can't really blame people who not wanting to read the article since the title reads like click bait but they actually say good things lol
Well the point of the article is not call U4 a walking simulator.
The author is making a point that gameplay elements found in those games may have influenced U4, and that's not a bad thing!
Great way to foster discussion, by highlighting the one controversial comment of the article, and making it the thread title.
GAF indeed.
Yup, 'made up' by Eurogamer.
The Legend of Zelda is as generic as it gets. It stars a heterosexual while male who is on an adventure to save a princess.
So you didn't read the article but you still thought this post was a good idea. Why?Let's assume that Uncharted was actually a "walking simulator," which I completely disagree with: why should it be vilified for that? There are so many genres of games and yet not only is Naughty Dog being accused of making a walking simulator in Uncharted 4, but the suggestion is that they aren't allowed to make a walking simulator. What if they fucking wanted to? What if they wanted to script everything? Games like that exist, so what exactly is the problem?
Oh, is it because there are bits and pieces of action, as a rebuttal would serve to say, and that it's not a full blown scripted game? Well, too fucking bad, that argument doesn't have ground to stand on either because video games don't have to be just one way or the other, they can and should be unique. Naughty Dog made a specific type of game, like any other developer, therefore set your expectations. I feel like the author's criticism is akin to playing a horror game but wanting it to be Call of Duty instead.
"Walking simulators" didn't invent slow pace and story telling. They just took it to the extreme. Uncharted really doesn't seem inspired by those at all.
No. It doesn't refer to merely the literal act of simulating a person walking.Is DOOM a walking Simulator in the moments without shooting?
New Watch_Dogs protagonist.This is exactly how I imagine someone writing an article about Uncharted being a walking simulator would look like ;p
I did read it and what they talk about happens in a lot of games, so talking about mainly Uncharted just seems like click bait to me, you know how fan boys get in the comments, they will be all over this.
Well the point of the article is not call U4 a walking simulator.
The author is making a point that gameplay elements found in those games may have influenced U4, and that's not a bad thing!
What makes you think the tag isn't given by people who dislike the game?
Someone already mentioned it, but Half-Life is the first game I can remember doing something like this. The first ~15 minutes of the game is basically a "walking simulator." Or maybe tram-ride simulator.
It would be a better article if instead of focusing on the Uncharted series, it examined the rise of walking simulators, and where its roots lay (adventure games, Half-Life intro, Uncharted bits, Indigo Prophecy, etc).
Just a troll article to get clicks.
DON'T look at it.
I think the premise is poor only because you can strip even the most complex of games down in this manner and be left with nothing of worth. We don't generally do that because we buy into and play the package, rather than each element on it's own.
The answer is certainly no, I have never heard it even suggested as such, and I don't know anyone that would pull such impressive games down to a singular mechanic.
Maybe that wasn't his intent?Would you call ICO a walking simulator? No.
But the article would have been recieved much more positively if the author stated that Uncharted takes inspiration from the slow paced Adventure games like ICO.
"Walking simulators" didn't invent slow pace and story telling. They just took it to the extreme, which many people dislike. Uncharted really doesn't seem inspired by those at all.
set it on very easy mode?
Reading the responses here, it's pretty evident who bothered to read the whole article. It's got a bit more about it than "Uncharted is a walking simulator".
Would you call ICO a walking simulator? No.
But the article would have been recieved much more positively if the author stated that Uncharted takes inspiration from the slow paced Adventure games like ICO.
"Walking simulators" didn't invent slow pace and story telling. They just took it to the extreme, which many people dislike. Uncharted really doesn't seem inspired by those at all.
Let's assume that Uncharted was actually a "walking simulator," which I completely disagree with: why should it be vilified for that? There are so many genres of games and yet not only is Naughty Dog being accused of making a walking simulator in Uncharted 4, but the suggestion is that they aren't allowed to make a walking simulator. What if they fucking wanted to? What if they wanted to script everything? Games like that exist, so what exactly is the problem?
Oh, is it because there are bits and pieces of action, as a rebuttal would serve to say, and that it's not a full blown scripted game? Well, too fucking bad, that argument doesn't have ground to stand on either because video games don't have to be just one way or the other, they can and should be unique. Naughty Dog made a specific type of game, like any other developer, therefore set your expectations. I feel like the author's criticism is akin to playing a horror game but wanting it to be Call of Duty instead.
Now, legitimate criticism could come in the form of the game not working well with as many scripted events, which is an entirely different argument and one that is valid, but denigrating the game for being the way it is is very weird.
Isn't it pretty well-established that Uncharted 2+ openly sacrificed player agency in the name of cinematic immersion, to degrees beyond what was typically considered acceptable anywhere else?
I finished it yesterday, while I kind of agree there is just too much walking and jumping. Its still hell of a game. Since now this is the only criticism anyone can find, people will beat this topic to death.
definitions change
these reactions don't prove anything. most of them come from fanboys that didn't even read the article and would react the same if EG used an entirely different term.
Isn't it pretty well-established that Uncharted 2+ openly sacrificed player agency in the name of cinematic immersion, to degrees beyond what was typically considered acceptable anywhere else? That's pretty much Uncharted's USP.
Holy clickbait batman!!
Then why put bait in as a title? Shouldn't the title be the main point you are trying to make, not one designed to get annoyed clicks?
Probably a lot of crossover with the "last of us isn't a zombie game and you're being disrespectful to the naughty gods!!!" crowd
I don't remember that .
Uncharted 2 was known for making things that would have been cut scenes interactive .
There set pieces , tps and it's auto platforming .
New Watch_Dogs protagonist.
definitely some crossover.
that's a lack of player agency. which is what they're talking about.
I like it