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No Man's Sky |OT| Hello Worlds.

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The Cryptarch's Bane
Welp, time for bed...played from 8pm-12:40am. Going to be so tired for work tomorrow, really really digging this game. Fucking love Space.
If Hello Games is pulling an all-nighter tonight, it's only right that I should too. Have to go to the airport at 5:30. I'll sleep on the plane, and when I'm dead.


warp drove to a one planet system, the station wasn't selling dark mater to refuel. the one planet there was high temperatures with constant storms that would kill me in five seconds of exposure

so that was interesting. in about an hour of huffing it in caves to mine fuel and flying around encampments (weirdly populated planet) I met a daft punk guy who taught me how to make dark matter. so that'll never happen again

but hey, that was the one somewhat engaging thing that came from the mechanics in about eight hours of playing

I played for 2 during a livestream in a place I called Boss Battle planet. And thats because it was. It was like friggen enemy mine and the Martian mixed together. I must have traveled and almost died 100 times. It was epic. Those moments. Rare. But when it happens its great.


For those who are wondering, it seems like Exo-Suit upgrades cap out at 48 total slots(I think it cost 350,000 credits for the last slot).


Is there ever really a point to going inside of the huge caves? Everytime i go in i never really find much that i cant find on the surface.


No Man's GAF:


Guys, I found a place that has 8 launch pads with a terminal. 4 of the pads are empty, yet I don't know how to land on them as the system says no clear landing.


I'm pretty early in (only made 2 jumps so far, 5-10 hours in). Earlier today I found a wrecked ship and switched because it had 3 more slots. I struggled to find the elements to repair it, but after a few hours I got it ship shape. Now I realize it has no warp drive. I've found a recipe for a Warp Reactor Sigma, but have no other Warp Reactor recipe. I've checked 5 terrestrial trading posts and one in space and there are no Warp Reactors. I have bought some of the materials needed, but it's been slow work and I'm not even halfway there (84/200 iridium, 0/400 copper, 1/1 dynamic resonator).

So what should I do? I have zero chance of finding my old ship, and it's taking forever to craft a new warp drive. Is there an easier way to get back on track?
So I got attacked by 3 ships while trying to go to my next planet, and while I survived, my ship got beat up pretty badly. I only got 1 pip of health on the ship left. How do I repair it?
I'm pretty early in (only made 2 jumps so far, 5-10 hours in). Earlier today I found a wrecked ship and switched because it had 3 more slots. I struggled to find the elements to repair it, but after a few hours I got it ship shape. Now I realize it has no warp drive. I've found a recipe for a Warp Reactor Sigma, but have no other Warp Reactor recipe. I've checked 5 terrestrial trading posts and one in space and there are no Warp Reactors. I have bought some of the materials needed, but it's been slow work and I'm not even halfway there (84/200 iridium, 0/400 copper, 1/1 dynamic resonator).

So what should I do? I have zero chance of finding my old ship, and it's taking forever to craft a new warp drive. Is there an easier way to get back on track?

Have you tried performing a scan in space. I don't know if it's just luck, but I've found that has always led me to new tech/materials.


I found a planet with Krispy Kreme doughnut flowers. Screw the center of the galaxy, I'm good setting up shop here.

Also notice the horrendous chromatic aberration at the top of the image. Why there isn't an option to turn that shit off is beyond me.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Played for just under two hours and I still don't know what to make of the game. When I did finally manage to get a nice starter planet, I had fun exploring at first. Lots of interesting terrain on the planet like huge caves and large ravines. Not much alien life around to speak of but plenty of those Sentinel things

What life I did come across seems to do... just about nothing. They wander around. I haven't seen them interacting with each other or doing anything with their environment. It could just be what I've seen so far. I don't know if there are instances of things like this happening.

As is, it seems like there's not a whole lot to do on the planets other than gather things. Exploration doesn't really seem to lead to a whole lot from my experience so far. The terrain still makes me feel like the game would have benefited from another form of travel like a ground vehicle of sorts or a grappling hook even (let me swing around when I'm surrounded by cliffs!). Basically, something to actually let you play with the planet you're on. Were it not for the jetpack jump trick I think I would have a much bigger issue with how slow traversing the planet feels.

Can't say much about the ships so far as I only recently left my starting planet. They feel pretty basic and looking through my ship upgrades, I'm not sure that will be changing soon.

