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Destiny Just Enabled Private Crucible Matches


Sorry, maybe its mentioned elsewhere, but do you gain any faction in private matches? I'd imagine not, but would like to know for sure!
30rep, more if you have on a booster.

I don't think crucible boosters will work in private matches, unfortunately.

  • All participating players will receive 30 Crucible Reputation upon completing each Private Match. This can be increased with the Crucible Champion perk found of some Class Items, however Crucible Reputation Boosters will have no effect.



In general, I think it's bad game design to have players instantly killed by most unavoidable stuff. There's never been a time I've been titan smashed and thought "well, that's good game design. I'm glad they made a one-hit kill attack that is basically unavoidable, unleashes instantly, and makes the attacker invulnerable."

Isn't that like most of the Ultimates in Overwatch?


Isn't that like most of the Ultimates in Overwatch?

Not at all. Most of them have quite obvious activation animations and accompanying call outs to the entire enemy team. You can avoid most of them with skillful play. They're the polar opposite of Destiny supers. Something like McCree's special is designed far better than some brain-dead shit like a titan smash. He has a call out, moves slower, has a glowing aura, takes regular damage, and can be dodged by breaking line of sight during the charging phase. You can dodge titans by... not going where a titan might be?


Not at all. Most of them have quite obvious activation animations and accompanying call outs to the entire enemy team. You can avoid most of them with skillful play. They're the polar opposite of Destiny supers. Something like McCree's special is designed far better than some brain-dead shit like a titan smash. He has a call out, moves slower, has a glowing aura, takes regular damage, and can be dodged by breaking line of sight during the charging phase. You can dodge titans by... not going where a titan might be?

You seem kinda focused on the one super move that doesn't have an obvious call out or wind-up. Almost every other super has a sound effect that's audible to anyone close enough, even through walls. Most of the others have a forced wind-up animation that tells you "Time to run". Titan Smash is arguably balanced by the fact that it's a one-time use clutch move that often is onlu good for 1-2 free kills, whereas the others go on for extended periods where you can run around and rack up kills.

Stormcaller with Landfall is the only one the strikes me as unfair, since they essentially get an instant Titan Smash, and then get to run around dealing death.


The problem with raid finder in Destiny are more a problem with how you cannot communicate with anyone in the game unless you send them a friend request. In WoW at least you can type strats to people. If you cant communicate in a raid then you are fucked as a group, Im sure thats no different in Destiny.

It's a fundamental problem with the PVE content in the game imo.
You need to communicate in Destiny raids. All of the raids require specific goals that need to be met and if even one person fails it's instant death for your group.
Never, I'm hoping. PUGs are bad.

In-game LFG tool would be nice tho
The Xbox Club feature is suppose to be exactly like LFG.
Based on what? Heavies don't need to be instant death. And that also conveniently ignores lmgs which kill near instantly as well and can't be dodged for the most part. I'm responding to this as if it isn't a thinly veiled "git gud" post. In general, I think it's bad game design to have players instantly killed by most unavoidable stuff. There's never been a time I've been titan smashed and thought "well, that's good game design. I'm glad they made a one-hit kill attack that is basically unavoidable, unleashes instantly, and makes the attacker invulnerable." Bungie is at least addressing this issue somewhat with the artifacts that highlight players with supers in expansion, so they seem to be coming around on the issue as well.

Titan smash isn't this at all. A well timed fusion or shot gun will knock a slamming Titan right out their animation. Youre broadcasting the supers in the game as if they're some kind of floor clearing, inescapable death march that you have to endure. No veiled attempt telling you to 'git gud' either.

Your initial post in a Destiny thread sounds like you want destiny to be another game. Please point out what game you want it to become so I can see your point more clearly.


This post is funny.

I bet you're not very good at Destiny PvP huh?

So you basically have nothing of value to add to the discussion at hand. Sounds about right.

92nd percentile in score per game and kills/assists per game. I do fine for the most part but thanks for trying, I guess.


Neo Member
The dream will never die...

This is the only thing keeping me from getting back in to the game. I know that it's improved significantly since the last time I've played and I know that a new expac is coming but god damn, I want to experience all of the content. Can't really do that if I don't have the people to do the raids with.


Titan smash isn't this at all. A well timed fusion or shot gun will knock a slamming Titan right out their animation. Youre broadcasting the supers in the game as if they're some kind of floor clearing, inescapable death march that you have to endure. No veiled attempt telling you to 'git gud' either.

