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Where do you stand on No Man's Sky?

Hyped as hell but also cautious. I am excited for what the game could be but also scared to go day 1 in case it's not really what it's hyped up to be. Also, considering academic admission fees are gonna take a lot of my budget I'm saving exlusively for FFXV as that's all I can afford. Hope this turns out well.
And I really wish Sean could have had his way and not told us anything at all. Can you imagine how exciting it would have been if you landed on a planet and saw a building when you didn't even know there were buildings in the game? Can you imagine how exciting it would have been if on approaching the building you see the door open and could enter? Can you imagine how exciting it would have been if on entering the building you meet an NPC?

I'm not sure if I would get excited over the existence of generic NPCs in a procedural open world title, especially one for $60. Even Minecraft has those.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Has some of the most annoying fans defending everything possible and jumping on everyone asking "so ... what's the point?" when absolutely nothing was known.

Delays and stuff clearly don't look good. If it's a fun world building experience I'll surely get it but I have my doubts.

It also has some of the most annoying detractors. It's cool if people are not interested in the game, but most threads dedicated to the game (not this general feeling thread) devolve into people just popping in to say looks bad/what do you do then bail.
Kind of not interested anymore, and since the initial reveal the main selling point for me, the visuals/art style, doesn't seem like it's held up too well. Something also about the terrain deformation clashing with that style, it just doesn't look good to me. Will prob pick up as a redbox rental at release, possibly a purchase down the road if psvr support comes to it.
I'm on the fence. It could potentially revolutionize the way open world games are delivered, or it could be a complete bust. It all depends on what there is to do in the worlds the game offers; if the worlds are relatively empty with only a few gameplay elements that repeat with each new world, then I can imagine the game getting repetitive really fast.

I'm waiting and seeing impressions and reviews. Gotta keep that hype in check.


If folks still continue to persist with the "What do you do?" Rhetoric after the information dump I gave. It's evidently clear people asking for information on this game clearly aren't really seeking it.

"You can lead horse to water" adage has some merit here.
Pre ordered on PSN and ready to go.
I've seen enough to know I can at least get 12+ hours and the unique concept of the game is so appealing to my tastes.

Not enough ambitious sci fi games on console and this is looking to scratch that itch for me.
I think the never has had a release date is a technicality to try to argue it hasn't been pushed back. Several times he said 2015 was supposed to be the release (hell one time he even said spring 2015). He left it at it is coming out this year until the end of 2015 (I think even earlier that year he was still claiming 2015). No, there was no official date but I think it's a little disgenious to pretend that means they never planned for earlier and that things hadn't pushed back their plans (or that they had never told us earlier). Sure, no set date but they sure seemed sure for a while it would sometime last year.

Though, yes, he never claimed multiplayer.

That all being said, it's day one to me and honestly I'm so sick of hearing "What do you do." Because honestly, I'm very confused how you don't know what you do. If it sounds boring to you, then it's probably not the game for you, not that it has nothign to do. You scrounge for stuff to keep you alive and fuel your plane and maybe make upgrades and you try to keep improving your items so you can survive on harsher and harsher climates. Or you can start trading, even an economy in the game where items will be rare in one place but common another so you can go to one place and get a lot of stuff and sell it where it's rare and expensive. You can learn the language of NPCs and try to converse with them to get hteir favor. Or just declare outright war on them. You can be a pirate. You can just try to discover stuff and stay peaceful. If that doesn't sound like enough to you, it's probably not the game for you. If you need missions that tell you exactly what to do rather than setting your own goals, it's not the game for you (Some of us are excited for them just giving us a playground and letting us decide how we handle it. That's why I love sandbox games. Give me a playground, introduce some "friction" that I have to overcome, and let me figure out how I go about it and what my character's motivation is. Hell, they even give you an overall goal, get to the center).

(I will admit though I'm starting to worry we'll never actually see it. It's going to really worry me if it gets delayed again).

none of that has been showed, this pirate stuff ... and i can see you are pretty hyped for it, so i can get why you do not respect others opinion on "boring and what you do?". Just chill out, the game will shine for those who want it even if others dont care
If folks still continue to persist with the "What do you do?" Rhetoric after the information dump I gave. It's evidently clear people asking for information on this game clearly aren't really seeking it.

"You can lead horse to water" adage has some merit here.