So far the game feels incredibly lifeless, even when you do happen upon alien life. I made it to a space port and there wasn't really anything going on there. Other pilots parked in their ships and a trader or two. I'm wondering if there's anything beyond that.

I'm kind of at that awkward point where playing any further would void my steam refund, but I don't necessarily want to give up on the game either. It's just that my experience so far has been fairly similar to the more negative impressions of the game, which worries me. I'm wondering just how much more there is to this game.

Galactic Fork

A little fluff between the ears never did any harm...
I'm pretty early in (only made 2 jumps so far, 5-10 hours in). Earlier today I found a wrecked ship and switched because it had 3 more slots. I struggled to find the elements to repair it, but after a few hours I got it ship shape. Now I realize it has no warp drive. I've found a recipe for a Warp Reactor Sigma, but have no other Warp Reactor recipe. I've checked 5 terrestrial trading posts and one in space and there are no Warp Reactors. I have bought some of the materials needed, but it's been slow work and I'm not even halfway there (84/200 iridium, 0/400 copper, 1/1 dynamic resonator).

So what should I do? I have zero chance of finding my old ship, and it's taking forever to craft a new warp drive. Is there an easier way to get back on track?
Mine a bunch and get enough money to buy one of the ships landing on a planet or space station.

For only 3 more slots, you're looking at maybe 600k. Mine is 29 slots and cost 3 and a half million.
Found a planet littered with poison sacs.
They are pink balls and when you get close they spike out like puffer fish. So just walking places I constantly took damage from them.
I can harvest them and the sacs sell for a decent amount but harvesting ONE calls in sentinels. Two of the sphere ones and the laser dog things.
Annoying. I want money.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I'm pretty early in (only made 2 jumps so far, 5-10 hours in). Earlier today I found a wrecked ship and switched because it had 3 more slots. I struggled to find the elements to repair it, but after a few hours I got it ship shape. Now I realize it has no warp drive. I've found a recipe for a Warp Reactor Sigma, but have no other Warp Reactor recipe. I've checked 5 terrestrial trading posts and one in space and there are no Warp Reactors. I have bought some of the materials needed, but it's been slow work and I'm not even halfway there (84/200 iridium, 0/400 copper, 1/1 dynamic resonator).

So what should I do? I have zero chance of finding my old ship, and it's taking forever to craft a new warp drive. Is there an easier way to get back on track?
Do you mean hyperdrive or warp reactor? You can still jump systems with a hyperdrive. If you want to craft the one you have, You can get iridium from asteroids in space around planets and copper sometimes too. Copper also occurs in floating eggs and columns on planets.


I feel like encountering enemy star fighters is too frequent. I can take on one but I usually face off against 3 and I always die. lol
I feel like encountering enemy star fighters is too frequent. I can take on one but I usually face off against 3 and I always die. lol
send as much of your ship inventory into your suit inventory before you fly in space. Also, improve your ships offense and defense.


Omg, there are these ladybug size creatures that I can't scan! They are microscopic and they can't die!

How do I scan these things! They are so tiny and fast!

If it's flying or moving too fast, I just kill 'em and scan their corpse. I find the mining laser works best when doing this.


Quick question:

After crafting the hyperdrive and putting fuel in it, I bought a fancy new spaceship. However, I now have no idea how I'm supposed to get antimatter to craft the warp cell I need to get hyperdrive fuel for my new ship. I don't have the blueprints yet so I've just been stumbling across planets hoping to find an alien to help me out.

Any idea what I should do? I feel like I'm stuck...
So a thought just occurred to me. Why didn't we read in any of the previews about the run/melee/jump/jet pack game play? That has got to be the single biggest surprise about this game for me. Not the procedural generation, which is gorgeous. But I kinda knew what to expect from the previews. The biggest question was how the game played. And now we discover this fun, useful and we'll implemented game play mechanic. Thats's the answer to miles of procedurally generated terrain in front of you you need to survey for resources.


send as much of your ship inventory into your suit inventory before you fly in space. Also, improve your ships offense and defense.

