I don't mind the set pieces, train wrecks etc what I hate is crash, then start my climb on the crashed train then.... they go and do things that they don't need to create a cut scene or prime example
im not upset at the train crash cut scene or the whole convo just before but
1. Move left- ok pause and little scene
2. climb up a little, shake and oh another forced little scene (ok nd, you got me... just let me play ok )
3. ok, rocks and stuff ha's fine... just don't take me out of the gameplay oh, pipe breaks another scene, swings me over (well, cliche almost death sequences how many can we have nd)
At this point I'm just annoyed with the game design and this was my first play through
4. climb up, boom another cut scene flipping out of the train sigh.... at this point probably picking up pizza or something
5. oh ffs, another pipe breaking and cut scene... wtf is with this so tired of it
6. get up to the train, oh boy another cut scene to let me fall and squat
7. run jump off the train into a cut scene, atleast its damn over which im just thrilled about
That was my first play through experience and why I dont care to replay it.
Not to mention you have to do this twice in the game.
These parts and little cut scenes are all over the game in certain parts and all I am saying, LET me play it and you can still have a lot of that stuff happen in real time with more control, that's all.
Now, I'm not even saying UC4 does it that badly, but I do worry they have those little moments. I can't say why it annoys me in this game so much and while others I can handle it a lot more, maybe because they just over do it needlessly. They really over do it as if someone has a job just to do this little stuff everywhere in the game.
It's tedious and I'd rather have it more like Prince of Persia or the old raiers where you just get through your climbs, jumps. I think they are talented enough to have physics based breaks and give you control the whole time. That would be really cool and fun/skillful actually
These complaints and issues are a lot easier to talk about when we are in person and are able to conduct an actual conversation on the actual events though, I admit.