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Star Citizen details advances in character tech

Chris Roberts and Josh Herman spend 30 minutes to answer 10 questions concerning multiplayer character and cinematic character models for Squadron 42 and Star Citizen.
Liam Cunningham in .gif form (Highest quality)

Dynamic character injury animation states

Is this game in a state of feature-creep at this point?

I imagine the stakes and expectations are so high that they keep trying to stay ahead of the curve...but eventually they're going to fall behind regardless right?

Here's hoping it actually releases before 2018, otherwise we have a new white whale in game releases.

Edit: Heck, wasn't this a Cryengine 3 game? What if Crytek goes out of business before they even ship this thing?
Too many wrinkles, backing cancelled.


I can't wait for Citizencon.

It just feels like it's taking forever. They show a cool demo, then months later they release it as a module - and it plays like shit - nothing like the demo they showed.

Maybe I'm just jaded lol!


Just a thougt, if this game fails to deliver any promised and/or shown feature or just isn't as flawless as demos make it out to be backslash will make NMS look like hit product that delivered.


Just a thougt, if this game fails to deliver any promised and/or shown feature or just isn't as flawless as demos make it out to be backslash will make NMS look like hit product that delivered.

These "thoughts" have been oft repeated since the beginning of the project.

This isn't some original opinion from the wilderness you're having here. Everybody knows.
I am pretty impressed how people managed to watch that 30 minute video about character art and technology and then comment on sundry matters before the 30 minutes has expired since the thread was posted. Did you guys download more RAM? My PC cannot play the video that quickly :(
THey used some of their money to make a convention?
^^The convention is a yearly affair for 3 years now and is paid for with tickets that people purchase and sub money.
Edit: Heck, wasn't this a Cryengine 3 game? What if Crytek goes out of business before they even ship this thing?

Crytek going out of business probably is not something anyone should worry about anymore considering the Amazon deal they made. That and the fact that Frankfurt Studio Squadron 42 working on this game is made of CryEngine architects.


These "thoughts" have been oft repeated since the beginning of the project.

This isn't some original opinion from the wilderness you're having here. Everybody knows.

Don't get me wrong, I do hope that Citizen delivers on its ambitions. Level of image quality combined with scale of what they are doing and all tech needed to tie it all together... Domino effect may happen if one link breaks :/


Just a thougt, if this game fails to deliver any promised and/or shown feature or just isn't as flawless as demos make it out to be backslash will make NMS look like hit product that delivered.

Unlike NMS, the devs here are being extremely transparent with detailed weekly updates and frequent new builds where players can test out the features. It may still crash and burn, but at least no one will be misled about something like multiplayer not existing.


Don't get me wrong, I do hope that Citizen delivers on its ambitions. Level of image quality combined with scale of what they are doing and all tech needed to tie it all together... Domino effect may happen if one link breaks :/

Of course. The biggest problem with NMS is that very few people questioned it, the developers didn't show anything, didn't talk about it and so what happened is that expectations went to strange places.


I am pretty impressed how people managed to watch that 30 minute video about character art and technology and then comment on sundry matters before the 30 minutes has expired since the thread was posted. Did you guys download more RAM? My PC cannot play the video that quickly :(

^^The convention is a yearly affair for 3 years now and is paid for with tickets that people purchase and sub money.

Crytek going out of business probably is not something anyone should worry about anymore considering the Amazon deal they made. That and the fact that Frankfurt Studio Squadron 42 working on this game is made of CryEngine architects.

Ah, didnt realize this game was that popular. What sub money?
Every Star Citizen thread needs a FAQ for all the same questions that get asked every time a thread comes up, that being said, those animations look fantastic.
Ah, didnt realize this game was that popular.
It has made about 125 Million in production funding from 1.5 million backers. So I think it is popular.
What sub money?

A sub-set of backers are kind enough to pay subscription money which allows, among other things, for daily content about development to be posted on the Star Citizen website and to fund the community team.

But will there be a tooth decay mechanic where we need to brush our teeth else they rot or fall out? Also, this could have been a great jawdrop.gif.

In all seriousness though, I really love how they are handling the dissemination of information regarding the development of this game. It's really cool how they are always honest about features they are trying to implement and how they show them in action as well as talk about them. They have been pretty upfront and honest with their customers and fans as far as I can tell.

I sincerely hope they can deliver. Man, this game will be a true hallmark if they do.
It just feels like it's taking forever. They show a cool demo, then months later they release it as a module - and it plays like shit - nothing like the demo they showed.

Maybe I'm just jaded lol!
It's been 5 years. That's understandable for a game of this scale that has been known about since the start of development.


In all seriousness though, I really love how they are handling the dissemination of information regarding the development of this game. It's really cool how they are always honest about features they are trying to implement and how they show them in action as well as talk about them. They have been pretty upfront and honest with their customers and fans as far as I can tell.

I sincerely hope they can deliver. Man, this game will be a true hallmark if they do.

Upfront and honest they may be, but they also have a track record of being wildly inaccurate with release dates.

At this point people can be excused for not trusting a word CIG says. And that's giving CIG the benefit of the doubt about not wanting to hide anything.

The best thing people can do is wait and see.

Hype leads to disappointment. Disappointment leads to anger. Anger leads to suffering.


It's been 5 years. That's understandable for a game of this scale that has been known about since the start of development.
It's even more impressive considering the first year was just Chris Roberts and some friends making a trailer. If we're talking actual full scale development, they only just got the final studio (Frankfurt) up and running last year.

