I've been playing since Tuesday...and I'm still on my first planet. It's 100% rock, no seas or watering holes...at all. It's has no weather pattern but it is toxic, hindering my general wander.
During my time here I've sold many, many Aluminium...enough to forge a Spacesuit with over 30 slots. I'm still using the same ship though...those discovered are, on balance, a double edge-sword. They tend to look nicer but have fewer slots.
I've walked for the most part and made discoveries. The Korvax seem friendly and Monoliths are insightful but as I extend my Korvax vocabulary, now beyond 150 words, they turned dark and desperate. The devil is in the detail. Something bad had happened but I'm still learning. It points to another faction I've yet to discover.
I've located a Korvax Ruin, it's position revealed after I politely engaged with a Korvax Scientist. I tip I shall follow today.
So, No Man's Sky...it's slow and amusing but I get the feeling I can solve the riddle of this story without leaving my first planet.