Disclaimer: SolForge is leaving early access after 3 years with a brand new client, made in Unity.
TRAILER YouTube | DEVELOPER StoneBlade Entertainment | RELEASE DATE May 31, 2016 | PLATFORMS Steam, iOS, Android | INTERVIEW PC Gamer
TL;DR for old/current players: New Client Update: Season 1 Ranked and Tournaments | SolForge Economy Update
What is Solforge
Goal of the Game
The Field
Most of the action in SolForge takes place on a board known as the field. The field has five columns, known as lanes, and each lane is split into two spaces, one for each player. These spaces are where you deploy your creatures to battle against your opponent. Your creatures always battle the opponents creatures in the same lane, or deal their battle damage to your opponent directly when there is no creature opposing them. Each player can have no more than one creature in each lane.
New Players
Leveling up
The higher levels of a card are usually more powerful versions of the low levels, but some cards transform in different ways. You can tell what level a card is by looking at the icon in the upper right hand corner. You can always look at the different levels of any card by selecting it in game.
Playing Cards
Deck building
Turn Structure
Forging (crafting)
Free 2 Play Structure
Ranked play / Ladder
Kaelari's Unofficial Competitive Ladder for SolForge
Raiders Unchained (set 7)
TRAILER YouTube | DEVELOPER StoneBlade Entertainment | RELEASE DATE May 31, 2016 | PLATFORMS Steam, iOS, Android | INTERVIEW PC Gamer
TL;DR for old/current players: New Client Update: Season 1 Ranked and Tournaments | SolForge Economy Update
What is Solforge
SolForge is a free-to-play digital collectible strategy game that combines all the depth of a traditional trading card game experience with the convenience of online and mobile gaming. In SolForge, you take on the role of a Forgeborn, one of the select few who can wield the magic of the SolForge itself. You collect cards that represent ferocious creatures and powerful spells, and use those cards to construct decks and battle AI opponents or test your skills against other players in the arena.
Goal of the Game
You and your opponent each start a game of SolForge with 120 health, and the goal of the game is to reduce your opponents health to 0 by dealing damage with your creatures and spells. How you do thiswhether its by attacking with a swarm of creatures to win as quickly as possible or playing defense with powerful spells until you can take over the game with a single unstoppable monsteris completely up to you.
The Field
click me to see the animations (webm) said:
Most of the action in SolForge takes place on a board known as the field. The field has five columns, known as lanes, and each lane is split into two spaces, one for each player. These spaces are where you deploy your creatures to battle against your opponent. Your creatures always battle the opponents creatures in the same lane, or deal their battle damage to your opponent directly when there is no creature opposing them. Each player can have no more than one creature in each lane.
New Players
I recommend reading Konan's New Player Guide and n3rks Guide about Keywords and Mechanics.
Leveling up
Cards in SolForge have three levels (with some rare exceptions that have one, two or four) and they transform as the game goes on. At the beginning of a game, your avatar and all of the cards in your deck start at level 1. When you play a card, it levels up, which means a higher level version of that card is into your discard pile. Every four turns, you level up, and you reshuffle your discard pile into your deck, allowing you to draw your higher level cards.example of cards said:
The higher levels of a card are usually more powerful versions of the low levels, but some cards transform in different ways. You can tell what level a card is by looking at the icon in the upper right hand corner. You can always look at the different levels of any card by selecting it in game.
Playing Cards
- Each turn, you will draw a hand of five cards from your deck and play up to two of them (some cards allow you to play more and some are free).
- The exception to this is the player who takes the first turn of the game only plays one card on that turn.
- There are no costs associated with playing a card. To play a card, simply select it in your hand and make any necessary choices.
- At the end of your turn, all of the cards remaining in your hand go to your discard pile and you draw a new hand of five cards for the following turn.
- The exception to this is the player who takes the first turn of the game only plays one card on that turn.
- There are no costs associated with playing a card. To play a card, simply select it in your hand and make any necessary choices.
- At the end of your turn, all of the cards remaining in your hand go to your discard pile and you draw a new hand of five cards for the following turn.
Deck building
In your collection you can build decks of 30 cards said:
Turn Structure
turn structure said:
Forging (crafting)
You can forge (and dismantle, if you have a card more than 3 times) every card in the game (except Alternate Art cards, purely cosmetic).