Now that the pipelines are mostly established, we're finally seeing actual results and the picture of what the final game will be like is getting a bit clearer. 2.6 is going to our first glimpse of what the finalized space combat and fps will look like. 3.0 will be the first glimpse of what the persistent universe will look like. And finally Squadron 42 will give us our first glimpse at what to expect from a fully realized, completed game from game studios that as a consequence of having yet to release something, no one knows what to expect.

It's all really fascinating.


For some reason Wikipedia said 2011, but either way the first trailer was in 2012

But yeah, no one should be saying this game is never coming out or is too late after only three years of development. For a game of this scale? That's a ridiculous expectation

Chris Roberts starting working on the prototype for the game in 2011, that is what we see in the trailers from the original Kickstarter in November 2012. The actual game, not the prototype, really started development after it was succesfully crowdfunded. So it has actually been in actual development for almost 4 years.

Exactly, there are so many factors why this "game is taking too long" argument is invalid.

1. Most games aren't announced until they are nearly finished to avoid deflating hype. Because of this, people wrongly assume big games only take one or two years to make. Due to the way it is funded, Star Citizen was announced in its concept stage and has been completely transparent with its development ever since. Probably the best comparison of a Triple-A studio doing this is with Cyberpunk 2077, but unlike Star Citizen we don't see the development process, we don't get to play early builds of the game and we have heard little word about it for over 3 years. I'm not sure why they didn't wait for the game to be in some cohesive state before unveiling it.

2. Star Citizen is actually two games. Squadron 42, the first of three episodic games featuring a 20 hour single player campaign with some co-op functionality, and an MMO. Most MMO's alone take over 5 years to finish, and the MMO part of Star Citizen alone is absolutely massive in scale. It's way bigger than most, so don't be surprised if it takes longer. My guess is optimistically, the MMO will release sometime in 2018. Who knows how far along they are with other star systems and gameplay mechanics, so it could be sooner but I doubt it. Squadron 42 is planned to release by the end of this year or early next year the latest, we'll know more in a few weeks at Citizencon. The other two episodes of Squadron 42 are full fledged single player games that apparently will be released two years apart from one another.

3. Chris Roberts had to form Cloud Imperium Games while development of the game was going on. They went from under 20 people, mostly part time workers, to about 500 employees (including contractors) with four studios around the world. It takes time to get the ball rolling.

4. The Q4 2014 release date was the estimated release date for the original concept of the game back in 2012. It was never concrete to begin with. As funding kept pouring in, much more than the original game would ever need, Chris held a poll in 2013 and asked the community if they would like to see the money be used to vastly expand the game's scale and scope. The community responded with a resounding yes. This obviously meant that development would take much longer, but most backers are fine with them taking the time they need to have the game fully achieve its potential. We get to see each step of development from concept to release, and we get to play every version of the game since the pre-alpha hangar module, so it's not likely we have to blindly trust CIG.
Wow I used to follow this game really closely and read all of the newsletters and watch all of the videos, I'm definitely going to watch/listen to this.

Thanks for posting!


Every Star Citizen thread needs a FAQ for all the same questions that get asked every time a thread comes up, that being said, those animations look fantastic.

I think this should be a case. We just need some short FAQ that covers answers to the most annoying question that appear in every SC thread.


I think this should be a case. We just need some short FAQ that covers answers to the most annoying question that appear in every SC thread.

Mods or whoever feel free to copy the information in my previous post if such a FAQ is created. If you need answers to more questions feel free to ask. :)


Damn, i honestly think they're being too ambitious with this. if it delivers, it'll be the game of the century, but it's probably unhealthy to be too hopeful about it.


Damn, i honestly think they're being too ambitious with this. if it delivers, it'll be the game of the century, but it's probably unhealthy to be too hopeful about it.
I love it. If there's one thing this industry definitely lacks, it's ambition.
This is legitimately the first time ever that I have experienced The Uncanny Valley but I'm feeling it hard here
We seriously need a new Thing game with modern tech. Can you imagine the Cronenbergian body horror stuff they could do with a level of visuals like this

But will there be a tooth decay mechanic where we need to brush our teeth else they rot or fall out? Also, this could have been a great jawdrop.gif.

In all seriousness though, I really love how they are handling the dissemination of information regarding the development of this game. It's really cool how they are always honest about features they are trying to implement and how they show them in action as well as talk about them. They have been pretty upfront and honest with their customers and fans as far as I can tell.

I sincerely hope they can deliver. Man, this game will be a true hallmark if they do.

Holy hell, that detail.

This is legitimately the first time ever that I have experienced The Uncanny Valley but I'm feeling it hard here

It's most likely because his head is constrained and only the face itself is free to move. Something that never actually happens in real life.


Feels like this game is in a state of permanent development, so we'll see lots of stories of new technologies put into it. No need for a sequel, since it will continuously evolve. Smart :p


Of course. The biggest problem with NMS is that very few people questioned it
Are you kidding? I remember all the "what do you do in NMS" threads.

1. Most games aren't announced until they are nearly finished to avoid deflating hype. Because of this, people assume games only take one or two years to make.
People assume it'd take two years because that's what the Kickstarter said, and they've not been very good at communicating delays. Like, right now SQ42 may or may not release this year and there's only three more months to do it, and they haven't said or shown anything about it. At this point they should already know whether they'll make it, and owe it to the backers to clarify that point. It took them until mid 2016 to remove the 2015 date on their site, too.


Feels like this game is in a state of permanent development, so we'll see lots of stories of new technologies put into it. No need for a sequel, since it will continuously evolve. Smart :p

By "permanent development", do you think this game has been in development for too long? Why? I'm curious to know why so many people think this.
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