Yeah, but a lot of times my inventory is jammed pack as I'm heading towards the space station to sell all my shit. I haven't been upgrading my ship because I don't want to deck something out and then find a new ship with more slots later on.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Quick question:

After crafting the hyperdrive and putting fuel in it, I bought a fancy new spaceship. However, I now have no idea how I'm supposed to get antimatter to craft the warp cell I need to get hyperdrive fuel for my new ship. I don't have the blueprints yet so I've just been stumbling across planets hoping to find an alien to help me out.

Any idea what I should do? I feel like I'm stuck...
If you don't have the recipe for antimatter you can buy it in trade, so check the station; if you scan in space you might find a beacon leading you to the blueprints.

Galactic Fork

A little fluff between the ears never did any harm...
Quick question:

After crafting the hyperdrive and putting fuel in it, I bought a fancy new spaceship. However, I now have no idea how I'm supposed to get antimatter to craft the warp cell I need to get hyperdrive fuel for my new ship. I don't have the blueprints yet so I've just been stumbling across planets hoping to find an alien to help me out.

Any idea what I should do? I feel like I'm stuck...
Break into a manufacturing plant... not sure if the recipe was mission specific after your first warp, but maybe it's always the first recipe you find. *shrug*
Yeah, but a lot of times my inventory is jammed pack as I'm heading towards the space station to sell all my shit. I haven't been upgrading my ship because I don't want to deck something out and then find a new ship with more slots later on.
Maybe scout for ground based tradung spots. Spam one of the locator thingies until you find a trading post.
Yeah, but a lot of times my inventory is jammed pack as I'm heading towards the space station to sell all my shit. I haven't been upgrading my ship because I don't want to deck something out and then find a new ship with more slots later on.
edit: nvm read that wrong lol.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
I like this game but I really don't like the limited inventory space or the inventory management in general, HG need to kill it with fire.
If you continue speaking with an attendant in the space station you should get an option for repair. However, you always start a session with full ship health so quitting and logging back in works too.
Oh awesome! Thanks a lot for the info! Appreciate the quick response.


The way your relationship with the procedural algorithm changes as you play the game is really interesting.

At first, it's mindblowing. Absolutely mindblowing that an algorithm could create such a realistic planet-sized space for you to discover. And not just one, millions.

Then you get used to it. The animals aren't that impressive, each planet is just one biome. The seams start to show. After about 5 or 6 planets you wonder if you've seen it all.

But what's interesting is that AFTER this low point, once you've 'seen behind the curtain', the game then is able to surprise you by doing things you've suddenly assumed it couldn't because you hadn't seen them before.

After seeing 15 planets without proper oceans, I thought that wasn't possible. But I just found my idyllic planet - green grass, blue skies, massive oceans and coastlines you can follow in your ship. Then I found a nice beach with a base in waist-deep water, and off the beach was a sea cave. Under the water was a stunning diversity of plant life. Just 'being there' was enough to entertain me for 30 minutes to an hour, whatever about the gameplay loop. (The fact that the place was stuffed with graviton spheres didn't hurt.)

Then the next planet I went to had a massive crater. Another thing I'd assumed the game couldn't create. I parked my ship on a floating island so I would be forced to explore, and the next hour was a fascinating trek to try and find a spaceport.

Just now I found my first planet with megafauna - massive dinosaur like creatures. Hilariously, they were surrounded by bouncing pineapple creatures. It's once your trust in the ability of the algorithm to surprise you hits rock bottom because you feel like you've probably 'seen it all'... that's when it gains the ability to surprise you and the pleasure of exploration returns to the game.

The gameplay is pretty fucking dire, but this is one of the most memorable experiences I've ever had with a game. Also, just got my AtlasPass. Finally!


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Wow. Did you take pics of the mountain? Definitely want to see that.

I will when I load back in

Turtle Cheetah Dog, that's maybe 5-6 feet tall

Large Trading Station about 200 yards from my beginning spot. 7 Landing Pads

Only really been on 2 planets, but I really kind of wanted to get the "completion" award for my beginning world, and I'm at 88%, think I need one more "species" of animal.


Omg, there are these ladybug size creatures that I can't scan! They are microscopic and they can't die! How do I scan these things! They are so tiny and fast!
They're flying and moving too fast, and they're immune to all my attacks.

Dohhohohohoho. Welcome to my world from about 12 hours ago :p Your only real option is just to keep going at it, as it is definitely possible, though really hard. Or drop it and your dreams of getting a 100% on that planet.
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