- Legendary cards: Forge cost 100k and Dismantle for 25k
- Heroic cards: Forge cost 25k and Dismantle for 5000
- Rare cards: Forge cost 2500 and Dismantle for 250
- Common cards: Forge cost 250 and Dismantle for 25
There is also an option to multi-dismantle cards, like in Hearthstone with the "disenchant all" button.
- Legendary cards: Forge cost 100k and Dismantle for 25k
- Heroic cards: Forge cost 25k and Dismantle for 5000
- Rare cards: Forge cost 2500 and Dismantle for 250
- Common cards: Forge cost 250 and Dismantle for 25
There is also an option to multi-dismantle cards, like in Hearthstone with the "disenchant all" button.
SolForge was a game built around combining the best of the paper trading card game world and the digital free to play world. One of the greatest things about traditional paper trading card games is that very first word trading. Swapping cards with your friends to improve your collection and help both of you build better decks is social, economical and helps provide the foundation for a life-long connection to a game.
Sharing Basics
- Most cards purchased with in-game gold will be Sharable
- You can send any Sharable cards to any friend in your friends list
- Your friend receives those cards the next time they go to their home screen.
- Each card may only be Shared once.
- You keep the cards you Shared
Let me repeat that last line again- You keep the cards you shared! This is something that is obviously impossible in the physical game world. Now you can give a friend cards and still keep them for yourself! In effect, every card you buy is really two cards- one for you and one for a friend. We hope that players will use this feature to bring new friends into the game and functionally share their collection with one another!
Sharing Basics
- Most cards purchased with in-game gold will be Sharable
- You can send any Sharable cards to any friend in your friends list
- Your friend receives those cards the next time they go to their home screen.
- Each card may only be Shared once.
- You keep the cards you Shared
Let me repeat that last line again- You keep the cards you shared! This is something that is obviously impossible in the physical game world. Now you can give a friend cards and still keep them for yourself! In effect, every card you buy is really two cards- one for you and one for a friend. We hope that players will use this feature to bring new friends into the game and functionally share their collection with one another!
Free 2 Play Structure
- There are 2 currencies in the game: Silver and Gold. Silver you earn by just playing the game or breaking down excess cards. Gold is purchased with cash.
- Boosters are bought with silver or gold.
- Tournaments (draft and constructed) are entered with event tickets. Tickets can be purchased with Gold or be won in the daily prizes.
Daily rewards give players event tickets for every three online wins they get (maximum of three tickets per day).
- Boosters are bought with silver or gold.
- Tournaments (draft and constructed) are entered with event tickets. Tickets can be purchased with Gold or be won in the daily prizes.
Daily rewards give players event tickets for every three online wins they get (maximum of three tickets per day).
SolForge's Campaign mode is a mixture between Tutorial and in-game challenges that explore the lore.
The Campaign consists of many challenges. Some are unlocked at the start, some are unlocked upon mission completion.
Upon completion of a Campaign mission, a player is given a reward consisting of either specific cards or a booster pack.
The Campaign consists of many challenges. Some are unlocked at the start, some are unlocked upon mission completion.
Upon completion of a Campaign mission, a player is given a reward consisting of either specific cards or a booster pack.
In the Tournaments section you can enter a Constructed or Draft queue. There are also special events like Weekend Warrior.
Draft is like in Magic (afaik) and comparable to the Arena in Hearthstone. (Draft pool)
- You should read this awesome Draft guide by Konan!
In Constructed you play one of the decks you build.
- Players will be able to play rounds in their draft until they either get up to 7 wins or 2 losses
Entry Fee
- Draft will cost 4 tickets to enter, Constructed will cost 3
- Tickets are the only way to enter tournaments
- Tickets will no longer be available to purchase with Silver but their Gold price will be reduced
- Seven Wins - 7 Event tickets, 20,000 Silver, 1 Booster Pack, 3 Elite Tickets and a random Legendary card
- Six Wins - 4 Event tickets, 15,000 Silver, 1 Booster Pack and 2 Elite Tickets
- Five Wins 3 Event tickets, 10,000 Silver, 1 Booster Pack and 1 Elite Ticket
- Four Wins 2 Event tickets, 8,000 Silver and 1 Booster Pack
- Three Wins 1 Event ticket, 6,000 Silver and 1 Booster Pack
- Two Wins - 1 Event ticket, 4,000 Silver and 1 Booster Pack
- One Win - 2,000 Silver and 1 Booster Pack
- Zero Wins 1 Booster Pack
Draft is like in Magic (afaik) and comparable to the Arena in Hearthstone. (Draft pool)
- You should read this awesome Draft guide by Konan!
