Aquaman: compare it to Marvel stuff? lol..I'll just assume you're giving it an 8/10.
Wait, what?
Aquaman: compare it to Marvel stuff? lol..I'll just assume you're giving it an 8/10.
Wait, what?
lmao nowhere near as bad as I thought it would be--it's too damn long for sure, but very solid
definitely not Amazing Spiderman 2, or Daredevil bad. I'd have it above Avengers 2, maybe above Avengers 1 because I think that film has aged like shit, but not Winter Soldier tier
but oooff....that was a really long film. but its good.
God this movie is so good. I mean yeah, it's edited like garbage and the acting is bad and none of it makes any sense, but there was at least one explosion so really I'm set. Also one of my coworkers who no one likes reads comics and said that he recognized one of the scenes from a comic (he calls them "graphic novels" LOL) so I know it's super accurate
TLDR fuck the critics, 9/10. Only thing I didn't like was Wonder Woman, she seemed to have too much agency. But I know that Snyder will fix that with the director's cut, bring it more in line with his normal style
RedLetterMedia's review is absolute genius.
Geezuz..people are actually saying "the movie is too smart" ironically in the comments. What in the world? LOL
That's really lame.
This and the prometheus review are hilarious. Everyone was so glad that Terrio came in to rewrite Goter's script but I'd argue that BvS has a more incoherent and nonsensical script than MoS. It was truly dreadful.
No amount of good editing can fix shit like Eisenberg's Luthor and some other plot points (which I won't discuss here since it's the RT thread).
The Editing being fixed would have taken this movie from being terrible to mediocre at best (in line with Man of Steel, surprise surprise).
The problem with Batman v Superman is that it's almost too good...Geezuz..people are actually saying "the movie is too smart" ironically in the comments. What in the world? LOL
What if they blame Terrio for this mess and go back to a pure Goyer script for Justice League?
RedLetterMedia's review is absolute genius.
The problem with Batman v Superman is that it's almost too good...
If you're talking specifically of Half in the Bag, unlikely. Rich only seems to appear in BIG movies, usually big blockbuster geek films. His few other appearances have been in Avengers, Jurassic World, and Star Wars. He's a regular in Best of the Worst in RLM though.
Oh, man..still remember that one lol.The problem with Batman v Superman is that it's almost too good...
Yeah these guys are doing terrible damage control. Some critics, not all of course, will be taking this to heart and actually bringing a bias they didn't even have prior to this with the next film. These actors are straight shitting on their jobs
Goyer wrote Blade and Batman Begins. I'm not a fan of MoS but I don't understand the hate he gets. I'd be fine with him writing a Justice league film. Terrio's script was trash. I'm not a big fan of Argo either.
They seemed to make him one of the crew, literally, for this one. Just hoping he sticks around as I don't watch much of the other shows.
I know the Transformers, Pirates of the Carribean, and Twilight films made a lot of money, but will this be the lowest rated movie to make the most money disproportionate to its score?
I still can't believe how close this is to Green Lantern's RT score...
God this movie is so good. I mean yeah, it's edited like garbage and the acting is bad and none of it makes any sense, but there was at least one explosion so really I'm set. Also one of my coworkers who no one likes reads comics and said that he recognized one of the scenes from a comic (he calls them "graphic novels" LOL) so I know it's super accurate
TLDR fuck the critics, 9/10. Only thing I didn't like was Wonder Woman, she seemed to have too much agency. But I know that Snyder will fix that with the director's cut, bring it more in line with his normal style
I think this may be a parody, I'm not too sure though
Let's just be thankful he's not writing a Martian Manhunter movie anytime soon.Holy shit. We've reached a new peak in this thread. People are actually defending Goyer now.
I feel lIke this movie would have been more interesting without any audio.
It's like a weird bug! Not calling this thing "perfect" is some sort of assault on your family alla Superman. The thing has a bunch of potential, but is a mess (IMO), and depending on how you felt about MoS, you might not be too thrilled that certain themes seem like they're here to stay.Yeah these guys are doing terrible damage control. Some critics, not all of course, will be taking this to heart and actually bringing a bias they didn't even have prior to this with the next film. These actors are straight shitting on their jobs
Genuinely baffled that its RT score is so much lower than Marvel's stuff. How so many people could love, say, Ant-Man or Thor 1, but hate on BvS is very strange to me.
My score would be 7/10.
Ah the old "let's see YOU make a movie you stoopid critic!" standard
Gag me.
So Argo is shit and Goyer is better?
I feel lIke this movie would have been more interesting without any audio.
It's pretty bad when you get home and have to google plot points just to understand what was going on in the film, such as Batfleck's dream sequence with those flying bat things (wtf?) where Flash shows up I guess???!
My friend who knows even less about D/C than I do texted me and said that she was totally lost during the movie, and that she never had that problem with a Marvel film. I screamed.
BOF speculates that the mainstream audience is too used to the popcorn movies that Marvel produces, and wont respond well to Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justices deep story that was written by an Oscar winner.
So Argo is shit and Goyer is better?
I just got back from watching BvS.
If there's just one word I could use to describe this movie, it would be: frustrating.
Apologies for the messy review. I'm still trying to sort it all out in my head.
The Dark knight trilogy and Blade are all better than this incoherent mess of a script. Goyer wrote those. Terrio has written two films one of which is a ball of shit and the other is a decent drama which takes a lot of liberties with the actual story. Argo isn't shit but I didn't think it was anything spectacular. BvS is demonstrably incoherent. The most basic grasp of story telling and narrative are thrown out the window, at least in the first half.
I know the Transformers, Pirates of the Carribean, and Twilight films made a lot of money, but will this be the lowest rated movie to make the most money disproportionate to its score?
I still can't believe how close this is to Green Lantern's RT score...
I haven't seen them, and I'm pretty sure they aren't your thing either..Haven't seen any of the Twilight films, but I'm pretty sure they aren't my thing.
Blade trilogy was honestly shit. There was nothing to write home about the writing. And the best movie in The Dark Knight trilogy was mostly written by Christopher Nolan. And MoS is shit in the script department too. Goyer is a terrible writer.
It remains to be seen how much the ultimate cut changes the movie -- and whether it's story issues are rooted in bad writing, bad editing or both -- but as is, I would say Goyer's MoS script is better than Terrio's here. Which is something I definitely never thought I would say. :lol
Is this "Ultimate Cut" actually confirmed?
A lot of the individual scenes in the film were phenomenal, they were just stitched together incredibly poorly.
Is this "Ultimate Cut" actually confirmed?
A lot of the individual scenes in the film were phenomenal, they were just stitched together incredibly poorly.