does Bruce make an honest attempt at mingling with the other guests. It's far too obvious that he's up to something, and dumb. Also, the spot where Bruce hooks up his computer-thing is kinda random. Yeah I'm nitpicking, but it's just kinda off to the side past the kitchen. There's no executive office or something he could sneak into for a half-minute? Eh..well whatever.

The next several scenes are just a headache to sift through. I had read about future Flash making an appearance, but I didn't expect it to happen IMMEDIATELY after Bruce has the nightmare about post-apocalyptic Earth. It's like my brain's still trying to process what happened there and suddenly Flash pops up with more cryptic talk and...ugh..

For a good chunk of the movie, it seems like Lex is the only one with a plan. Well, I'm going to guess it's a plan, because he does a piss-poor job of communicating how he will benefit from it. Still, it shows him actually doing things that will bring his plan closer to fruition. To his credit, Batman is at least trying to figure out what's going on. Superman? I dunno. He just mopes around and is wishy-washy. Even Clark has more agency.

Why didn't Superman confront Lex immediately after the senate hearing/explosion? Instead, this happens when Lex uses Lois as bait...again.

The plan for getting Batman and Superman to fight is just really contrived. It basically hinges on the world's greatest detective putting 2 and 2 together to get 5. The way the fight ends is also ridiculous. The way I see it, all Supes had to say was "Bruce! Martha, she's..." and Batman would say: "Martha?! How do you know that name?" and then they would talk things out, realize that Lex is duping them, and there'd be no fight.

By the way, this is why I wanted the intro to be cut. When Superman says Martha's name, Bruce has flashbacks to when his parents were shot. That said everything that needed to be said in a tenth of the time.

This is another nitpick, but okay..so...Batman puts a tracking device on a trailer, then a few minutes later, he smashes the fuck out of said trailer. Thankfully he didn't wreck the part of the trailer that had the tracker on it. Actually...if Batman had a tracking device. Why did he chase after the PMC soldiers and start a bunch of chaos on the streets? A lot of innocent people could have gotten killed.

I guess having innocents, civilians, or whatever you want to call them doesn't really matter in this movie. This is one thing that really annoyed me. It's hard to have stakes, when you can't relate to them as a person. After Lex gives birth to that LOTR creature and a bunch of helpless buildings start blowing up, there's nobody around to go "OH MY GOD A MONSTER! WILL ANYONE SAVE US!?" Alright that's silly, but look. All I wanted was to see a crowd of people, maybe folks running away from the devastation, or something that really hits the matter home. Instead there's talk about this thing being unkillable, and a bunch of bored passengers on an airplane are watching the action on their tiny screens.

Nowhere in the movie is a scene where Superman realizes that protecting humanity is the right choice, or at least it's not conveyed to the audience. He's gotta punch the giant troll because it's in his face. Well, before he grabbed the spear he did say that Lois is his world..which...I don't know. It's sentimental but..eh..whatever.

The big dumb fight scene wasn't enjoyable. Too much debris, too much shit flying around, too much dust and zero stakes. I saw BvS with my brother, and while we were at his house discussing the movie, Batman Begins was on TV. Now, I've never seen BB, and the movie was near the end. From casual glances at the TV, I saw that there was a train, numerous characters were talking about the threat the train represents, Batman was doing his thing, Ras was doing his thing as well, and other characters like Gordon were trying to stop shit from getting worse than it already was. Now I could complain about the finer points like the bad camerawork during the fight-scenes, but just from an outsider perspective, I had a clear understanding of what's going on, why it's bad, and what must be done to make things right.

The BvS finale? It was mostly noise that I couldn't really connect with.

Like this review, the biggest problem with this movie is the editing. The individual performances ranged from fine to pretty good. I didn't even mind Lex/Jesse all that much. The thing is, all of these actors are forced to work around very short and constrained scenes. Snyder has to have all of these iconic-looking visuals, but he keeps forgetting about everything else. There are just so many scenes where characters say something supposedly profound, and that's it. There were maybe one or two conversations that sounded remotely human.

Altogether, it was a frustrating experience.

Oh and the bats coming out of the chimney was so STUPID.


Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
It's pretty bad when you get home and have to google plot points just to understand what was going on in the film, such as Batfleck's dream sequence with those flying bat things (wtf?) where Flash shows up I guess???!