Your initial post in a Destiny thread sounds like you want destiny to be another game. Please point out what game you want it to become so I can see your point more clearly.

Ummm, you can only react to it if you see an idiot Titan running toward you through a field. Usually they use them in Panic mode or some BS right as they clear a corner. It's the only super that I think really needs toning down. The vertical hitbox is ridiculous too.

This is the only thing keeping me from getting back in to the game. I know that it's improved significantly since the last time I've played and I know that a new expac is coming but god damn, I want to experience all of the content. Can't really do that if I don't have the people to do the raids with.

Try the Destiny OT or the LFG sites. They are by no means a good excuse for the lack of in-game LFG. However, if you can't be bothered to take 5 to 10 minutes to form a group on them as is, then I can almost guarantee that you haven't bothered to really research any raid strategies. In which case, there's no way you're completing any of the raids as currently designed unless the other 5 are doing everything. I highly doubt MM groups are going to be conducive to using voice comms, which will make Oryx, Crota, Templar, Atheon impossible for most and Golgoroth impossible for all.

I honestly think we'd end up with even more threads about how toxic the community is after just a week with MM implemented.

Also. MM is completely different from an ingame LFG.

Anyway, OT, this took far too long though I'd still like at least 1 mode with no supers.


Titan smash isn't this at all. A well timed fusion or shot gun will knock a slamming Titan right out their animation. Youre broadcasting the supers in the game as if they're some kind of floor clearing, inescapable death march that you have to endure. No veiled attempt telling you to 'git gud' either.

Your initial post in a Destiny thread sounds like you want destiny to be another game. Please point out what game you want it to become so I can see your point more clearly.

Do you not remember the weeks, if not months, of Sunbros destroying everything in sight? Often times the supers are map clearing death marches. I've golden gunned a titan in the head during the animation and it didn't break him out of it or kill him.

It's not really that hard to imagine. They have the mayhem control with all the nonsense boosted. They could also run a core control mode with significantly reduced super charge rates and heavy drops. It wouldn't be perfect, but I'd like it a lot more. Not really proposing anything too threatening here.
Ummm, you can only react to it if you see an idiot Titan running toward you through a field. Usually they use them in Panic mode or some BS right as they clear a corner. It's the only super that I think really needs toning down. The vertical hitbox is ridiculous too.

I agree with this 100000000%


Fist of Havoc is generally inescapable vertically. The hitbox is surmised to be infinitely tall, but I have no proof of that. It's a great tool to use when people think the way out is up!

It was nice as you used to be able to Blink it before the nerf. That was the major reason I always ran VW/BD. You probably still can but much harder to time.

Also, I feel like a scumlord playing with Fist of Havoc and Shoulder Charge so I always PvP as Sunbro(lol) on Titan.


Fist of Havoc is generally inescapable vertically. The hitbox is surmised to be infinitely tall, but I have no proof of that. It's a great tool to use when people think the way out is up!

Yeah, the animation shows a half sphere but its effect is essentially an infinitely tall cylinder. There's no escape short of them just fucking missing.


I think Fist of Havoc is the outlier here, none of the other sub-classes are hard to kill while they're using their supers. It wouldn't be as much of a problem if it didn't have so much unnecessary vertical range. Triple jumping up and away from a telegraphed slam shouldn't still be an almost guaranteed death.


Gonna laugh though when its in Destiny 2.

The current playerbase is mostly going to be really sad if that day comes because they would have to make the raid a 6 man strike to have a reasonable success rate in random MM. Something along the lines of PoE. I'd probably quit PvE or maybe Destiny altogether if that day comes.


I'm looking to get back in to ToO for RoI, but you'd have to pay me to play regular crucible, MM or custom for that matter, lol. But whatever makes people happy.


Neo Member
Yeah, the animation shows a half sphere but its effect is essentially an infinitely tall cylinder. There's no escape short of them just fucking missing.

Well I mean, don't get it twisted. You can escape it or avoid it but yeah, you just can't jump it.


Neo Member
Ummm, you can only react to it if you see an idiot Titan running toward you through a field. Usually they use them in Panic mode or some BS right as they clear a corner. It's the only super that I think really needs toning down. The vertical hitbox is ridiculous too.

Try the Destiny OT or the LFG sites. They are by no means a good excuse for the lack of in-game LFG. However, if you can't be bothered to take 5 to 10 minutes to form a group on them as is, then I can almost guarantee that you haven't bothered to really research any raid strategies. In which case, there's no way you're completing any of the raids as currently designed unless the other 5 are doing everything. I highly doubt MM groups are going to be conducive to using voice comms, which will make Oryx, Crota, Templar, Atheon impossible for most and Golgoroth impossible for all.