I think most of the people who still ask 'what do you do' are asking that because they think there HAS to be more to this game than what they've shown.

But there isn't


Dreams in Digital
I'm not sure if I would get excited over the existence of generic NPCs in a procedural open world title, especially one for $60. Even Minecraft has those.

How do you know? Try to imagine playing a game you know absolutely nothing about. That's exciting in my opinion.
I'm excited but dont have the $60. If it drops to $40 by December I may get it
I haven't been convinced that there's any real point to the game. Seems like a sandbox that I'd get bored of messing around in after a few hours.

Zelda BotW's demo gave me the same feeling I got from watching No Man's Sky.
But Zelda at least will have the regular dungeons you can do and hopefully they're just as well designed as in the past
Intrigued but also very aware of the fact that it has been hyped to hell and back for reasons I'm not so sure of and it is quite possible that it will be a massive disappointment (at least for those people who are super excited about it).


I think it looks dull but will still be an incredible achievement for such a small studio. I hope it does well but it's not for me.
Not really interested anymore. Hype has worn off especially afterthey said flying and dogfighting would be pretty basic/Simplistic. I hope it is a great game for everyone still looking forward to it.
The game looks fantastic, but Greg and Colin over at Kinda Funny helped temper my expectations. I was previously looking at No Man's Sky through the hype-lens, buying into all of their marketing speak. Greg and Colin reminded me that Hello Games previously made the Joe Danger games and brought me back to reality.

Joe Danger was a fantastic game series, but it was the type of game I would play for 20 minutes at a time and then walk away. I was never itching to play more, but I always enjoyed my time with those games. I expect No Man's Sky to provide the same kind of entertainment. It'll be something I can pick up and play for a relaxing 20 to 30 minute spree. I just don't see it being the type of game I would play for hours at a time. As a result, I don't plan on getting the game until it's either discounted or free.
That seems kind of silly. Naughty Dog made Crash Bandicoot and The Last of Us. The developer of mobile endless runner Ski Safari made the PC/consoles card game - brawler - dungeon crawler Hand of Fate. Stephen King can write a dystopian thriller and a horror story about otherworldly mist. Sean Murray worked on Burnout 3, Black, and Joe Danger. Your mindset is like saying because Spielberg made a kid's adventure about an alien, he can't make a brutal war movie. The tools and experience making a game aren't exclusive to a single genre or a single game.


It's a game that seemingly speaks to my soul. Genuine sci fi in an age of space marines and assault rifles. Day one for me.

I'm fairly certain many will be disappointed with it though.


Still have it pre-ordered. I will maybe change my mind closer to release. It will mostly be a gut feeling I guess. Personal hype level has fallen dramatically.
I stand beside other games coming later this year that are more appealing to me.

I've always been cautious and confused by this game. It's one I'm not really keeping on my radar but will be curious to see the reviews. Maybe that will eventually get me, but I highly doubt it.


un-hyped right now if I can't get to play a VR version to be true... PSVR is quite expensive and there a 4 or 5 games I wanna buy for it... plus The Last Guardian and FFXV... so I almost will wait for a price drop or skip it at all if ends with no VR support


I was in the "but what do you do" camp. But then I play Elite, and in that you do almost nothing, (at least I do), and I love it. Time flies by.

Flying around, exploring. That on it's own is a good use of my spare time :D

I'm in!


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
It's a game that seemingly speaks to my soul. Genuine sci fi in an age of space marines and assault rifles. Day one for me.

I'm fairly certain many will be disappointed with it though.

All my planets shall be Asimov references.
I have my expectations in check and so should anyone else who has at least played this sort of game. NMS isn't anything particularly new that's never been done before, it's heavily inspired by games like Elite (Sean has said directly it's a big inspiration) so I know what to expect, I know the gameplay "loop" and hopefully they at least solved the problem of giving you a point of landing on planets considering they have Spore-like procedural creature generation on them. Other than that, everything we know about it isn't really any different from games like Frontier: Elite II. Nonetheless I still think the game is going to fall into a common phrase that has been attributed to this style of game for many years, "has the width of an ocean, depth of a puddle". You really need to let your creativity take hold in these sort of games because they can get very same-y very quickly, hopefully there is enough uniqueness in the procedural creatures on planets that it's not another case of this sort of game where once you've visited 2-3 planets you've visited them all.