My friend who knows even less about D/C than I do texted me and said that she was totally lost during the movie, and that she never had that problem with a Marvel film. I screamed.
If they rated this the same score add Fan4stic, I'd understand the (odd) anger from people. Again, the trailer for BvS ALONE is better than the entirety of Fan4stic..


It's pretty bad when you get home and have to google plot points just to understand what was going on in the film, such as Batfleck's dream sequence with those flying bat things (wtf?) where Flash shows up I guess???!

My friend who knows even less about D/C than I do texted me and said that she was totally lost during the movie, and that she never had that problem with a Marvel film. I screamed.

BOF speculates that the mainstream audience is too used to the “popcorn” movies that Marvel produces, and won’t respond well to Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice’s deep story that was written by an Oscar winner.

Guess they were right.


So Argo is shit and Goyer is better?


The Dark knight trilogy and Blade are all better than this incoherent mess of a script. Goyer wrote those. Terrio has written two films one of which is a ball of shit and the other is a decent drama which takes a lot of liberties with the actual story. Argo isn't shit but I didn't think it was anything spectacular. BvS is demonstrably incoherent. The most basic grasp of story telling and narrative are thrown out the window, at least in the first half.


I just got back from watching BvS.
If there's just one word I could use to describe this movie, it would be: frustrating.

Apologies for the messy review. I'm still trying to sort it all out in my head.



Yep, though regarding
the tracker I like the 'Plan A'/'Plan B' aspect of it - it seemed very Batman to have a plan for if he lost the vehicle. But as you say he starts blowing shit up, risking destroying the tracker and letting the truck know it's being trailed. It's like he needed to satiate his thirst for murder and couldn't help himself

But yeah, a lot of the problems come down to editing. It turns what could have been a passable plot into a mess, particularly near the end. Other than that the film really needed a better grip on its characters if it wanted to pull off what it was gunning for.


The Dark knight trilogy and Blade are all better than this incoherent mess of a script. Goyer wrote those. Terrio has written two films one of which is a ball of shit and the other is a decent drama which takes a lot of liberties with the actual story. Argo isn't shit but I didn't think it was anything spectacular. BvS is demonstrably incoherent. The most basic grasp of story telling and narrative are thrown out the window, at least in the first half.

Blade trilogy was honestly shit. There was nothing to write home about the writing. And the best movie in The Dark Knight trilogy was mostly written by Christopher Nolan. And MoS is shit in the script department too. Goyer is a terrible writer.
I know the Transformers, Pirates of the Carribean, and Twilight films made a lot of money, but will this be the lowest rated movie to make the most money disproportionate to its score?

I still can't believe how close this is to Green Lantern's RT score...

Yeah, by Tomato meter sure.

IMO this is infinitely superior to every Transformers and every PotC except the first one (Curse of the Black Pearl was a really solid popcorn film). Haven't seen any of the Twilight films, but I'm pretty sure they aren't my thing.


It remains to be seen how much the ultimate cut changes the movie -- and whether it's story issues are rooted in bad writing, bad editing or both -- but as is, I would say Goyer's MoS script is better than Terrio's here. Which is something I definitely never thought I would say. :lol


Blade trilogy was honestly shit. There was nothing to write home about the writing. And the best movie in The Dark Knight trilogy was mostly written by Christopher Nolan. And MoS is shit in the script department too. Goyer is a terrible writer.

I'm not even that big a Goyer fan and I agree that MoS has shit writing too. At least those films had narrative coherency in their scripts though. The first of BvS is genuinely amateurish in how its narrative is constructed, there seems to be no motivation for anyone except Batman and thats just scraping the surface.


Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
It remains to be seen how much the ultimate cut changes the movie -- and whether it's story issues are rooted in bad writing, bad editing or both -- but as is, I would say Goyer's MoS script is better than Terrio's here. Which is something I definitely never thought I would say. :lol

Is this "Ultimate Cut" actually confirmed?

A lot of the individual scenes in the film were phenomenal, they were just stitched together incredibly poorly.


Is this "Ultimate Cut" actually confirmed?

A lot of the individual scenes in the film were phenomenal, they were just stitched together incredibly poorly.

Not only is the 'Ultimate' cut confirmed, but Snyder has already promoted it. 30 minutes of extra scenes, including "character stuff", if I recall correctly.

I feel like this movie was butched in editing, and I wouldn't be surprised if the 'Ultimate' cut has all of the connective tissue this film was missing.
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