I honestly think we'd end up with even more threads about how toxic the community is after just a week with MM implemented.

Also. MM is completely different from an ingame LFG.

Anyway, OT, this took far too long though I'd still like at least 1 mode with no supers.

I've never had any luck with the LFG sites but I suppose giving the OT a try might work out better for me. My experience would indicate that not many folk are interested in trudging through older raids just so one person can feel satisfied but perhaps that has changed.

I won't comment on how much experience I've had in raid environments in my 12 years of gaming. While potentially relevant to my initial complaint I don't think anything I said indicated that I haven't attempted to put groups together previously. On the contrary, my lack of success with it is what spurs my desire to have an easy format to locate other players wishing to play through the same content as me. You're right that the majority of encounters would likely be toxic but for me personally, I'd rather have the option to wade through that than not.
I just want a match on Skyshock where everyone has to stay out of vehicles and I try and run everybody over. I love getting sparrow kills, it's so wonderful
Never, I'm hoping. PUGs are bad.

In-game LFG tool would be nice tho

but that's one and the same. PUG stands for pickup group not matchmade group. If you go to any LFG to do a raid or something congrats you just made a PUG

The current playerbase is mostly going to be really sad if that day comes because they would have to make the raid a 6 man strike to have a reasonable success rate in random MM. Something along the lines of PoE. I'd probably quit PvE or maybe Destiny altogether if that day comes.

just like heroics these can exist separately
Based on what? Heavies don't need to be instant death. And that also conveniently ignores lmgs which kill near instantly as well and can't be dodged for the most part. I'm responding to this as if it isn't a thinly veiled "git gud" post. In general, I think it's bad game design to have players instantly killed by most unavoidable stuff. There's never been a time I've been titan smashed and thought "well, that's good game design. I'm glad they made a one-hit kill attack that is basically unavoidable, unleashes instantly, and makes the attacker invulnerable." Bungie is at least addressing this issue somewhat with the artifacts that highlight players with supers in expansion, so they seem to be coming around on the issue as well.

Don't like it, don't play it. Destiny will never be balanced like a traditional shooter. Between uneven skills/supers, weapons with all kinds of different perks and weapons that other people simply can't or won't get access to for whatever reason it will never be a completely even playing field or "fair" game.


Never, I'm hoping. PUGs are bad.

In-game LFG tool would be nice tho

I will never stop being blown away by people shooting down raid matchmaking. If you don't like it, don't use it. Why try and prevent someone else from seeing content because it might not match your standards? It's an option. The real reasons people don't want to see it included are a loss of snowflake status if everyone can raid and the concern that raid content might vary in some way to accommodate matchmaking. Some raiders would rather only a handful of players get to experience the content, as long as that content is designed for the raiders' exclusive enjoyment. The idea that other people could impinge on their thing - unacceptable. You saw this exact conversation play out in WoW.
I will never stop being blown away by people shooting down raid matchmaking. If you don't like it, don't use it. Why try and prevent someone else from seeing content because it might not match your standards? It's an option. The real reasons people don't want to see it included are a loss of snowflake status if everyone can raid and the concern that raid content might vary in some way to accommodate matchmaking. Some raiders would rather only a handful of players get to experience the content, as long as that content is designed for the raiders' exclusive enjoyment. The idea that other people could impinge on their thing - unacceptable. You saw this exact conversation play out in WoW.
They'll figure something out, but it isn't as simple as throwing people together with the way the UI and Raids are currently designed. Thinking about this issue a step beyond "OPTIONS!" is required to realize this.

I also don't think a news thread about private matches is a great venue to hash out unrelated, half-baked complaints. I mean, if you wanted to be on-topic shitty, you could have said something like, "Call me when I can turn off Supers".


Bungie adds feature, half-assed, that they had in their previous titles 15 years ago.

Hopefully Destiny 2 won't be a shitshow.


I will never stop being blown away by people shooting down raid matchmaking. If you don't like it, don't use it. Why try and prevent someone else from seeing content because it might not match your standards? It's an option. The real reasons people don't want to see it included are a loss of snowflake status if everyone can raid and the concern that raid content might vary in some way to accommodate matchmaking. Some raiders would rather only a handful of players get to experience the content, as long as that content is designed for the raiders' exclusive enjoyment. The idea that other people could impinge on their thing - unacceptable. You saw this exact conversation play out in WoW.

