Cheat engine codes for the PC version are out:
For me just unlimited jetpack/sprint are interesting.
For me just unlimited jetpack/sprint are interesting.
Took about 45 minutes of walking, but I found my way to a terminal and was finally able to recall my frigging ship. I would be really curious to know how in the hell this happened.
I think I found a planet that breaks this game's economy. If you run into a planet called "Treasure Hell Planet", make sure to stop by. Basically, there is a Gravitino Ball thing every 50 ft on this planet. The only thing is that the sentinels are extremely hostile. They attack on sight and you are immediately at 3 stars when you touch one of the gravitinos. But I'm able to grab a bunch of them, fly off and sell them and make over 500,000 for each run.
Every time I get into my ship and blast off into space I'm always blown away by the fact this can actually happen with no loading. Shit is sci-fi to the max and that I'm alive to see video games offer this and technology be at this level is just...
built my hyper drive but i need warp cells and to get them i need anti matter. it just says craft items in inventory but the option to craft it isn't there. i'm not sure how i get antimatter.
I always name my super rich planets after the resource there so people visiting know where to stop by.
Every time I get into my ship and blast off into space I'm always blown away by the fact this can actually happen with no loading. Shit is sci-fi to the max and that I'm alive to see video games offer this and technology be at this level is just...
If you're doing the main quest you should get your first antimatter as part of that. I find the quest system in the game really bloody obtuse though
Playing on PC and I think ship controls are completely ass, there's delay in mouse controls and the partially automated flight only makes it worse.
How do you name planets?
Go to the discoveries menu (start on controller, ESC on PC) and hold the button to upload and rename over the one you want to name.How do you name planets?
Meh. Then I turned around:
Oh man. It has a bunch of weird life (4 hopping species...?) and enormous, endless oceans.
Late game spoilers:
Do I really have to jump through black holes 150 times to reach the center of the galactic core? What am I missing?
it told me to buy a dynamic resonator and mine heridium (i think that's what its called), build it, then fuel it. i have the other material but i just need antimatter. i can't figure out where to get it. nothing has popped up to say how to get it.
The black holes don't always take you closer to the center. Sometimes they might transport to another part of the galaxy, IE instead of directly towards the core, they might transport you horizontally across the map
I'm pretty sure I got it by returning to the guy who gave me the plans. You can buy it at the galactic trade computers in stations too sometimes
Mining Gold is bugged. Sometimes nodes just don't get destroyed, other times they do but give no Gold.
They always transfer you roughly 1k light years closer in my experience. I've never gotten more of a jump than that. It's still better than following the galactic path right?
Mining Gold is bugged. Sometimes nodes just don't get destroyed, other times they do but give no Gold.
Is Emeril the best resource to farm and sell?
Do you get to fly around and choose where to land or are you locked in to a certain area?What still blows my mind is that planets are actually planet sized.
MIght be better to travel directly to it? A black hole is neat if you want to get completely out of the region of where you were previously, but once you build the hyperdrive companion units(IE Warp Drive Sigma/Tau/Theta), if you manage to build them together, you can travel 250-1500 light years at a time
Do you get to fly around and choose where to land or are you locked in to a certain area?
The amount of hate this game is getting is asinine. I'm not saying they don't deserve some of it, but much of it is simply overblown. It's a very niche game that was hyped to a ridiculous level so everyone bought it when probably 10% of the people who did would really end up enjoying it.
I do kinda feel bad for Hello Games. Imagine working on a single game for 6 years to see it just get absolutely shit on by practically everyone. Must be a terrible feeling.
Not as far as I know, gotta get a new ship.Is there a way to open more slots in your current starship?
You can land anywhere provided there's no obstruction below. Once I landed on top of a tree, it was funny but thank god for the jetpack.Do you get to fly around and choose where to land or are you locked in to a certain area?
Just gather vortex cubes and gravitino balls and sell them for 25k a piece. If you have 20 slots free on your exosuit, you could make millions in no time. They can be found inside caves.Mining Gold is bugged. Sometimes nodes just don't get destroyed, other times they do but give no Gold.
Is Emeril the best resource to farm and sell?
Is there a way to open more slots in your current starship?
What still blows my mind is that planets are actually planet sized.
Nothing really mind blowing about it when you realise it's all procedurally generated only when you approach the surface, when you see the planet from space it's just a small sphere.
Still mind blowing when you think we went from Daggerfall to Minecraft and then this. This is only the beginning of what PG tech can bring us. As more devs use it and techniques get refined there will come a time when we will all be playing PG games and we won't be able to tell the difference.Nothing really mind blowing about it when you realise it's all procedurally generated only when you approach the surface, when you see the planet from space it's just a small sphere.
Realized it was the Space Station in orbit.
Ships also cap out at 48 slots. These cost over 100,000,000.
Oh, yeah, sure. This tech has been used in every game ever. Nothing unique about this at all...Nothing really mind blowing about it when you realise it's all procedurally generated only when you approach the surface, when you see the planet from space it's just a small sphere.