none of that has been showed, this pirate stuff ... and i can see you are pretty hyped for it, so i can get why you do not respect others opinion on "boring and what you do?". Just chill out, the game will shine for those who want it even if others dont care

What? It has been showed. He's shown them attacking trading posts (or coming up on pirates attacking trading posts). He's shown trading posts being attacked by the player. ANd even picking up the loot they drop if you succeed. He's mentioned you can stop the pirates or you can join them (maybe pirates isn't hte right word but ships attacking others to try to get the loot). Everything I said has been mentioned about the game. Why would they show you all the trading stuff (That stuff is boring to look at wheh you aren't the player and more interesting to do yourself. Plus it takes time so it's hard to put in a trailer). He's shown mining for resources. He's shown having to upgrade your gun to be able to get some resources. They've shown how environments can be hostile and you have to keep your suit upgraded to handle it. They've shown talking to NPCs (even a dialogue list). They've shown you going into trading posts. They've shown you how you would buy a ship if you wanted it (and that you can follow a ship you like and try to buy it when it stops at a trading post). He's shown (recently) the ship running out of fuel and having to mine some asteroids that were luckily nearby to get the fuel to keep going (I believe the fuel is only needed for the hyperdrive but if you don't have that it will take hours and hours, maybe days to travel between star systems of which tehre will be nothing in between... so make sure you have fuel if you want to go to a different solar system).

Yes, I've been following this game closely and probably more closely than some, but that has all been announced and a lot of it shown. And pretty much nothing has changed over the years but added on what you can do. There was a post last year that illustrated everything I said (other than NPC dialogue which we didn't know about til this year) and people still asked, "What do you do."

Now I understand a sandbox game where you really have to set your own goals on what you want to do is not everybody's thing. Btu that doesn't mean there is nothing to do. It means you have to set your own goals (and yes, I don't expect there to be goals/missions. I'm looking forward to writing my own story honestly, it's one of the biggest appeals of the game to me. I'm going to be disappointed I admit if my character actually is given a set background honestly rather than just leaving it up to me to decide who my character is).


Also if the popping is as bad as it looks it's gonna be (for the released videos) ppl will be quite disapointed woth all that big popping universe with infinite popping
Also if the popping is as bad as it looks it's gonna be (for the released videos) ppl will be quite disapointed woth all that big popping universe with infinite popping



Of all that's been shown im sold. I understand what type of game is it and interested in just exploring, anything kept secret will be a nice surprise.


Also if the popping is as bad as it looks it's gonna be (for the released videos) ppl will be quite disapointed woth all that big popping universe with infinite popping

Yeah, that does make me sad (I hate pop in, for me that's way more immersive breaking/hard to ignore than low res/low framerates). And I expect it won't be great on the PS4 for that. So I'm just hoping I can get over it (usually I can get over graphical issues once I get into a game). I mean I don't notice the pop in/textures getting sharper suddenly in GTA V when flying anymore and it used to really bug me at first.
Conceptually I think everything sounds amazing, but I'm not convinced it's going to work in practice or for extended periods of time. Very interested to see people's opinions once they've spent some extended time with it. I hope it succeeds though, I love seeing more diversity of game-play experiences so I'll probably end up buying a copy to support them and the ideas behind it.


I'm interested in getting it but it's not on my most wanted list tbh. I can imagine people have high expectations for it based on some of the media hype but my expectations are pretty well managed right now.


The exploration aspect seems cool, but the rest of it looks very bland to me. I think a lot of people are going to crash hard off the hype.


I have it pre-ordered. I have only done that once before. It will take a lot for me to not love this game. The concept is my ideal game. It will take awful control and terrible performance to change my mind.

Space games are my jam. Sci fi in general. But my computer is a potato, consoles have really failed to deliver decent sci fi since... Mass Effect 1?...so my options have been limited for years. (Don't have an XBone and favorite games ever are Escape Velocity and Freelancer multiplayer, which also lack a strong narrative arc).

The procedural generation is a plus, the open ended nature is a huge plus, and the art style kicks ass.
Absolutely zero interest in it. I can see the appeal for some, but personally don't see anything interesting about it. With that said, I can appreciate what they are building from a technical perspective, but I just don't think it looks fun. Maybe (hopefully?) I'll be surprised when it comes out.
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