Part of the problem is that they would have to totally re-do how matchmaking works to accommodate longer wait times. Someone in WoW can queue up for a raid, and then play the game for 30, 90, 200 minutes while they wait for the group to form. Someone in Destiny queues for an activity and is then stuck on a "Matchmaking" progress screen until a group is ready. That won't work for raids, since they'd inherently have a long matchmaking time.....especially once you take into account every specific player's current weekly raid progress. Someone who needs the last two boss kills doesn't want to get stuck with a group that is starting a fresh raid.
Part of the problem is that they would have to totally re-do how matchmaking works to accommodate longer wait times. Someone in WoW can queue up for a raid, and then play the game for 30, 90, 200 minutes while they wait for the group to form. Someone in Destiny queues for an activity and is then stuck on a "Matchmaking" progress screen until a group is ready. That won't work for raids, since they'd inherently have a long matchmaking time.....especially once you take into account every specific player's current weekly raid progress. Someone who needs the last two boss kills doesn't want to get stuck with a group that is starting a fresh raid.
Additionally, what do you do when someone is having difficulty with their part? Vote to kick? What stops this from being abused? How would the game distinguish if you were booting someone for sucking, having a leader give them poor, inadequate instructions, or just so they could make new space for a friend who signed on? What if someone goes in trying to sabotage your run?



Everyone that owns Destiny can play private matches, regardless of which expansions you own, or even if you own none at all.

You only need to purchase Rise of Iron to play Rise of Iron's maps and the Supremacy gametype.


Welp this thread got derailed pretty quick. I was gonna say this game has so many fucking maps that you rarely ever play.
Bungie adds feature, half-assed, that they had in their previous titles 15 years ago.

Hopefully Destiny 2 won't be a shitshow.
Now that's how you shit on this announcement. It's still something that is good news, and something I didn't think they would add because of their overarching design paradigm of funneling people into live matchmaking for all PvP activities that had been the standard for two years now.


Now that's how you shit on this announcement. It's still something that is good news, and something I didn't think they would add because of their overarching design paradigm of funneling people into live matchmaking for all PvP activities that had been the standard for two years now.

Also, new engine.

Also, a feature that wasn't meant to ship with the original.

Also, a feature that in the previous games, wasn't as good as people remember it until Reach, and was used by a tiny slice of people.

TBH, I think the push for this to become real came from Activision's purchase of MLG. Destiny was the only Activision title that couldn't support Gamebattles.

SPOILER: the MLG Destiny gametype will be 110% speed with no radar and Scout Rifle starts and only played on Pantheon.
The current playerbase is mostly going to be really sad if that day comes because they would have to make the raid a 6 man strike to have a reasonable success rate in random MM. Something along the lines of PoE. I'd probably quit PvE or maybe Destiny altogether if that day comes.
I don't see why they couldn't just make stuff like that a different tier of content altogether.

While they're taking ideas from Blizzard's WoW team, why not have a Raid-Finder tier of gear drops that are worse than normal raid drops?
Also, new engine.

Also, a feature that wasn't meant to ship with the original.

Also, a feature that in the previous games, wasn't as good as people remember it until Reach, and was used by a tiny slice of people.

TBH, I think the push for this to become real came from Activision's purchase of MLG. Destiny was the only Activision title that couldn't support Gamebattles.

SPOILER: the MLG Destiny gametype will be 110% speed with no radar and Scout Rifle starts and only played on Pantheon.

Shit was epic in halo 2. Do you not remember zombies was born here? Not to mention warthog wars and cops & robbers.

Custom game modes have always been a good thing in any game and it should be included day 1.


Shit was epic in halo 2. Do you not remember zombies was born here? Not to mention warthog wars and cops & robbers.

Custom game modes have always been a good thing in any game and it should be included day 1.

You mean the version of zombies that required everyone to manually switch teams and didn't allow you to enforce weapon usage?

People forgot that most of the popular non-standard gametypes until Reach required honor rules. Reach was the first one that could enforce rules for real, and that didn't require Bungie to hardcode them into the engine like they did for Halo 3 Infection, and could release gametypes post-launch at all.


You mean the version of zombies that required everyone to manually switch teams and didn't allow you to enforce weapon usage?

People forgot that most of the popular gametypes until Reach required honor rules. Reach was the first one that could enforce rules for real, and that didn't require Bungie to hardcode them into the engine like they did for Halo 3 Infection, and could release gametypes post-launch at all.

Zombies worked fine in Halo 3.
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