In Constructed you play one of the decks you build.
- Players will be able to play rounds in their draft until they either get up to 7 wins or 2 losses
Entry Fee
- Draft will cost 4 tickets to enter, Constructed will cost 3
- Tickets are the only way to enter tournaments
- Tickets will no longer be available to purchase with Silver but their Gold price will be reduced
- Seven Wins - 7 Event tickets, 20,000 Silver, 1 Booster Pack, 3 Elite Tickets and a random Legendary card
- Six Wins - 4 Event tickets, 15,000 Silver, 1 Booster Pack and 2 Elite Tickets
- Five Wins 3 Event tickets, 10,000 Silver, 1 Booster Pack and 1 Elite Ticket
- Four Wins 2 Event tickets, 8,000 Silver and 1 Booster Pack
- Three Wins 1 Event ticket, 6,000 Silver and 1 Booster Pack
- Two Wins - 1 Event ticket, 4,000 Silver and 1 Booster Pack
- One Win - 2,000 Silver and 1 Booster Pack
- Zero Wins 1 Booster Pack
Ranked play / Ladder
When a player enters the random ranked queue, they are matched based on their ladder ranking only (no hidden matchmaking rating). You earn Forge Points by winning ladder games one point per win. If you earn a Forge Point when you already have the maximum number of Forge Points in a Rank, you are promoted to the next Rank up. Players in Gold and below can go on a Hot Streak by winning three ladder games in a row. Each Hot Streak win grants a bonus Forge Point.
All of this culminates in you earning a ranking. Each player will earn rewards based on their ranking at the end of each season with better rewards the higher your ranking. Season length is yet to be determined. Once a season is over and rewards are collected, we reset the ladder and start over again. Players in Silver Division and lower reset to Bronze I, while players in Gold Division and higher reset to Silver I.
Lastly, to celebrate our inaugural Ranked season, we will be offering a special prize for the player who finishes the season at the top of the standings. This player will be given the option to have their likeness created as a Forgeborn card in a future set release!
For more information you can read this explanation on the official site.
All of this culminates in you earning a ranking. Each player will earn rewards based on their ranking at the end of each season with better rewards the higher your ranking. Season length is yet to be determined. Once a season is over and rewards are collected, we reset the ladder and start over again. Players in Silver Division and lower reset to Bronze I, while players in Gold Division and higher reset to Silver I.
Seasons 1 3 exclusive cosmetic Ranked rewardsladder ranks said:
Players who reach Silver division and higher will receive an exclusive Alternate Art Ambriel Archangel said:
The Alternate Art cards will change over with Season 4, so players have an opportunity to obtain a playset of each Alternate Art we offer as Ranked rewards.Players who reach Titanium will receive an exclusive Alternate Art Varna said:
Lastly, to celebrate our inaugural Ranked season, we will be offering a special prize for the player who finishes the season at the top of the standings. This player will be given the option to have their likeness created as a Forgeborn card in a future set release!
For more information you can read this explanation on the official site.
Kaelari's Unofficial Competitive Ladder for SolForge
Kaelari was providing an unofficial ladder and will continue to do so.
Here you find a place for non-standard ladders (such as unheroric, unlegendary and league), as well as a hub to meet and communicate with other players.
Here you find a place for non-standard ladders (such as unheroric, unlegendary and league), as well as a hub to meet and communicate with other players.
Raiders Unchained (set 7)
Pre-Order (this is still up, not sure for how long)
- For $29.99, you get 60 Raiders Unchained packs (a 100% bonus over regular price) and each of the 4 exclusive Alternate Art cards
Patch Notes are here
- For $29.99, you get 60 Raiders Unchained packs (a 100% bonus over regular price) and each of the 4 exclusive Alternate Art cards
Patch Notes are here
Some of the text is a carbon copy of Sinatars original (early access) SolForge thread. Got his permission to use it as I see fit.
Some of the text is a carbon copy of Sinatars original (early access) SolForge thread. Got his permission to use it as I see fit.

My first OT, put probably way too much information in it, so be gentle and see you in SolForge. My account is mcd4ever, add me!